①段永平:做对的事情 把事情做对 Duan Yongping: Do the Right Things and Do Things Right

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——《甲子峥嵘 弦歌而行:浙江大学信息与电子工程学院60周年院史文集》

——Resplendent Journey with Strings: 60th Anniversary Chronicles of the College of Information and Electronic Engineering, Zhejiang University


Thanks to the college's exchange programs, myself and three other classmates, including Ding Li, visited Missouri University of Science and Technology in the summer of 2016 for research exchanges. Recommended by our college professors, we had the privilege to visit alumnus Duan Yongping in California and engage in a relaxed conversation with him for a lengthy three hours. Mr. Duan was very warm and welcoming, treating us like old friends rather than strangers. We freely asked questions and sought to understand various aspects of his college life and insights into life in general from different angles. Mr. Duan was open and earnest in his responses, which was quite touching for us. After the interview, we carefully compiled the interview transcript in a question-and-answer format, aiming to faithfully reflect the essence of the interview and showcase Mr. Duan's sentiments and wisdom.


Question: Why did you choose to study at Zhejiang University in the first place?

大道:我是江西人,浙大离江西比较近。当时高考是考前就填志愿的,我其实不知道填哪儿好,也不知道别人水平怎么样,自己考成什么样。那时刚刚恢复高考,1977年和1978 年我都考了,77年没考上,1978年就继续考,中间隔了半年。北大、清华在江西省招的专业我不喜欢,北大只招地球物理专业,清华招水利专业,这两个专业我都没有填。我看到浙大有无线电电子工程学系,好像很时髦,就报了,报的时候也没有报专业,专业是进去以后分的,电子物理技术听起来就挺神秘的,我就选这个专业了。

Da Dao: I am from Jiangxi, and Zhejiang University is relatively close to Jiangxi. At that time, the college entrance examination required filling out preferences beforehand. I wasn't sure where to apply, and I didn't know the proficiency of others or my own performance. At that time, the college entrance examination had just been restored; I took it in 1977 and 1978. I didn't get in in 1977, so I continued in 1978, with a six-month gap in between. I wasn't interested in the majors that Peking University and Tsinghua University offered in Jiangxi Province. Peking University only offered geophysics, and Tsinghua offered hydraulic engineering, neither of which I chose. When I saw that Zhejiang University had a Department of Radio Electronics, which seemed quite fashionable, I applied. I didn't specify a major at the time; majors were assigned after admission. Electronic Physics Technology sounded mysterious, so I chose that major.


Question: What courses did you take in college? Which one did you particularly like?


Da Dao: There were quite a few courses. In the first year, we studied foundational courses such as advanced mathematics, general physics, general chemistry, politics, English, as well as physical education and practical metalworking. Starting from the second year, there were more specialized courses, such as electromagnetic fields, electronic circuits, as well as mathematical courses like complex variables, mathematical equations, probability theory, and mathematical statistics. In the later years, there were more specialized courses such as microwave electronics and vacuum technology. Vacuum technology is quite high-tech; to create a vacuum, you need various technological methods, such as removing bubbles from the wall, which requires many principles. The simplest example is a light bulb; it must be a vacuum inside because if there is oxygen, the filament will burn out immediately. A more complex example is the issue of high vacuum degree; if the vacuum inside is high, the external pressure increases, making it difficult to create a vacuum. This is closely related to our profession; for example, high-energy particle accelerators require a vacuum inside because if it's filled with molecules, how can particles pass through? So it must be evacuated, leaving a few percent of air; you can't remove all of it completely, as there will always be something left inside. Many things in semiconductors and circuit boards require vacuum. After so many years, I can't remember the details clearly, but I still have a general understanding of the concepts.


There isn't any particular class that I particularly liked, but the teacher who left a deep impression on me for teaching complex variables and mathematical equations teached classes quite well. However, this teacher later transferred to Fudan University. That subject wasn't something I was particularly interested in pursuing, so I didn't pursue graduate studies in that area either.


Everyone has different preferences. I attended graduate school at Renmin University of China, majoring in economics. The industries I later worked in were all related to economics, of course, with some connection to electronics as well, involving research and sales of electronic products. For example, I still work in the mobile phone industry. Our phones sell quite well, and our market share domestically is quite formidable. However, we don't actively pursue this; it's a natural outcome. I don't care about others' market share, but I am aware of ours. We don't disclose specific data because we're not a publicly traded company, and we're not obligated to disclose.


Q: Which teachers left the deepest impression on you?


Da Dao: The teachers who taught us professional courses at that time may not necessarily still be teaching now; most of them have retired. One teacher I was quite familiar with is Teacher Huang Gongkuan, but he definitely wouldn't be teaching you now. Of course, other teachers were also good to students. Teacher Huang left the deepest impression on me because what he taught was beneficial to my growth. He didn't just teach textbook content; he often imparted wisdom. I remember once during an experiment, I needed to twist something forcefully, and I wanted to tighten it even more, but the spring came loose. Teacher Huang said that one should leave room for maneuver in everything; he said I took too much risk for a small benefit. It was difficult to put it back, requiring a lot of effort, so it's better to leave a little room. Exerting effort to 95% is enough; there's no need to pursue 100% benefit, otherwise, you'll lose more in the end. Not everything needs to be done with full effort; it's best to leave a little margin.


All the teachers were good; at that time, the relationship between teachers and students was quite close. The teacher who interacted with us the most was Teacher Zhou Jianhua; he was our counselor back then and has since retired. He was in charge of the construction of the Zijingang Campus, and I was quite familiar with him. Recently, he hasn't been in good health, and I'm quite concerned about him!


Q: How did you manage your studies? What were your interests at that time?


Da Dao: I didn't deliberately plan my studies; I just attended classes as needed and took exams when required. I usually submitted assignments late, so my regular grades were lower, but I was more serious when it came to exams and would intensively review for a period of time. The academic atmosphere was good back then, and there weren't many instances of cheating.


University students in those days didn't have many interests compared to now; there were fewer things to do, unlike nowadays with so many entertainment options and the internet. At that time, we could only play a bit of Chinese chess or bridge. I learned to play bridge at school, and I already knew a little about Chinese chess, although I wasn't very good at it. I didn't spend much time playing Chinese chess; maybe I was only at an amateur level, at most an amateur second level. There weren't many things to play with back then; even watching TV required going to the main lecture hall, which took more than ten minutes to walk to. We mainly watched sports competitions like men's and women's volleyball, and men's soccer. We were most concerned about the men's soccer team breaking out of Asia, but they couldn't; it's still difficult now. Activities and entertainment were indeed limited back then.


Q: What kind of activities did you organize?


Da Dao: I didn't participate in many activities. I was originally from the class of 1978, but I only attended half a year of school due to health reasons and then took a year off before returning in 1979. When I joined the new class, I wasn't as familiar with my classmates anymore, and that half-year gap made a big difference. Although everyone was nice to me, and I liked the new class, I always felt like an outsider, so I didn't participate in many activities. During my graduation internship, I went to Nanjing for an internship. On the way back from Nanjing to Zhejiang University, I had some fun, visiting Wuxi, Suzhou, and Shanghai; it felt like a trip. It was definitely a budget trip; I probably only had one cent left when I returned to school.

One cent could still do something back then. Based on the prices at that time, the estimated monthly expenses were about seven to eight yuan, and ten yuan could baicly cover it. Having a monthly living allowance of twenty yuan was quite comfortable; nobody had money, so nobody went out to play.


Q: What did people pay attention to at that time?


Da Dao: I don't remember much. Maybe we paid attention to exams, but it wasn't a big deal to me until the exams were near. I had a habit of sleeping in class sometimes, so my grades were average. There were about thirty students in our class, and I ranked around seventeenth or eighteenth in terms of grades, neither in the top ten nor in the bottom ten. Fortunately, my exam scores were okay; as long as I worked hard in the last few weeks, I did pretty well. I never failed a subject; as long as I worked hard, I shouldn't fail. If I worked hard, I could also score over ninety points.


I remember there were football matches organized by the school and the department. I'm not sure if they still have matches now, but they did back then. Our class even won the championship in the department once, and I played as a goalkeeper, although I wasn't very good; I just caught the ball when it came.


Q: How to set life goals for yourself? What were your insights into life when you were in college?


Da Dao: When we were in college, in the first two years, we might think that going to college is the ultimate goal of life. We might feel like we've reached the pinnacle of success just by getting into college. So when we enter university, it's like suddenly feeling lost. Despite being busy, we don't know what we're busy with, and we find ourselves uninterested in what we're learning, feeling neither entertained nor happy.

大概到了大三,有一天我突然悟到,乐趣是在过程中的。因为我高考的经历比较特殊,我是往届生,在准备迎考的过程中一直很努力,有个目标在那里,就一直往前走,每天非常充实。等考上大学拿到录取通知书了,在我们那个小地方也算是高考状元了,过400分的人就我一个。听到有人在说:“啊!有个人考了400多分呢。” 我心里很得意啊。到了学校以后,突然发现失去了目标,就没有乐趣了。后来悟到,人生的乐趣就是在过程当中,需要自己不断地设定目标,而不只是达到某个目标。达到某个目标以后,就要设定新的目标,才会找到乐趣。

By my third year of college, I had a sudden realization that joy lies within the journey. My experience with the college entrance exam was rather unique; I had taken it before and, throughout the preparation process, I worked diligently, driven by a clear goal, making each day fulfilling. When I eventually received my acceptance letter to university, especially since I was the only one in our small town to score above 400. I remember hearing someone say, "Wow, someone scored over 400 points!" and I was very proud. However, upon entering university, I suddenly found myself without a clear goal, and consequently, without that same sense of joy. It was then that I realized that the true joy of life is found in the journey itself. It requires constantly setting new goals for oneself, rather than just achieving a specific goal. Once one goal is reached, it's important to set new ones in order to continue finding joy in life.


Why do many people enjoy playing games? Games often have clear goals, and once a goal is achieved, there's immediately a new one, creating a process. In real life, such a process is necessary. For example, pursuing a master's or Ph.D. degree is not the ultimate goal; rather, it's about enjoying the process. And once you achieve that goal, you need to set another one immediately, but it should be something you enjoy. If you don't enjoy it, you should avoid it. Setting passing a graduate entrance exam as the ultimate goal wouldn't be appropriate.


I have experienced this personally. When I graduated from college, I planned to pursue a postgraduate degree and spent a whole summer reviewing for the entrance exam, which was challenging and demanding. When it came time to register, the classroom walls were plastered with brochures from various universities and their program offerings (back then, we didn't have computers). I spent three days reading through them all, one by one, but none of the programs interested me.


Perhaps I was thinking long-term: the chosen major would lead to a career, so it couldn't be something I'd just settle for. If it wasn't something I wanted to do in the future, what would I do after getting in? So, after three days, I gave up on the idea of pursuing a postgraduate degree. Many people were surprised: after studying so hard for so long, why did I suddenly give up? It's because I didn't find a major I wanted to pursue.


When I graduated, many people asked about my future plans. I said, "If you ever hear that I'm pursuing a postgraduate degree again, then you don't need to ask how I'm doing; it means I'm not doing well and I'm not satisfied with my environment, so I have to choose to continue studying." And indeed, I did pursue a postgraduate degree. After being assigned to work in Beijing upon graduation and being dissatisfied with my job environment, I decided to pursue a graduate degree at Renmin University, completely changing my direction and industry. I moved away from technology. There's nothing bad about technology; it's just that everyone has different interests, and I realized that technology didn't spark my interest. This is something I learned in life: joy lies in the process.


There's another insight I find quite important. During my third year of college, I don't remember where I read it or who said it, it's "Do the right things and do things right."


People make mistakes, but many don't know what the right things are or what's doing things right. What should you persist in? You mustn't persist in the wrong things; you must correct them. But for the right things, you should persist. Persistence means doing the right things and doing them right, even though you'll make many mistakes and face many setbacks along the way. It's a learning process. And then, you must persevere. Because if you want to do the right things, you must accept that you may make mistakes along the way. This insight has had a significant impact on my life.


I was once invited by Zhejiang University to give a speech at the graduation ceremony. It was on the main sports field, and the students were rowdy, which left a bad impression on me. Still, I mentioned three points:
1. Do the right things and do things right.
2. "Have no grand ambitions"; be down-to-earth and do what you love.
3. Be an honest person; being honest means having a clear conscience. Trying to be clever all the time is actually very uncomfortable. (Those of you who haven't graduated yet might not understand.)


Many people think they're very clever throughout their lives, or at least half of it, struggling for decades, always considering immediate benefits with each choice, so they keep going around in circles without long-term considerations, without distinguishing right from wrong, only prioritizing interest. Decades later, you'll see the enormous differences caused by differences in perspective. It's the same in business. I think no matter what industry you're in, whether you're a professor, a researcher, or involved in technology, you need to have a far-sighted view and choose to do the right things. If it's the wrong thing, you need to discover it early and end it soon.This is a very important realization I gained during college. Not everyone understands this principle. Many people know they should persist, but they don't know what to persist in. To persist, you must tolerate mistakes. What kind of mistakes can be tolerated? Doing the wrong things will inevitably lead to wrong results.


For example, in business, cheating is absolutely unacceptable. Think about it, if a company sees making money as the ultimate goal, they might think cheating is justifiable, so there's no distinction between right and wrong, but as they keep deceiving, they'll eventually collapse. Many companies collapse without knowing why. This approach to business is somewhat like being a thief; if caught, they'll only think their thievery skills weren't good enough. If they think this way, they'll become more adept at stealing next time, stealing even more, and when caught again, the punishment will be more severe. This means they'll never learn from their mistakes. If they finally realize that stealing is wrong, even if they were good at it, they'll stop forever, indicating they've learned their lesson.


Those with excellent thievery skills are undoubtedly very clever. If they use their intelligence for legitimate pursuits, they'll be formidable in 30 years. So, this is a significant principle, but few are willing to heed such profound wisdom.


Of course, successful people are inherently rare. However, there will always be people who think about these things, who think long-term. Everything we do is related to where we'll be in 20 or 30 years. Thinking ahead will undoubtedly lead to different outcomes. For example, if you enjoy teaching, you'll undoubtedly become an excellent teacher because you like it and enjoy it. Then you'll find various ways to help students understand what you teach and ensure it's useful for them in the future, rather than just focusing on getting good grades, forgetting everything once they leave school. If that's the case, students won't appreciate you in the future.


After so many years in college, what I remember most is a sentence from Professor Huang Gongkuan: "When anyone chooses their career path, if they think long-term, they'll make a difference." You never know at which moment such a significant difference will affect you, whether it's when choosing a major, a university, a job, or even a life partner—you must consider whether that person can be with you for the long haul, whether they're marriage material.


Q: Have you ever felt any particular regrets while studying?


Da Dao: There's nothing particularly regrettable. Conditions were a bit poorer back then, and computers had just appeared and weren't widely available yet. When we were in college, there were no PCs yet, we were still studying mainframe computers. The language we learned was FORTRAN, and I started with BASIC, which I found easy to learn because it was straightforward. Later, I learned FORTRAN, and I was completely lost. Without practice, we only had one computer class, probably about 45 minutes long, and I didn't understand what was going on before it ended. After class, I couldn't get near a computer, so I remained unfamiliar with them. It wasn't really a regret for us back then because people are always in a certain era. In another 30 years, you'll find that what you learned isn't useful anymore. It might not even take 30 years; with the current pace of knowledge updating, five years might be enough.


So, in school, what's most important isn't the knowledge you acquire but the learning methods and life insights you grasp, including those I just mentioned. For example, doing things right is more important than anything else. You should enjoy the whole process, not just pursue a certain result. The result is important, of course, but not as important as you imagine. The key is to find something you enjoy, which is very important for students.


Back then, I kept thinking, I must be outstanding, so I should be happy and think highly of myself. But why didn't I feel any joy? Why did I always feel gloomy? I didn't know what I was busy with all day, couldn't remember the books I wanted to read, and often handed in my assignments late, but I never copied others' work. I would compare my thought process with others'. The textbooks back then were quite poor, with no standard answers, so we didn't know if our answers were correct. Thinking process brought me joy and also brought me satisfactory grades. Like quantum physics, I don't remember the specific knowledge points now, but I still remember some big logical things, like the law of entropy. When someone said they wanted to invent a perpetual motion machine, I immediately didn't believe it because perpetual motion is impossible; it goes against the law of entropy, and if that were possible, the world would be chaotic.


I'm very interested in very few things. Whether it's running a business, investing, or doing many things, I have one characteristic: focus. Focus can eliminate distractions, and after eliminating distractions, there's an important premise, which is belief. You have to believe in something and stick to it.


These things I established in school have had a huge impact on my life. The insights I've gained aren't necessarily from teachers; teachers basically just teach, and there were few who can teach these insights. According to reports, it's a bit difficult for students to see teachers now because schools are too big and there are too many people. Of course, the most important thing about studying in school is yourself, exchanging ideas with classmates, communicating with teachers, and interacting with everyone.



Q: Have you ever felt any particular regrets while studying?
Da Dao: There's nothing particularly regrettable. Conditions were a bit poorer back then, and computers had just appeared and weren't widely available yet. When we were in college, there were no PCs yet, we were still studying mainframe computers. The language we learned was FORTRAN, and I started with BASIC, which I found easy to learn because it was straightforward. Later, I learned FORTRAN, and I was completely lost. Without practice, we only had one computer class, probably about 45 minutes long, and I didn't understand what was going on before it ended. After class, I couldn't get near a computer, so I remained unfamiliar with them. It wasn't really a regret for us back then because people are always in a certain era. In another 30 years, you'll find that what you learned isn't useful anymore. It might not even take 30 years; with the current pace of knowledge updating, five years might be enough.
So, in school, what's most important isn't the knowledge you acquire but the learning methods and life insights you grasp, including those I just mentioned. For example, doing things right is more important than anything else. You should enjoy the whole process, not just pursue a certain result. The result is important, of course, but not as important as you imagine. The key is to find something you enjoy, which is very important for students.
Back then, I kept thinking, I must be outstanding, so I should be happy and think highly of myself. But why didn't I feel any joy? Why did I always feel gloomy? I didn't know what I was busy with all day, couldn't remember the books I wanted to read, and often handed in my assignments late, but I never copied others' work. I would compare my thought process with others'. The textbooks back then were quite poor, with no standard answers, so we didn't know if our answers were correct. Thinking process brought me joy and also brought me satisfactory grades. Like quantum physics, I don't remember the specific knowledge points now, but I still remember some big logical things, like the law of entropy. When someone said they wanted to invent a perpetual motion machine, I immediately didn't believe it because perpetual motion is impossible; it goes against the law of entropy, and if that were possible, the world would be chaotic.
I'm very interested in very few things. Whether it's running a business, investing, or doing many things, I have one characteristic: focus. Focus can eliminate distractions, and after eliminating distractions, there's an important premise, which is belief. You have to believe in something and stick to it.
These things I established in school have had a huge impact on my life. The insights I've gained aren't necessarily from teachers; teachers basically just teach, and there were few who can teach these insights. According to reports, it's a bit difficult for students to see teachers now because schools are too big and there are too many people. Of course, the most important thing about studying in school is yourself, exchanging ideas with classmates, communicating with teachers, and interacting with everyone.

——《甲子峥嵘 弦歌而行:浙江大学信息与电子工程学院60周年院史文集》
——Resplendent Journey with Strings: 60th Anniversary Chronicles of the College of Information and Electronic Engineering, Zhejiang University
Thanks to the college's exchange programs, myself and three other classmates, including Ding Li, visited Missouri University of Science and Technology in the summer of 2016 for research exchanges. Recommended by our college professors, we had the privilege to visit alumnus Duan Yongping in California and engage in a relaxed conversation with him for a lengthy three hours. Mr. Duan was very warm and welcoming, treating us like old friends rather than strangers. We freely asked questions and sought to understand various aspects of his college life and insights into life in general from different angles. Mr. Duan was open and earnest in his responses, which was quite touching for us. After the interview, we carefully compiled the interview transcript in a question-and-answer format, aiming to faithfully reflect the essence of the interview and showcase Mr. Duan's sentiments and wisdom.
Question: Why did you choose to study at Zhejiang University in the first place?
大道:我是江西人,浙大离江西比较近。当时高考是考前就填志愿的,我其实不知道填哪儿好,也不知道别人水平怎么样,自己考成什么样。那时刚刚恢复高考,1977年和1978 年我都考了,77年没考上,1978年就继续考,中间隔了半年。北大、清华在江西省招的专业我不喜欢,北大只招地球物理专业,清华招水利专业,这两个专业我都没有填。我看到浙大有无线电电子工程学系,好像很时髦,就报了,报的时候也没有报专业,专业是进去以后分的,电子物理技术听起来就挺神秘的,我就选这个专业了。
Da Dao: I am from Jiangxi, and Zhejiang University is relatively close to Jiangxi. At that time, the college entrance examination required filling out preferences beforehand. I wasn't sure where to apply, and I didn't know the proficiency of others or my own performance. At that time, the college entrance examination had just been restored; I took it in 1977and 1978. I didn't get in in 1977, so I continued in 1978, with a six-month gap in between. I wasn't interested in the majors that Peking University and Tsinghua University offered in Jiangxi Province. Peking University only offered geophysics, and Tsinghua offered hydraulic engineering, neither of which I chose. When I saw that Zhejiang University had a Department of Radio Electronics, which seemed quite fashionable, I applied. I didn't specify a major at the time; majors were assigned after admission. Electronic Physics Technology sounded mysterious, so I chose that major.
Question: What courses did you take in college? Which one did you particularly like?
Da Dao: There were quite a few courses. In the first year, we studied foundational courses such as advanced mathematics, general physics, general chemistry, politics, English, as well as physical education and practical metalworking. Starting from the second year, there were more specialized courses, such as electromagnetic fields, electronic circuits, as well as mathematical courses like complex variables, mathematical equations, probability theory, and mathematical statistics. In the later years, there were more specialized courses such as microwave electronics and vacuum technology. Vacuum technology is quite high-tech; to create a vacuum, you need various technological methods, such as removing bubbles from the wall, which requires many principles. The simplest example is a light bulb; it must be a vacuum inside because if there is oxygen, the filament will burn out immediately. A more complex example is the issue of high vacuum degree; if the vacuum inside is high, the external pressure increases, making it difficult to create a vacuum. This is closely related to our profession; for example, high-energy particle accelerators require a vacuum inside because if it's filled with molecules, how can particles pass through? So it must be evacuated, leaving a few percent of air; you can't remove all of it completely, as there will always be something left inside. Many things in semiconductors and circuit boards require vacuum. After so many years, I can't remember the details clearly, but I still have a general understanding of the concepts.
There isn't any particular class that I particularly liked, but the teacher who left a deep impression on me for teaching complex variables and mathematical equations teached classes quite well. However, this teacher later transferred to Fudan University. That subject wasn't something I was particularly interested in pursuing, so I didn't pursue graduate studies in that area either.
Everyone has different preferences. I attended graduate school at Renmin University of China, majoring in economics. The industries I later worked in were all related to economics, of course, with some connection to electronics as well, involving research and sales of electronic products. For example, I still work in the mobile phone industry. Our phones sell quite well, and our market share domestically is quite formidable. However, we don't actively pursue this; it's a natural outcome. I don't care about others' market share, but I am aware of ours. We don't disclose specific data because we're not a publicly traded company, and we're not obligated to disclose.
Q: Which teachers left the deepest impression on you?
Da Dao: The teachers who taught us professional courses at that time may not necessarily still be teaching now; most of them have retired. One teacher I was quite familiar with is Teacher Huang Gongkuan, but he definitely wouldn't be teaching you now. Of course, other teachers were also good to students. Teacher Huang left the deepest impression on me because what he taught was beneficial to my growth. He didn't just teach textbook content; he often imparted wisdom. I remember once during an experiment, I needed to twist something forcefully, and I wanted to tighten it even more, but the spring came loose. Teacher Huang said that one should leave room for maneuver in everything; he said I took too much risk for a small benefit. It was difficult to put it back, requiring a lot of effort, so it's better to leave a little room. Exerting effort to 95% is enough; there's no need to pursue 100% benefit, otherwise, you'll lose more in the end. Not everything needs to be done with full effort; it's best to leave a little margin.
All the teachers were good; at that time, the relationship between teachers and students was quite close. The teacher who interacted with us the most was Teacher Zhou Jianhua; he was our counselor back then and has since retired. He was in charge of the construction of the Zijingang Campus, and I was quite familiar with him. Recently, he hasn't been in good health, and I'm quite concerned about him!
Q: How did you manage your studies? What were your interests at that time?
Da Dao: I didn't deliberately plan my studies; I just attended classes as needed and took exams when required. I usually submitted assignments late, so my regular grades were lower, but I was more serious when it came to exams and would intensively review for a period of time. The academic atmosphere was good back then, and there weren't many instances of cheating.
University students in those days didn't have many interests compared to now; there were fewer things to do, unlike nowadays with so many entertainment options and the internet. At that time, we could only play a bit of Chinese chess or bridge. I learned to play bridge at school, and I already knew a little about Chinese chess, although I wasn't very good at it. I didn't spend much time playing Chinese chess; maybe I was only at an amateur level, at most an amateur second level. There weren't many things to play with back then; even watching TV required going to the main lecture hall, which took more than ten minutes to walk to. We mainly watched sports competitions like men's and women's volleyball, and men's soccer. We were most concerned about the men's soccer team breaking out of Asia, but they couldn't; it's still difficult now. Activities and entertainment were indeed limited back then.
Q: What kind of activities did you organize?
Da Dao: I didn't participate in many activities. I was originally from the class of 1978, but I only attended half a year of school due to health reasons and then took a year off before returning in 1979.When I joined the new class, I wasn't as familiar with my classmates anymore, and that half-year gap made a big difference. Although everyone was nice to me, and I liked the new class, I always felt like an outsider, so I didn't participate in many activities. During my graduation internship, I went to Nanjing for an internship. On the way back from Nanjing to Zhejiang University, I had some fun, visiting Wuxi, Suzhou, and Shanghai; it felt like a trip. It was definitely a budget trip; I probably only had one cent left when I returned to school.
那个时候一毛钱还能干点事,按当时物价,一个月的消费估计是七八块钱,10块钱左右就勉强能过了。20块钱的生活费绝对是很宽裕了,大家都没钱,当然也就不会出去玩了。One cent could still do something back then. Based on the prices at that time, the estimated monthly expenses were about seven to eight yuan, and ten yuan could baicly cover it. Having a monthly living allowance of twenty yuan was quite comfortable; nobody had money, so nobody went out to play.
Q: What did people pay attention to at that time?
Da Dao: I don't remember much. Maybe we paid attention to exams, but it wasn't a big deal to me until the exams were near. I had a habit of sleeping in class sometimes, so my grades were average. There were about thirty students in our class, and I ranked around seventeenth or eighteenth in terms of grades, neither in the top ten nor in the bottom ten. Fortunately, my exam scores were okay; as long as I worked hard in the last few weeks, I did pretty well. I never failed a subject; as long as I worked hard, I shouldn't fail. If I worked hard, I could also score over ninety points.
I remember there were football matches organized by the school and the department. I'm not sure if they still have matches now, but they did back then. Our class even won the championship in the department once, and I played as a goalkeeper, although I wasn't very good; I just caught the ball when it came.
Q: How to set life goals for yourself? What were your insights into life when you were in college?
Da Dao: When we were in college, in the first two years, we might think that going to college is the ultimate goal of life. We might feel like we've reached the pinnacle of success just by getting into college. So when we enter university, it's like suddenly feeling lost. Despite being busy, we don't know what we're busy with, and we find ourselves uninterested in what we're learning, feeling neither entertained nor happy.
大概到了大三,有一天我突然悟到,乐趣是在过程中的。因为我高考的经历比较特殊,我是往届生,在准备迎考的过程中一直很努力,有个目标在那里,就一直往前走,每天非常充实。等考上大学拿到录取通知书了,在我们那个小地方也算是高考状元了,过400分的人就我一个。听到有人在说:“啊!有个人考了400多分呢。” 我心里很得意啊。到了学校以后,突然发现失去了目标,就没有乐趣了。后来悟到,人生的乐趣就是在过程当中,需要自己不断地设定目标,而不只是达到某个目标。达到某个目标以后,就要设定新的目标,才会找到乐趣。
By my third year of college, I had a sudden realization that joy lies within the journey. My experience with the college entrance exam was rather unique; I had taken it before and, throughout the preparation process, I worked diligently, driven by a clear goal, making each day fulfilling. When I eventually received my acceptance letter to university, especially since I was the only one in our small town to score above 400. I remember hearing someone say, "Wow, someone scored over 400 points!" and I was very proud. However, upon entering university, I suddenly found myself without a clear goal, and consequently, without that same sense of joy. It was then that I realized that the true joy of life is found in the journey itself. It requires constantly setting new goals for oneself, rather than just achieving a specific goal. Once one goal is reached, it's important to set new ones in order to continue finding joy in life.
Why do many people enjoy playing games? Games often have clear goals, and once a goal is achieved, there's immediately a new one, creating a process. In real life, such a process is necessary. For example, pursuing a master's or Ph.D. degree is not the ultimate goal; rather, it's about enjoying the process. And once you achieve that goal, you need to set another one immediately, but it should be something you enjoy. If you don't enjoy it, you should avoid it. Setting passing a graduate entrance exam as the ultimate goal wouldn't be appropriate.
I have experienced this personally. When I graduated from college, I planned to pursue a postgraduate degree and spent a whole summer reviewing for the entrance exam, which was challenging and demanding. When it came time to register, the classroom walls were plastered with brochures from various universities and their program offerings (back then, we didn't have computers). I spent three days reading through them all, one by one, but none of the programs interested me.
Perhaps I was thinking long-term: the chosen major would lead to a career, so it couldn't be something I'd just settle for. If it wasn't something I wanted to do in the future, what would I do after getting in? So, after three days, I gave up on the idea of pursuing a postgraduate degree. Many people were surprised: after studying so hard for so long, why did I suddenly give up? It's because I didn't find a major I wanted to pursue.
When I graduated, many people asked about my future plans. I said, "If you ever hear that I'm pursuing a postgraduate degree again, then you don't need to ask how I'm doing; it means I'm not doing well and I'm not satisfied with my environment, so I have to choose to continue studying." And indeed, I did pursue a postgraduate degree. After being assigned to work in Beijing upon graduation and being dissatisfied with my job environment, I decided to pursue a graduate degree at Renmin University, completely changing my direction and industry. I moved away from technology. There's nothing bad about technology; it's just that everyone has different interests, and I realized that technology didn't spark my interest. This is something I learned in life: joy lies in the process.
There's another insight I find quite important. During my third year of college, I don't remember where I read it or who said it, it's "Do the right things and do things right."
People make mistakes, but many don't know what the right things are or what's doing things right. What should you persist in? You mustn't persist in the wrong things; you must correct them. But for the right things, you should persist. Persistence means doing the right things and doing them right, even though you'll make many mistakes and face many setbacks along the way. It's a learning process. And then, you must persevere. Because if you want to do the right things, you must accept that you may make mistakes along the way. This insight has had a significant impact on my life.
第一点就是做对的事情,把事情做对;第二点是“胸无大志”,就是你要踏踏实实去做你喜欢的事情;还有一点是要做正直的人,做正直的人就是心里头比较坦荡。整天耍小聪明,其实是很难受的。(你们这些还没有毕业的,可能是感受不到)。I was once invited by Zhejiang University to give a speech at the graduation ceremony. It was on the main sports field, and the students were rowdy, which left a bad impression on me. Still, I mentioned three points:
1. Do the right things and do things right.2. "Have no grand ambitions"; be down-to-earth and do what you love.3. Be an honest person; being honest means having a clear conscience. Trying to be clever all the time is actually very uncomfortable. (Those of you who haven't graduated yet might not understand.)很多人一辈子自认为很聪明,不说一辈子了,就说半辈子吧,几十年来一直在挣扎,做每一个选择的时候看的都是眼前的利益,所以一直在来来回回兜圈子,没有长远的考虑,没有对错,没有是非,只有利益。几十年后,你会看见眼光差异带来的人的差异是非常巨大的。做企业也是一样。我觉得做任何事情,不管做哪个行业,当教授也好,做研究也好,搞技术也好,都是要看得很远,要选择做对的事情。如果是错的事情,要尽早发现,尽早结束。这是我在大学里面得到的一个很重要的体会。不是每个人都知道这个道理的。很多人知道要坚持,坚持啥他就不知道了。要坚持就要容忍错误,什么样的错误可以容忍?做错的事情,它必然会带来错误的结果。
Many people think they're very clever throughout their lives, or at least half of it, struggling for decades, always considering immediate benefits with each choice, so they keep going around in circles without long-term considerations, without distinguishing right from wrong, only prioritizing interest. Decades later, you'll see the enormous differences caused by differences in perspective. It's the same in business. I think no matter what industry you're in, whether you're a professor, a researcher, or involved in technology, you need to have a far-sighted view and choose to do the right things. If it's the wrong thing, you need to discover it early and end it soon.This is a very important realization I gained during college. Not everyone understands this principle. Many people know they should persist, but they don't know what to persist in. To persist, you must tolerate mistakes. What kind of mistakes can be tolerated? Doing the wrong things will inevitably lead to wrong results.
For example, in business, cheating is absolutely unacceptable. Think about it, if a company sees making money as the ultimate goal, they might think cheating is justifiable, so there's no distinction between right and wrong, but as they keep deceiving, they'll eventually collapse. Many companies collapse without knowing why. This approach to business is somewhat like being a thief; if caught, they'll only think their thievery skills weren't good enough. If they think this way, they'll become more adept at stealing next time, stealing even more, and when caught again, the punishment will be more severe. This means they'll never learn from their mistakes. If they finally realize that stealing is wrong, even if they were good at it, they'll stop forever, indicating they've learned their lesson.
Those with excellent thievery skills are undoubtedly very clever. If they use their intelligence for legitimate pursuits, they'll be formidable in 30 years. So, this is a significant principle, but few are willing to heed such profound wisdom.
Of course, successful people are inherently rare. However, there will always be people who think about these things, who think long-term. Everything we do is related to where we'll be in 20 or 30years. Thinking ahead will undoubtedly lead to different outcomes. For example, if you enjoy teaching, you'll undoubtedly become an excellent teacher because you like it and enjoy it. Then you'll find various ways to help students understand what you teach and ensure it's useful for them in the future, rather than just focusing on getting good grades, forgetting everything once they leave school. If that's the case, students won't appreciate you in the future.
After so many years in college, what I remember most is a sentence from Professor Huang Gongkuan: "When anyone chooses their career path, if they think long-term, they'll make a difference." You never know at which moment such a significant difference will affect you, whether it's when choosing a major, a university, a job, or even a life partner—you must consider whether that person can be with you for the long haul, whether they're marriage material.