③段永平:做对的事情 把事情做对 Duan Yongping: Do the Right Things and Do Things Right

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——《甲子峥嵘 弦歌而行:浙江大学信息与电子工程学院60周年院史文集》
——Resplendent Journey with Strings: 60th Anniversary Chronicles of the College of Information and Electronic Engineering, Zhejiang University


So, you need to have a "not-to-do list." You should make such a list early on, and when you encounter something on it, you should eliminate it so that you can focus on what you want to do. Doing what you love, you will enjoy it and work hard at it.


In our era, there weren't many choices. Since you're in that position, you might as well enjoy what you do; otherwise, you'll have a problem with yourself. This will result in two possibilities: either you truly find that you like it, and then you'll enjoy it, or you realize that you don't enjoy it, and then you need to make a change. I've seen people doing things they don't like for twenty or thirty years; I think these people are the ones who can't let go, who are afraid of change. Let me give you a simple example. When I first started working in Guangdong, there was a company called Star River Sound. I'm not sure if that company still exists now. It was a small private enterprise that recruited 50 postgraduates and 100 undergraduates in a year. How could a small company accommodate so many people? I stayed there for a few months and then left because I felt it wasn't something I should continue doing, I needed to make a change. I didn't know if I would find something I liked next, but I had to leave first, so I went to Subor.

Back then, we saw each other every day and played games together. A colleague bought a Nintendo game console from Macau and lent it to us for a few days. I have feelings for Nintendo games. I'm in a good mood when I play games, so I really started my career with gaming. Interestingly, everyone at that company wanted to leave (referring to Star River). After I left for two years, Subor became famous nationwide. I went back for a visit and found that those who said they wanted to leave back then hadn't actually left. I said, "Are you guys out of your minds? You said you were leaving two years ago, why haven't you left yet?" They said they hadn't found a suitable place.


So, when something is wrong, you should stop it as soon as possible. The cost of stopping it, no matter how high, is the smallest cost. Once you realize something is wrong, you should stop immediately. I think many people can't do this. Most people can't, but those who can often do quite well.

Q: If there's something neither liked nor disliked, should one still persist?


Da Dao: It entirely depends on you. Saying you can't find something you like even after a lifetime of searching, then it might be your problem, because it suggests there's nothing you can persevere with. Whether you do what you like or not, there will be many difficulties along the way. Why can you excel at what you like? Because you can endure it, but for things you don't like, you might give up. If you choose to give up on everything, then it's your problem.

It's sad not able to find something you like, and in reality, most people are like this. If you encounter such a situation, don't blame yourself. But some people can find it, like if you enjoy family life, then find a less busy job, spend time with your children every day, and do household chores.


So-called success isn't about being wealthy or having many people interviewing you. I haven't accepted media interviews for a long time. What you see about me in the media these days are mostly fabricated. These materials are all the same, mostly outdated from over a decade ago. Our company's phones have become popular in the past two years, so there might be more reports about me, but they're all copied and unrelated to me.


Q: Don't touch something you don't understand? Is it applicable in life?

Da Dao: Life is about what you enjoy. You can try things you don't understand, but don't risk your life, just like investments. For example, skiing, if you don't know how to ski and you rush to the top, and end up hitting a tree, who's to blame? If you like it, take it step by step, understand the risks and pleasures. Some people say they've done many adventurous things in their lives, like investing all their money in Apple. I say adventurous things shouldn't be done. Putting 1 million yuan in a casino, hoping to turn it into 2 million yuan, you'll lose it in the next round. I invested in Apple because I understand it, I know its strengths, what it will be like in 3 years, 5 years, 20 years. I also understand Google, so it's normal for me to have some Google stock.


Q: I can't fully comprehend many of life's principles, and it's troubling. Can you help me organize my thoughts?


Da Dao: This is a process that comes with age. I first saw the principle of "doing the right things and doing things right" when I was in my third year of college, but I truly grasped it maybe 20 years later. Even if I enlighten you, it might take you 5 or 10 years to understand.

When I talk to people about investments, I tell them to look at a company's future when buying its stocks. If you ask me which stocks are good now, I might as well give you all the money in my pocket. Nintendo's market value was lower than NetEase's at the time, but I believed it would make money in the future, so I bought it, even without carefully examining its performance. Can you understand why Nintendo's stock surged for over a week? You can't. Would you buy it? You wouldn't, because you can't wait, you'll sell it if it rises by five yuan tomorrow. When I bought NetEase, others didn't understand why I bought it. I come from a gaming background, I know its market potential. I bought it for around one yuan at the time, now it's over 200 yuan. Of course, I didn't hold onto it for that long, I made about 130 or 140 times my investment.


If you don't understand what you're buying, you won't make 100 times your investment, even making double would be good. Where do you learn this? Firstly, schools don't teach this, you gradually come to understand it with age. There's a saying "to do or not to do", this is an ancient Taoist concept, it's about focus. Nowadays, diversification is advocated, but our company is quite focused, even if there's some divergence over time, people say you're deviating, you can quickly come back.

We advocate responsibility and a calm mind. Responsibility means doing the right thing and doing it well, a calm mind means thinking about why we did this in the first place, have we deviated? We need to ask ourselves: What are we really doing? So, always think if it's the right thing to do, rather than if it's profitable. If it's right, keep doing it, if it's wrong, stop it quickly.


Q: Do you have any advice for college students?

大道:就像我之前说的,找到你的北斗星,你们可以去找找Tim Cook的演讲,我忘了标题是什么。我自己给他起的标题是:找到你的北斗星。

Da Dao: Like I said before, find your guiding star. You can look for Tim Cook's speech, I forgot the title. I gave it a title myself: "Find Your Guiding Star."

When people ask me what skills do I have, I never talk about skills because skills need to be learned by yourself. For example, golfing, I can tell you about my experience with golf. It doesn't matter if you hit the ball far or close, well or poorly, have a calm mind and hit each shot. Many people mess up one shot, then try to make the next shot better, farther, to compensate for it.

Some people's businesses aren't going well, they want to make up for it with the next deal, so they take bigger risks, and end up failing even more, many businesses are ruined like this.





——《甲子峥嵘 弦歌而行:浙江大学信息与电子工程学院60周年院史文集》
——Resplendent Journey with Strings: 60th Anniversary Chronicles of the College of Information and Electronic Engineering, Zhejiang University
So, you need to have a "not-to-do list." You should make such a list early on, and when you encounter something on it, you should eliminate it so that you can focus on what you want to do. Doing what you love, you will enjoy it and work hard at it.
In our era, there weren't many choices. Since you're in that position, you might as well enjoy what you do; otherwise, you'll have a problem with yourself. This will result in two possibilities: either you truly find that you like it, and then you'll enjoy it, or you realize that you don't enjoy it, and then you need to make a change. I've seen people doing things they don't like for twenty or thirty years; I think these people are the ones who can't let go, who are afraid of change. Let me give you a simple example. When I first started working in Guangdong, there was a company called Star River Sound. I'm not sure if that company still exists now. It was a small private enterprise that recruited 50 postgraduates and 100undergraduates in a year. How could a small company accommodate so many people? I stayed there for a few months and then left because I felt it wasn't something I should continue doing, I needed to make a change. I didn't know if I would find something I liked next, but I had to leave first, so I went to Subor.
那时候大家天天见面,天天一起打游戏。有个同事从澳门买了一台任天堂的游戏机借给我们玩了几天。我对任天堂游戏是有感情的。我一玩游戏状态就好,所以我真正起家是从游戏开始的。有意思的是,这家公司大家都想离开(指星河),我走了两年以后,小霸王都全国闻名了,然后我回去过一趟,发现当年说要走的人并没真的走。我说你们这些人脑子坏了吗,两年前都说要走了怎么到现在还没走?他们说没有找到合适的地方。Back then, we saw each other every day and played games together. A colleague bought a Nintendo game console from Macau and lent it to us for a few days. I have feelings for Nintendo games. I'm in a good mood when I play games, so I really started my career with gaming. Interestingly, everyone at that company wanted to leave (referring to Star River). After I left for two years, Subor became famous nationwide. I went back for a visit and found that those who said they wanted to leave back then hadn't actually left. I said, "Are you guys out of your minds? You said you were leaving two years ago, why haven't you left yet?" They said they hadn't found a suitable place.
So, when something is wrong, you should stop it as soon as possible. The cost of stopping it, no matter how high, is the smallest cost. Once you realize something is wrong, you should stop immediately. I think many people can't do this. Most people can't, but those who can often do quite well.
问:如果一件事情谈不上喜欢,也谈不上厌恶,那还要坚持下去吗?Q: If there's something neither liked nor disliked, should one still persist?
Da Dao: It entirely depends on you. Saying you can't find something you like even after a lifetime of searching, then it might be your problem, because it suggests there's nothing you can persevere with. Whether you do what you like or not, there will be many difficulties along the way. Why can you excel at what you like? Because you can endure it, but for things you don't like, you might give up. If you choose to give up on everything, then it's your problem.
找不到喜欢的事情很悲哀,实际上大部分人都是这样。如果你碰到这种情况,也不要责怪自己。但是有些人能找到,比如说你很享受家庭生活,那就找一份不太忙的工作,每天回家带带孩子,做做家务。It's sad not able to find something you like, and in reality, most people are like this. If you encounter such a situation, don't blame yourself. But some people can find it, like if you enjoy family life, then find a less busy job, spend time with your children every day, and do household chores.
So-called success isn't about being wealthy or having many people interviewing you. I haven't accepted media interviews for a long time. What you see about me in the media these days are mostly fabricated. These materials are all the same, mostly outdated from over a decade ago. Our company's phones have become popular in the past two years, so there might be more reports about me, but they're all copied and unrelated to me.
Q: Don't touch something you don't understand? Is it applicable in life?
大道:生活这个东西,关键看你享受什么。不懂的东西你可以去尝试,但不能拿生命去尝试,投资也是一样。比方说滑雪,如果你不会滑雪,跑到最高的地方扎下去,撞树了怪谁?如果你喜欢,得一点点来,一点点提高,得要清楚风险在哪儿,乐趣在哪儿。有人说他一生做了很多冒险的事情,比方说把钱都投给了苹果。我说冒险的事情不应该做。赌场里100万元一放,想要变成200万元,那下一把就没了。我投苹果是因为我了解,我知道他强在哪里,知道它3年,5年,20年之后还是强在哪里。我也了解谷歌,所以我有点谷歌的股票很正常。Da Dao: Life is about what you enjoy. You can try things you don't understand, but don't risk your life, just like investments. For example, skiing, if you don't know how to ski and you rush to the top, and end up hitting a tree, who's to blame? If you like it, take it step by step, understand the risks and pleasures. Some people say they've done many adventurous things in their lives, like investing all their money in Apple. I say adventurous things shouldn't be done. Putting 1 million yuan in a casino, hoping to turn it into 2 million yuan, you'll lose it in the next round. I invested in Apple because I understand it, I know its strengths, what it will be like in 3 years, 5 years, 20 years. I also understand Google, so it's normal for me to have some Google stock.
Q: I can't fully comprehend many of life's principles, and it's troubling. Can you help me organize my thoughts?
Da Dao: This is a process that comes with age. I first saw the principle of "doing the right things and doing things right" when I was in my third year of college, but I truly grasped it maybe 20 years later. Even if I enlighten you, it might take you 5 or 10 years to understand.
我跟别人讲投资的时候,告诉他们买公司股票要看公司的未来。如果现在问我股票哪只好,那我干脆把我口袋里的钱给你算了。任天堂这个公司当时市值比网易还低,但我觉得这个公司以后能挣钱,我就买了,甚至我都没认真看它的业绩。你看任天堂有一次涨了一个多礼拜,你能理解吗?你不能理解。你会买吗?也不会买,因为你坐不住啊,明天涨了五块钱你就卖了。当初我买网易的时候,别人不明白我为什么要买网易。我自己是做游戏出身的,我知道它的市场有多大。当时买的时候一块多钱,现在200多元。当然我没拿那么久,我赚了大概一百三四十倍。When I talk to people about investments, I tell them to look at a company's future when buying its stocks. If you ask me which stocks are good now, I might as well give you all the money in my pocket. Nintendo's market value was lower than NetEase's at the time, but I believed it would make money in the future, so I bought it, even without carefully examining its performance. Can you understand why Nintendo's stock surged for over a week? You can't. Would you buy it? You wouldn't, because you can't wait, you'll sell it if it rises by five yuan tomorrow. When I bought NetEase, others didn't understand why I bought it. I come from a gaming background, I know its market potential. I bought it for around one yuan at the time, now it's over 200 yuan. Of course, I didn't hold onto it for that long, I made about 130 or 140 times my investment.
If you don't understand what you're buying, you won't make 100 times your investment, even making double would be good. Where do you learn this? Firstly, schools don't teach this, you gradually come to understand it with age. There's a saying "to do or not to do", this is an ancient Taoist concept, it's about focus. Nowadays, diversification is advocated, but our company is quite focused, even if there's some divergence over time, people say you're deviating, you can quickly come back.
我们提倡本分、平常心。本分就是要做对的事情和把事情做对,平常心就是想我们当年为什么要做这个,我们有没有走偏?我们要问自己:到底在干什么?所以要一直想这是不是件对的事情,而不是去想是不是有利益的。对的事情就要做下去,不对的事情就要赶紧停下来。We advocate responsibility and a calm mind. Responsibility means doing the right thing and doing it well, a calm mind means thinking about why we did this in the first place, have we deviated? We need to ask ourselves: What are we really doing? So, always think if it's the right thing to do, rather than if it's profitable. If it's right, keep doing it, if it's wrong, stop it quickly.
Q: Do you have any advice for college students?
大道:就像我之前说的,找到你的北斗星,你们可以去找找Tim Cook的演讲,我忘了标题是什么。我自己给他起的标题是:找到你的北斗星。
Da Dao: Like I said before, find your guiding star. You can look for Tim Cook's speech, I forgot the title. I gave it a title myself: "Find Your Guiding Star."
别人都问我有什么技能,我从来不讲技能,因为技能这个东西都是要自己学。比方说打高尔夫,我会告诉你打高尔夫的体会。一杆打得远、打得近都没关系,一杆打得好、打得差也没关系,要有平常心,一杆一杆地打。很多人上一杆打糟了,下一杆就想打好一点、打远一点,想把它弥补回来。When people ask me what skills do I have, I never talk about skills because skills need to be learned by yourself. For example, golfing, I can tell you about my experience with golf. It doesn't matter if you hit the ball far or close, well or poorly, have a calm mind and hit each shot. Many people mess up one shot, then try to make the next shot better, farther, to compensate for it.
有的人做生意不顺,想下一单夺回来,所以冒更大的风险,然后又砸了,很多人都是这样将企业做死的。Some people's businesses aren't going well, they want to make up for it with the next deal, so they take bigger risks, and end up failing even more, many businesses are ruined like this.