29. 企业文化 Corporate Culture

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1. 网友:步步高的(企业文化)有点长啊。

1. Netizen: The corporate culture of BBK seems a bit lengthy.


Duan Yongping: Haha, you've included an explanation for each point. Corporate cultur

e needs to be explained point by point, otherwise it cannot be conveyed. I feel ours is a bit similar to Alibaba's. (April 4, 2010)

2. 网友:愿景的前身好像叫使命感,文化人把它叫愿景了。没有愿景,好像就相当于短命感。是这样吗?

2. Netizen: The precursor of vision seems to be called a sense of mission. Intellectuals call it vision. Without a vision, it seems like having a sense of short-livedness. Is that so?

段永平:企业文化一般分为3块:mission,vision and core value. mission就是使命感,也就是企业为什么存在;vision就是愿景,指的是大家的共同远景;core value指的是核心价值观,也就是大是大非的问题。(2011-11-12)

Duan Yongping: Corporate culture is generally divided into three parts: mission, vision, and core values. Mission, that is, why the company exists; vision, referring to the common long-term vision; core values, which are the issues of right and wrong. (November 12, 2011)


Netizen 0: As investors, how do we observe whether the vision written on paper by the company is true?


Duan Yongping: Look at their history, what they say, and what they do. (November 12, 2011)


Netizen: Alibaba's vision is to "become the world's largest e-commerce service provider." The difference between Alibaba's culture and BBK's culture is that Alibaba wants to become the largest, while BBK wants to be grounded.


Duan Yongping: Being grounded and being the largest are not necessarily contradictory! In fact, most of the products our company produces end up being the "largest" domestically, but we rarely mention it. The reason we don't mention it is because we believe it's not something our users care about, but it often results naturally from our focus on users.


Personally, I think pursuing being the largest is indeed a bit problematic because it's a result rather than a direction, and it may conflict with core values (such as sometimes not being user-oriented). However, Alibaba as a company is still relatively new. When they really reach the top, they will understand the problems I mentioned, and they will still have time to make changes then. (April 5, 2010)


Netizen j: "The difference between Alibaba's culture and BBK's culture is that Alibaba wants to become the largest, while BBK wants to be grounded. Being grounded is natural, and Tao follows nature." —Admire!


Duan Yongping: This wasn't said by me, it was said by a netizen in the question, and I don't agree with this statement. (January 14, 2012)

3. 网友:有点困惑的是国内有些自己感觉挺好的企业似乎很看重并且一直在强调自己的市场占有率,这样的企业段哥会不会直接pass(淘汰)掉?好像马云也说过要阿里要超过沃尔玛,是不是不比较只专注于消费者会好一些?

3. Netizen: I'm a bit confused. It seems that some domestic companies, which I personally think are quite good, place a lot of emphasis on and continuously emphasize their market share. Will companies like these be directly passed over by Mr. Duan? It seems like Jack Ma also said that Alibaba should surpass Walmart. Would it be better to not compare and just focus on consumers?


Duan Yongping: Speaking about vision itself is not a problem. There's nothing bed about articulating a grand vision, especially in the early stages of a company, having a big vision is very important. The difference lies in how you achieve it. Using a consumer-oriented approach to achieve the vision goal is key. (October 24, 2010)

4. 网友:段总,我又不懂了。为什么说企业初期有个大的愿景非常重要呢?

4. Netizen: Mr. Duan, I'm confused again. Why is having a big vision in the early stages of a business is very important?


Duan Yongping: Vision is the common long-term perspective for everyone. Companies without vision are prone to profit orientation, which can easily lead to short-term mistakes driven by immediate interests, ultimately shortening the company's lifespan. (November 10, 2010)


Netizen 0: Many companies have visions, but it seems like they're just written words. If the vision is more grounded in reality, it doesn't seem like a "vision." What do you think?


Furthermore, I observe whether a company's vision is real or fake mainly by seeing if the leadership takes it seriously. I think you often mention the vision of BBK, so I believe it's real. PS: I'm not sure if I remember correctly, but isn't BBK's long-term vision to build a healthier, more sustainable company? Hehe.


Duan Yongping: The meaning of vision is everyone's vision (long-term perspective), just writing it down on paper is useless.


The vision we put forward is to be healthier and more sustainable. In other words, what is unhealthy and unsustainable is what we should not do (even if there is money to be made in the short term). (November 10, 2010)


Duan Yongping: We have been talking about being healthier and more sustainable for many years. We believe that, to achieve this, in addition to knowing what we should do, it's more important to know what we shouldn't do.

我们是有个不短的stop doing list的,今天举个小例子:芒格说如果知道自己会死在哪里就坚决不去那里。多数企业最后都是死在资金链断裂上(实际绝大多数情况下这只是表象而不是原因)。

We have a rather long stop doing list, to give a small example today: Munger said if you know you're going to die in a place, never go there. Most companies ultimately die because their capital chain breaks (in fact, in most cases, this is only a symptom rather than the cause).


Our company has virtually no loans, even though the banks gave us a lot of credit a long time ago.


Investing is the same, no margin! (November 10, 2016)

5. 网友:有了愿景不一定一定会成功,但没有愿景,一般不会成功。能否很好地在企业经营过程中执行好对远景或价值观的追求,与创始人对企业的理解有关,也与创始人的个性有关。

5. Netizen: Having a vision doesn't necessarily guarantee success, but without a vision, generally, is unlikely to be successed. The ability to execute the pursuit of long-term goals or values well during the company's operation is related to the founder's understanding of the company and the founder's personality.


Duan Yongping: That depends on how you define success. Companies without vision are unlikely to go far, but some small family businesses can go a long way by relying on other factors.

6. 网友:可乐如果是越南的话根本不可能卖到全世界,有文化的原因,就像麦当劳和肯德基能卖到全世界一样,我相信原因之一是它们是美国的。比如PUMA(彪马)和阿迪达斯,应该不少人会误认为它们是美国品牌,我是前几天才得知,其实它们是德国品牌呵呵。

6. Netizen: If Coca-Cola were from Vietnam, it wouldn't be possible to sell it worldwide, due to cultural reasons, just like McDonald's and KFC can sell worldwide. I believe one reason is because they are American. For example, PUMA and Adidas, many people might mistakenly think they are American brands. I only found out a few days ago that they are actually German brands, haha.


Duan Yongping: Then you must not know the story of NIKE. It's worth reading. When NIKE was still a very small company, it had a vision of "defeating Adidas," which was really ridiculous (that's what Adidas thought at the time). (May 29, 2010)

7. 网友:大道,能用一句话总结一下什么是好的企业文化吗?

7. Netizen: Da Dao, can you summarize what good corporate culture is in one sentence?


Duan Yongping: Doing the right things! (May 29, 2019)

8. 网友:能用一句话描述一下企业文化吗?

8. Netizen: Can you describe corporate culture in one sentence?


Duan Yongping: Hehe, let me try; it's about managing things that systems can't manage. (2010-05-18)


Netizen: Mr. Duan, is this understanding of corporate culture correct: the highest level of management is no management, and the highest level of system is no system! With a unified set of values and goals, employees can self-regulate, and whether the system is sound or not is not very important. This is the management philosophy of "from principe to morality"?


Duan Yongping: Companies without management will soon be finished. So-called good corporate culture is about managing things that systems can't handle, not some mysterious spell. Systems are mandatory, but culture is not entirely, so it's very difficult to establish good corporate culture and very easy to destroy it.


Netizen: How to understand that it's very easy to destroy?


Duan Yongping: For example, it's hard to build credibility, but easy to destroy it. (November 8, 2018)

9. 网友:库克:我们每天都偶在变化。他在的时候我们每天都在变化,他不在的时候我们也在变化。但是核心,核心中的价值观和98年、05年、10年的时候是一样的。我觉得价值观是不应该改变的,但是其他任何东西都可以改。

9. Netizen: Cook: We are changing every day. When he was here, we were changing every day, and when he is not here, we are still changing. But the core, the values in the core, are the same as in 1998, 2005, 2010. I think values should not change, but anything else can.


After watching many CEO interviews, I found that CEOs of excellent companies often mention one important thing: corporate culture.


Duan Yongping: Corporate culture is about what is right (or what is wrong) and how to do the right things. Apple's corporate culture can be regarded as a classic example of good corporate culture. Watching Apple's events might give you some insights. (March 21, 2015)


Netizen: In terms of "doing the right thing and doing it right," what Jobs and Cook have created and realized for Apple is: doing the right thing and doing it to the utmost!


Duan Yongping: Is there anything that is a right thing but not quite right? Your statement reflects a culture where there is no right or wrong, right? In fact, Apple has always adhered to "doing the right thing," and its long-term focus on "doing the right thing right" has led to the ultimate execution of things. (March 23, 2015)


Netizen: Your counter-question makes me realize my mistake, thank you for your guidance! To clarify my understanding: "doing the right thing" refers to setting the direction, which is a matter of principle, with only right and wrong and no degrees of difference, while the bottom line of "wrong things" is zero tolerance; I used to think without thinking that there are different levels of proficiency in "doing the right thing" and "doing things right," and even expressed them as good or bad; after all these years of learning, I still have such a hasty attitude towards major issues, I feel very ashamed.


Duan Yongping: Doing things right indeed has different levels. Everyone has their own learning curve, and everyone is bound to make mistakes. It is said that after spending ten thousand hours in any field, most people can become experts. (2015-03-23)

ps: “没有管理公司很快就会完蛋的。所谓好的企业文化是能管到制度管不过来的东西,不是个神秘的咒语。制度是强制性的,文化则不完全是,所以建立好的企业文化非常难,破坏起来非常容易。”


1. 网友:步步高的(企业文化)有点长啊。
1. Netizen: The corporate culture of BBK seems a bit lengthy.
Duan Yongping: Haha, you've included an explanation for each point. Corporate cultur
e needs to be explained point by point, otherwise it cannot be conveyed. I feel ours is a bit similar to Alibaba's. (April 4, 2010)
2. 网友:愿景的前身好像叫使命感,文化人把它叫愿景了。没有愿景,好像就相当于短命感。是这样吗?
2. Netizen: The precursor of vision seems to be called a sense of mission. Intellectuals call it vision. Without a vision, it seems like having a sense of short-livedness. Is that so?
段永平:企业文化一般分为3块:mission,vision and core value. mission就是使命感,也就是企业为什么存在;vision就是愿景,指的是大家的共同远景;core value指的是核心价值观,也就是大是大非的问题。(2011-11-12)
Duan Yongping: Corporate culture is generally divided into three parts: mission, vision, and core values. Mission, that is, why the company exists; vision, referring to the common long-term vision; core values, which are the issues of right and wrong. (November 12, 2011)
Netizen 0: As investors, how do we observe whether the vision written on paper by the company is true?
Duan Yongping: Look at their history, what they say, and what they do. (November 12, 2011)
Netizen: Alibaba's vision is to "become the world's largest e-commerce service provider." The difference between Alibaba's culture and BBK's culture is that Alibaba wants to become the largest, while BBK wants to be grounded.
Duan Yongping: Being grounded and being the largest are not necessarily contradictory! In fact, most of the products our company produces end up being the "largest" domestically, but we rarely mention it. The reason we don't mention it is because we believe it's not something our users care about, but it often results naturally from our focus on users.
Personally, I think pursuing being the largest is indeed a bit problematic because it's a result rather than a direction, and it may conflict with core values (such as sometimes not being user-oriented). However, Alibaba as a company is still relatively new. When they really reach the top, they will understand the problems I mentioned, and they will still have time to make changes then. (April 5,2010)
Netizen j: "The difference between Alibaba's culture and BBK's culture is that Alibaba wants to become the largest, while BBK wants to be grounded. Being grounded is natural, and Tao follows nature." —Admire!
Duan Yongping: This wasn't said by me, it was said by a netizen in the question, and I don't agree with this statement. (January 14, 2012)
3. 网友:有点困惑的是国内有些自己感觉挺好的企业似乎很看重并且一直在强调自己的市场占有率,这样的企业段哥会不会直接pass(淘汰)掉?好像马云也说过要阿里要超过沃尔玛,是不是不比较只专注于消费者会好一些?
3. Netizen: I'm a bit confused. It seems that some domestic companies, which I personally think are quite good, place a lot of emphasis on and continuously emphasize their market share. Will companies like these be directly passed over by Mr. Duan? It seems like Jack Ma also said that Alibaba should surpass Walmart. Would it be better to not compare and just focus on consumers?
Duan Yongping: Speaking about vision itself is not a problem. There's nothing bed about articulating a grand vision, especially in the early stages of a company, having a big vision is very important. The difference lies in how you achieve it. Using a consumer-oriented approach to achieve the vision goal is key. (October 24, 2010)
4. 网友:段总,我又不懂了。为什么说企业初期有个大的愿景非常重要呢?
4. Netizen: Mr. Duan, I'm confused again. Why is having a big vision in the early stages of a business is very important?
Duan Yongping: Vision is the common long-term perspective for everyone. Companies without vision are prone to profit orientation, which can easily lead to short-term mistakes driven by immediate interests, ultimately shortening the company's lifespan. (November 10, 2010)
Netizen 0: Many companies have visions, but it seems like they're just written words. If the vision is more grounded in reality, it doesn't seem like a "vision." What do you think?
Furthermore, I observe whether a company's vision is real or fake mainly by seeing if the leadership takes it seriously. I think you often mention the vision of BBK, so I believe it's real. PS: I'm not sure if I remember correctly, but isn't BBK's long-term vision to build a healthier, more sustainable company? Hehe.
Duan Yongping: The meaning of vision is everyone's vision (long-term perspective), just writing it down on paper is useless.
The vision we put forward is to be healthier and more sustainable. In other words, what is unhealthy and unsustainable is what we should not do (even if there is money to be made in the short term). (November 10, 2010)
Duan Yongping: We have been talking about being healthier and more sustainable for many years. We believe that, to achieve this, in addition to knowing what we should do, it's more important to know what we shouldn't do.
我们是有个不短的stop doing list的,今天举个小例子:芒格说如果知道自己会死在哪里就坚决不去那里。多数企业最后都是死在资金链断裂上(实际绝大多数情况下这只是表象而不是原因)。
We have a rather long stop doing list, to give a small example today: Munger said if you know you're going to die in a place, never go there. Most companies ultimately die because their capital chain breaks (in fact, in most cases, this is only a symptom rather than the cause).
Our company has virtually no loans, even though the banks gave us a lot of credit a long time ago.
Investing is the same, no margin! (November 10, 2016)
5. 网友:有了愿景不一定一定会成功,但没有愿景,一般不会成功。能否很好地在企业经营过程中执行好对远景或价值观的追求,与创始人对企业的理解有关,也与创始人的个性有关。
5. Netizen: Having a vision doesn't necessarily guarantee success, but without a vision, generally, is unlikely to be successed. The ability to execute the pursuit of long-term goals or values well during the company's operation is related to the founder's understanding of the company and the founder's personality.
Duan Yongping: That depends on how you define success. Companies without vision are unlikely to go far, but some small family businesses can go a long way by relying on other factors.
6. 网友:可乐如果是越南的话根本不可能卖到全世界,有文化的原因,就像麦当劳和肯德基能卖到全世界一样,我相信原因之一是它们是美国的。比如PUMA(彪马)和阿迪达斯,应该不少人会误认为它们是美国品牌,我是前几天才得知,其实它们是德国品牌呵呵。
6. Netizen: If Coca-Cola were from Vietnam, it wouldn't be possible to sell it worldwide, due to cultural reasons, just like McDonald's and KFC can sell worldwide. I believe one reason is because they are American. For example, PUMA and Adidas, many people might mistakenly think they are American brands. I only found out a few days ago that they are actually German brands, haha.
Duan Yongping: Then you must not know the story of NIKE. It's worth reading. When NIKE was still a very small company, it had a vision of "defeating Adidas," which was really ridiculous (that's what Adidas thought at the time). (May 29, 2010)
7. 网友:大道,能用一句话总结一下什么是好的企业文化吗?
7. Netizen: Da Dao, can you summarize what good corporate culture is in one sentence?
Duan Yongping: Doing the right things! (May 29, 2019)
8. 网友:能用一句话描述一下企业文化吗?
8. Netizen: Can you describe corporate culture in one sentence?
Duan Yongping: Hehe, let me try; it's about managing things that systems can't manage. (2010-05-18)
Netizen: Mr. Duan, is this understanding of corporate culture correct: the highest level of management is no management, and the highest level of system is no system! With a unified set of values and goals, employees can self-regulate, and whether the system is sound or not is not very important. This is the management philosophy of "from principe to morality"?
Duan Yongping: Companies without management will soon be finished. So-called good corporate culture is about managing things that systems can't handle, not some mysterious spell. Systems are mandatory, but culture is not entirely, so it's very difficult to establish good corporate culture and very easy to destroy it.
Netizen: How to understand that it's very easy to destroy?
Duan Yongping: For example, it's hard to build credibility, but easy to destroy it. (November 8, 2018)
9. 网友:库克:我们每天都偶在变化。他在的时候我们每天都在变化,他不在的时候我们也在变化。但是核心,核心中的价值观和98年、05年、10年的时候是一样的。我觉得价值观是不应该改变的,但是其他任何东西都可以改。
9. Netizen: Cook: We are changing every day. When he was here, we were changing every day, and when he is not here, we are still changing. But the core, the values in the core, are the same as in 1998, 2005, 2010. I think values should not change, but anything else can.
After watching many CEO interviews, I found that CEOs of excellent companies often mention one important thing: corporate culture.
Duan Yongping: Corporate culture is about what is right (or what is wrong) and how to do the right things. Apple's corporate culture can be regarded as a classic example of good corporate culture. Watching Apple's events might give you some insights. (March 21, 2015)
Netizen: In terms of "doing the right thing and doing it right," what Jobs and Cook have created and realized for Apple is: doing the right thing and doing it to the utmost!
Duan Yongping: Is there anything that is a right thing but not quite right? Your statement reflects a culture where there is no right or wrong, right? In fact, Apple has always adhered to "doing the right thing," and its long-term focus on "doing the right thing right" has led to the ultimate execution of things. (March 23, 2015)
Netizen: Your counter-question makes me realize my mistake, thank you for your guidance! To clarify my understanding: "doing the right thing" refers to setting the direction, which is a matter of principle, with only right and wrong and no degrees of difference, while the bottom line of "wrong things" is zero tolerance; I used to think without thinking that there are different levels of proficiency in "doing the right thing" and "doing things right," and even expressed them as good or bad; after all these years of learning, I still have such a hasty attitude towards major issues, I feel very ashamed.
Duan Yongping: Doing things right indeed has different levels. Everyone has their own learning curve, and everyone is bound to make mistakes. It is said that after spending ten thousand hours in any field, most people can become experts. (2015-03-23)
ps: “没有管理公司很快就会完蛋的。所谓好的企业文化是能管到制度管不过来的东西,不是个神秘的咒语。制度是强制性的,文化则不完全是,所以建立好的企业文化非常难,破坏起来非常容易。”

04-07 11:29
