31. 企业文化 Corporate Culture

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22. 网友:对不起段老师,只是实在看不惯马云上班的时候老拿着一根鞭子,和您的和蔼可亲大相径庭。

22. Netizen: Sorry, Teacher Duan, I just can't stand it when Jack Ma goes to work with a "whip", which is quite different from your gentle and amiable demeanor.


Duan Yongping: Hehe, saying I'm gentle and amiable might come from a misunderstanding of me, right? I can be quite strict on matters of principle too. I actually think Jack Ma is more amiable than me; he's quite good at creating an atmosphere, something I can't compare to. (April 4, 2010)


Netizen: Many people evaluate Jack Ma as bringing some passion, but also bringing some crap, and when you add them together, it's still crap. What's particularly annoying is his constant speeches, as if he's afraid the world doesn't know how eloquent he is! In China, one should understand the unspoken rule of "keeping a low profile."


Duan Yongping: Even the best things can be **** to those who don't understand them. There's no harm in giving talks everywhere in the first few years; without continuous promotion of corporate culture, it won't gradually penetrate into everyone's marrow. It seems Nixon said something similar back then. It seems Jack Ma's opportunities to come out have become much fewer now. (April 5, 2010)


Quote: Excerpt: Duan Yongping comments on The Ma Yun Empire System and Insider (May 18, 2011)


Duan Yongping: It's just an article I happened to come across, and after reading it, I felt that many of the statements about Jack Ma were somewhat off, so I came here to add some of my own insights. I don't actually think Jack Ma is perfect, nobody is. I'm not saying that Alibaba can rest on its laurels either. In fact, Alibaba is just getting started, and whether it will ultimately become a 102-year-old shop or just another enterprise that once flourished and then disappeared like many others in the past is still uncertain. But from the obviously negative-toned article below, those of us in the business world can still learn a lot from Jack Ma, if you can understand it. In short, perhaps it is precisely Jack Ma's understanding of corporate culture and his relentless promotion that has led to the success of Taobao and the entire Alibaba Group today.


Excerpt: Many industry insiders and Alibaba's internal employees said that Jack Ma is actually a very sensitive person. A journalist who interviewed Jack Ma in the early days paraphrased Jack Ma's own expression as follows: "Often restless; if someone suddenly pushes the door open, he'll jump." One is an insecure Jack Ma (Comment: Good entrepreneurs are generally always prepared for the worst, meaning they lack a sense of security), he first shaped himself as "open-handed" Feng Qingyang, and turned his company of over 20,000 people into a strange martial arts world. The offices of his Alibaba company are all sacred places in martial arts novels: "Bright Summit", "Damoyuan", "Peach Blossom Island", "Luohan Hall", "Juxian Village", "Half Mountain Pavilion", "Xiake Island", and so on, even the restroom is called "Tingyuxuan". His meeting room called "Bright Summit" is hung with a quote from Jin Yong's writing: "Better to retire and weave nets than to envy fish at the edge of the abyss." The Taobao community is called "Taojianghu", and those in charge of the forum are defined using terms like sect leader and gang, and every new employee has to choose a "flower name". (Comment: Choosing flower names is a unique method in Alibaba's corporate culture communication. We Chinese are not used to calling people by their names alone; we always have to add a title, so equality between people is lost. After choosing a flower name, the feeling will immediately be different.)


Jack Ma not only seeks inspiration from martial arts dreams in corporate governance, but also from grand slogans, public opinion control, ideological baptism, rule by man, a business system where "politics takes the lead", a discourse system full of fighting thoughts, and a strategic path full of struggle. (Comment: In fact, these are some effective techniques for Alibaba to establish corporate culture, which are incomprehensible to those who do not understand corporate culture.)


In 2009, Jack Ma Management Log was published. Many parts of the book are directly or indirectly linked to MMM thinking, such as "Yan'an Rectification", "Long March", "Protracted War", "Concentration of Superior Forces", "Establishment of Base Areas", etc. (Comment: MMM is a great strategist, and Ma Yun is indeed a very formidable strategist.)


Jack Ma said that through campaigns, people who do not share our values and sense of mission will all be expelled from our company. (comment: This is necessary to build a company culture.) There are few companies in the world with so many "cultures": Alibaba's "smiling face" culture, Alipay's "handprint" culture, Taobao's "handstand" culture, and Yahoo China's "barefoot" culture. (Comment: Indeed, truly great companies are rare.)


Twenty thousand people also have a complete set of explicit value rules, namely the "Six Meridians Divine Sword" dubbed by Jack Ma as "customer first, embrace change, teamwork, passion, integrity, and dedication." (Commentary: This is the best way to promote the core values of the company.)


From 2001 to 2003, during the most difficult and critical three years at Alibaba, Jack Ma used the "rectification campaign" to unify values and ideals. Jack Ma said, "Through campaigns, people who do not share our values and sense of mission will all be expelled from our company." At the same time, he used the "Anti-Japanese Military and Political University" to train the management capabilities of the cadre team and used the "Nanxi Bay Reclamation" to cultivate sales personnel's attitudes, methods, and skills in facing customers. A customer in Alibaba's South China region still finds the quality of their sales staff unbelievable, "They have a set of well-trained ideas, I don't think they are salespeople at all, but more like public relations." Such sales personnel number in the tens of thousands at Alibaba. In fact, from "employees first" to "customers first," Jack Ma has been continuously revising values. "There were nine core values before, which were later streamlined to six core values. For employees like me, the requirements are really too high. Sometimes I feel like there are only tens of thousands of people in Alibaba fighting alone because even Wei Zhe does not meet the requirements." A former Alibaba employee K (Commentary: Now you know why K is a former employee, right?) said, "'Handstand' was just for fun at the beginning, but Jack Ma felt that it represented a certain ideological realm, so it was promoted internally as a 'political task.' There was even a handstand wall, and everyone had to learn." Jack Ma describes the "handstand" culture, "Everyone must learn to do a handstand because when you do a handstand, blood rushes to your brain, and the perspective of viewing the world is completely different from usual. When you think about problems, you can find an incredible perspective."


Alin said that there have been multiple personnel cleansings in the sales department of his region, all citing various value issues as reasons. I believe that Wei Zhe is actually one of the sacrifices of values." (Comment: Wei Zhe did indeed fail in establishing values.)


During the Spring Festival, Jack Ma went to Longyan City, Fujian Province, and visited Maogong Mountain in Shanghang County, where the "Gutian Conference" was held in December 1929. The main task of that conference was to overcome various non-proletarian thoughts that appeared in the Red Fourth Army and strengthen the party's leadership over the army. The two-day conference adopted a resolution drafted and presided over by Mao Zedong, establishing the principles of "ideological party building" and "political army building." Jack Ma explained through the media, "The military is performance-oriented, and performance and political ideology are contradictory, but Mao Zedong combined them. That's why the Red Army was successful back then. It was not purely a fighting organization but an organization to accomplish political tasks." "Performance is at odds with values; this doesn't work." Jack Ma said (Commentary: Exactly). "However, the values of the Red Army back then were the ultimate goal of the revolutionary cause. Is integrity the ultimate goal of Alibaba?" Former resigning employee K said. "If so, why does Alibaba need tens of thousands of salespeople, each of whom has to make dozens or hundreds of phone calls frantically every day?" (Comment: This K really just doesn't understand.) Equally confusing is the long-term friendship between Jack Ma and Wei Zhe. If Wei Zhe was a person pursuing short-term profits, with Jack Ma's intelligence, he wouldn't have realized it ten years later. (Comment: Why make Wei Zhe sound like a villain? Wei Zhe simply didn't have a deep understanding of values and wasn't sensitive enough when it came down to it.)


Alibaba's growth has always been based on the "long tail theory" of "encircling the cities from the countryside." After capturing small and medium-sized enterprises, now, Jack Ma is cutting off the long tail. Although Jack Ma has talked about entering the city to meet high-end customers many times, many people still don't understand what is most important in Jack Ma's mind.


(Comment: Jack Ma actually explained it very clearly. However, the third shareholder's statement sometimes makes people uncomfortable, but I very much agree with the principle of customer first — which essentially means consumer-oriented. If Jack Ma has mentioned a different order, it means he has progressed later. Actually, from the perspective of not being driven by short-term interests of shareholders, I also agree with the third shareholder's statement.) Jack Ma's classic quote in 2001 was: "I believe, employees first, customers second. Without them, there would be no website." Now, Jack Ma says, "One of the reasons we have survived for ten years is that we adhere to customer first, employees second, and shareholders third." (May 18, 2011)
