



33. 核心价值观 Core Values

1. 网友:“段总,我觉得你早年成功最主要的原因是:紧随当时的行业领袖——任天堂。不知道你同意吗?或者还有更好的答案?”反正我个人觉得这个应该不是“最”主要的原因,还是听听您的吧!
1.Netizen: "Mr. Duan, I think the main reason for your early success was following the ind...

32. 企业文化 Corporate Culture

23. 【转载】阿里巴巴:让公益在交易时发生
23. [Repost] Alibaba: Let Philanthropy Happen During Transactions
Netizen S: I have great respect for Jack Ma.
Duan Yongpi...

31. 企业文化 Corporate Culture

22. 网友:对不起段老师,只是实在看不惯马云上班的时候老拿着一根鞭子,和您的和蔼可亲大相径庭。
22. Netizen: Sorry, Teacher Duan, I just can't stand it when Jack Ma goes to work with a "whip", which is quite different from your gentle and amiable demeanor.

30. 企业文化 Corporate Culture

10. 网友:段总对企业文化理解很深,我们没有做过企业的很难理解企业文化为什么这么重要?希望你可以指点一二。
10. Netizen: Mr. Duan has a deep understanding of corporate culture. For those of us who have not worked in a company, it's hard to understand why corporate cultur...

③段永平:做对的事情 把事情做对 Duan Yongping: Do the Right Things and Do Things Right

——《甲子峥嵘 弦歌而行:浙江大学信息与电子工程学院60周年院史文集》
—— Resplendent Journey with Strings: 60th Anniversary Chronicles of the College of Information and Electronic Engineering, Zhejiang University

②段永平:做对的事情 把事情做对 Duan Yongping: Do the Right Things and Do Things Right

——《甲子峥嵘 弦歌而行:浙江大学信息与电子工程学院60周年院史文集》
—— Resplendent Journey with Strings: 60th Anniversary Chronicles of the College of Information and Electronic Engineering, Zhejiang University
Question: Why did you dec...

①段永平:做对的事情 把事情做对 Duan Yongping: Do the Right Things and Do Things Right

——《甲子峥嵘 弦歌而行:浙江大学信息与电子工程学院60周年院史文集》
—— Resplendent Journey with Strings: 60th Anniversary Chronicles of the College of Information and Electronic Engineering, Zhejiang University

29. 企业文化 Corporate Culture

1. 网友:步步高的(企业文化)有点长啊。
1. Netizen: The corporate culture of BBK seems a bit lengthy.
Duan Yongp...

28. 企业文化 Corporate Culture

What is most important in investment?
段永平:rightbusiness, right people, right price. (对的生意,对的人,对的价钱。这是老巴说的)对的生意说的就是生意模式,对的人指的就是企业文化。price没有那么重要,business和people最重要。culture跟found...

27. 30个商业案例分析 30 Business Case Reviews

12. 网友: 1. 拼多多现在只适合以风投的眼光看。2. 买进拼多多相当于押注于黄的进化。
12. Netizen: 1. Pinduoduo in the present is only suitable for investment from the perspective of venture capital. 2. Buying Pinduoduo is equivalent to betting on Huang's evolution.

26. 30个商业案例分析 30 Business Case Reviews

26. 拼多多
26. Pinduoduo
01. 引用:“初生儿”拼多多是IPO的意义
01. Quote: "Newborn" Pinduoduo is the significance of IPO

25. 30个商业案例分析 30 Business Case Reviews

22. (eBay和亚马逊)淘宝模式
22. (eBay and Amazon) Taobao Model
01. 网友:阿段有没有研究过AMZN(亚马逊)?对即将在美国上市的京东怎么看?
01. Netizen: Duan, have you studied AMZN (Amazon)? What do you think of JD (Jingdong) that will soon be listed in the United...

24. 30个商业案例分析 30 Business Case Reviews

21. 淘宝模式和京东模式
21. Taobao Model and JD.com Mode l
01. 网友:您觉得中国来说,未来是京东这种B2C强势,还是淘宝强势?我估计又是个美国的翻版?
01. Netizen: Do you think in China's future, will B2C like JD.com be more powerful? Or will Taobao be more powe...

23. 30个商业案例点评 30 Business Case Reviews

18. 航海业、航空业
01. 网友:我看好的航运公司,希腊船运(DSX),这个行业目前处在极度困难期。但公司还是不错的,危机之前,他就看到了危机,并储备了大量现金,被业内成为最保守的船东。近几年不但在危机中低成本壮大,还保持了较低的负债,和一定量的现金。管理层也是租赁中一流的!

22. 30个商业案例分析 30 Business Case Reviews

15. 塑胶、五金、电子零件公司
15. Plastic, Hardware, and Electronic Component Companies
Netizen: I would like to ask how companies that produce electronic pro...

21. 30个商业案例点评 30 Business Case Reviews

11. 百货行业
11. Retail Industry
01. 网友:全国百货行业中第一个“1000亿销售额”大公司的股票令我有点搞不懂,现在市值94个亿,自有商业地产保守估值60个亿,净资产收益率百分之八,年末公司账面的现今30多个亿,而且他的购物中心在东北和内蒙古都在最好的地段,也都是人气最旺的购物...

20. 30个商业案例点评 30 Business Case Reviews

9. 银行
9. Banks
01. 网友:银行是不是也属于无法产生差异化的行业?
01. Netizen: Are banks also considered as industries that cannot generate differentiation?

19. 30个商业案例点评 30 Business Case Reviews

3. 苏宁、携程
3. Suning, Ctrip
01. 网友:大道能否分析一下“苏宁云商”模式?敢为天下后的苏宁能否二次起飞?
01. Netizen: Da Dao, could you analyze the "Suning Cloud Business" model? Can Suning, the "daring to be the last" company, take off for a seco...

18. 30个商业案例点评 30 Business Case Reviews

03. 网友:段总怎么看Google(谷歌)呢?你说看不懂那个自动驾驶汽车。呵呵,确实有点偏的感觉。Google这两天发布好多新东西。1、那个眼镜也有点怪怪的,有点偏。2、Google Nexus Q有点意思哦,挺喜欢的,如果便宜点真想弄一个玩玩。3、Nexus 7不错,可惜没有后置摄像头,kindle fire麻烦了。4、安...

17. 30个商业案例点评 30 Business Case Reviews

2. 苹果
2. Apple
Netizen: You said that in January 2011, you understood Apple...