19. 30个商业案例点评 30 Business Case Reviews

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3. 苏宁、携程

3. Suning, Ctrip

01. 网友:大道能否分析一下“苏宁云商”模式?敢为天下后的苏宁能否二次起飞?

01. Netizen: Da Dao, could you analyze the "Suning Cloud Business" model? Can Suning, the "daring to be the last" company, take off for a second time?


Duan Yongping: I haven't studied Suning. It's important to first think about the business model. (2013-03-20)



Netizen Supplement: Good corporate culture can only slow down the decline of companies with problems in their business model, but cannot reverse the downward trend. For example, bookstores, film manufacturers, newspapers, automobile and airline companies, and department stores. The foundation of sustained competitive advantage lies in a good business model. In addition, several years of rapid revenue and profit growth does not necessarily mean having a good business model, such as Suning and Ctrip. I used to think they were very powerful and could continue to be powerful.


Duan Yongping: This understanding is very good, indicating the importance of the business model. (2013-04-02)


Netizen: Both Suning and Ctrip have experienced a shift in user demand, but their product forms have not kept up. Suning has been greatly impacted by e-commerce. Ctrip used to have an advantage in member scale and call center services due to the previous practice of users calling to book hotels and flights. The service capability of the call center could constitute differentiated competition, and Ctrip also gained market monopoly advantage and good pricing power. Now, leisure travelers are on the rise, preferring online bookings. In addition to room booking needs, there is also a demand for information on hotel facilities, transportation, and area. The requirements for OTA (online travel agency) service capability have decreased due to online bookings, so many OTA suppliers have emerged, leading to homogeneous competition and price wars. Ctrip's product has transitioned from telephone booking to online booking, changing the business model, and the previous profit structure has disappeared.


Duan Yongping: It's very difficult for these two companies to have differentiated products. It seems difficult to find a good business model. I remember Ctrip once had a pretty high price, at that time I took a look but didn't understand it. Later, when it dropped by half, I took another look and still didn't understand it, mainly because I couldn't figure out what the threat to Ctrip's future search was. It feels like this kind of company structure won't be easy to exist in 10 years. (2013-04-03)

4. 阿里巴巴

4. Alibaba


Netizen: Alibaba's business model is very simple, mainly acting as an online business intermediary and charging intermediary fees. Don't be fooled by Jack Ma's shows, at its core, it's just an intermediary. As for the scale and money-making ability, that's another matter.


Duan Yongping: Yes, it's just a modern broker. In fact, Google and Baidu are similar. They don't create "products," but they provide convenience to people. (2010-06-09)

5. 汽车行业

5. Automobile Industry

01. 网友:心中有一个疑惑,希望得到老段的指导:

01. Netizen: I have a doubt and hope to get guidance from Mr. Duan:


Buffett once said to avoid companies on wheels, which should refer to the automobile industry. "Avoiding" at least contains two layers of meaning: first, he understands this industry; second, the automobile industry is not a good investment target.


In a program on CCTV-2 in 2010, Buffett said, "He and (Munger) have been observing this industry for 50 years," which also shows that he is very familiar with this industry.


The paths taken by Europe, America, and Japan indicate that for every 1% increase in GDP, the automobile industry grows by 3%. In 1916, the United States had more than 500 car manufacturers, but now only three remain, and China may go down the same path. From the above two points, on the one hand, the market is getting bigger, and on the other hand, the industry concentration is increasing. For the leading companies in this industry, there should logically be opportunities. Why did Buffett choose to avoid it?


Perhaps Buffett's reason for avoiding this industry only exists in the United States? It seems that the welfare and treatment of employees in the American automobile industry are very high, meaning high management costs, but this problem does not exist in China. Perhaps Buffett's reason for avoiding is that the automobile industry is a capital-intensive industry?


Duan Yongping: It's difficult for companies in this category to differentiate their products, so it's difficult to make money in the long run. (2011-03-22)

02. 引用:巴菲特一季度买入1000万股通用汽车减持英特尔

02. Quotation: Buffett Buys 10 Million Shares of General Motors and Reduces Stake in Intel in the First Quarter

Regulatory filings submitted by Berkshire Hathaway on Wednesday showed that the company bought 10 million shares of General Motors in the first quarter of 2012, and also acquired 1.6 million Class B shares of Viacom. However, Buffett reduced its stake in Intel from 11.5 million to 7.7 million shares...


Duan Yongping: Buffett sold his Intel shares? Buying General Motors is a bit puzzling; their business model isn't that great, feels like a cigar butt. But General Motors' financial data is actually quite good.


Netizen Q: Can you explain why General Motors' data isn't that good?


Netizen W: Are automobiles products with little differentiation?


Duan Yongping: Low differentiation is an important aspect. Also, the union is a trouble, costs cannot be reduced, and it's very likely that they will go bankrupt again in 10 years. If you don't plan to hold a company for 10 years, why hold it for 10 days? It's very possible that this decision isn't Buffett's decision, which shows that Buffett is very gracious, but it also shows that the future capabilities of BRK will indeed decline. (2012-05-18)

6. 沃尔玛阿里

6. Walmart and Alibaba


Netizen: Jack Ma is quite interesting. He once said that competitor couldn't be seen even with a telescope. He also said that Taobao's biggest competitor is Walmart. I don't understand the business model, but I feel Walmart entering the e-commerce model will have great development potential. If I were a heavyweight figure at Walmart, I would definitely make a big move into e-commerce and take a dual-pronged approach.


Duan Yongping: It's very difficult for Walmart to pose a threat because they are just too successful. (2010-05-15)


Netizen: Walmart also does e-commerce. Is it similar to Nokia's foray into smartphones?


Duan Yongping: Walmart's e-commerce turnover is less than 2%, like Compal's direct sales back in the day. (2010-05-15)

7. 微软

7. Microsoft

01. 网友:看了wp7的发布会,没啥新特色,不知道微软的工程师们究竟在捣鼓什么。如果找这样的态势下去,微软在移动互联网领域真的危险了。

01. Netizen: After watching the WP7 launch event, there's nothing new, I wonder what Microsoft's engineers are really up to. If they continue in this manner, Microsoft is really in danger in the field of mobile internet.


Mr. Duan's comments on Nokia earlier were classic, pinpointing Nokia's dilemma in just one sentence. Can Mr. Duan share your thoughts on Microsoft?


Duan Yongping: Success is the mother of failure. Microsoft is stuck in its past successful model and probably will find it very difficult to break free in the future. (2010-10-14)


Netizen: Why do you say that Microsoft is stuck in its past successful model and can't break free? Could you provide more evidence? I think the main basis and important details are more important than the conclusion.

段永平:比如微软的手机软件就要收费,还挺贵,不收又不行,因为和别的栓在一起的。可Google得是免费的,大多数手机制造商做smart phone最后可能都会用Google的,我猜。(2010-10-15)

Duan Yongping: For example, Microsoft's mobile software has to be paid for, and it's quite expensive. Not charging is not an option because it's tied to other things. But Google's is free, and most smartphone manufacturers might end up using Google's, I guess. (2010-10-15)


Quote: Gates: Microsoft Producing Own-Brand Tablet is the Right Move

微软(微博)创始人比尔•盖茨(Bill Gates)称,微软生产自己的平板电脑是正确之举,并指出Windows 8将会“杀死”传统PC(个人计算机

Microsoft founder Bill Gates stated that Microsoft producing its own tablet is the right move and pointed out that Windows 8 will "kill off" traditional PCs (personal computers).


Duan Yongping: 😄 (2012-07-04)

8. 公用行业

8. Public Utilities Industry


Netizen: I want to ask about monopolistic businesses, such as water supply companies, whether they are considered a good business model? If so, it seems that there are no great water supply companies to be found. Does monopolization easily lead to complacency and chaotic management?


Duan Yongping: The "monopoly" of water supply companies is a monopoly under many restrictive conditions, mostly related to people's livelihoods, and it belongs to public utilities, not allowed to make big profits. (2015-04-11)

网友:10月6日我去上海参加了长期资本管理论坛,主持问了一个很有意思的问题:如何寻找企业的护城河?仁者见仁,智者见智:1. 一个央企电力行业的人认为是垄断(这个我不认可) 2. 有人认为是有提价能力的品牌如喜诗糖果 3. 低成本如沃尔玛、B夫人的家具公司(这个我不认同) 4. 顾客的转换成本……不知大道对此有何心得?

Netizen: On October 6th, I attended the Long-Term Capital Management Forum in Shanghai and the host asked a very interesting question: How to find a company's moat? Opinions vary: 1. A person from a state-owned enterprise in the power industry believes it's a monopoly (I don't agree with this) 2. Some believe it's brands with pricing power like Hershey's candies 3. Low-cost operators like Walmart, Mrs. B's furniture company (I don't agree with this) 4. Customer switching costs... I wonder if Mr. Duan has any insights on this?


Duan Yongping: If monopoly doesn't count then what does? It's just that administrative monopoly is not good business conduct. (2011-10-08)



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