18. 30个商业案例点评 30 Business Case Reviews

发布于: 修改于: Android转发:6回复:11喜欢:13

03. 网友:段总怎么看Google谷歌)呢?你说看不懂那个自动驾驶汽车。呵呵,确实有点偏的感觉。Google这两天发布好多新东西。1、那个眼镜也有点怪怪的,有点偏。2、Google Nexus Q有点意思哦,挺喜欢的,如果便宜点真想弄一个玩玩。3、Nexus 7不错,可惜没有后置摄像头,kindle fire麻烦了。4、安卓4.1也在进步,系统一直在完善啊,假以时日,能逼近IOS(苹果系统)么?

03. Netizen: What does Mr. Duan think of Google? You said you don't understand that self-driving car. Haha, it does feel a bit biased. Google has released a lot of new things these days. 1. That eyeglass looks a bit strange, kind of biased. 2. Google Nexus Q is quite interesting, I quite like it, if it's cheaper, I really want to get one to play with. 3. Nexus 7 is good, but it's a pity that it doesn't have a rear camera, Kindle Fire gets more complicated. 4. Android 4.1 is also making progress, the system has been continuously improving, given time, can it approach iOS?


Duan Yongping: I have always liked Google and think Google is a good company, but I only understand some of its business models. So, some time ago, I exchanged some of my Google holdings for Apple, which was only about 90 yuan difference at that time. Maybe one day I will switch back, whoever grows faster (or falls faster). As for whether it will approach iOS, as an Apple user, I actually have no idea and don't care, unless I feel that the user experience of Apple is not good one day. Once users enter the Apple ecosystem, they don't really care about the changes in Android, so I've never really thought that Android is competing with Apple. (2012-06-28)

04. 网友:请教一下为什么安卓的体验总是差强人意,苹果都出来这么久了还是差距蛮大的,这是为什么?按道理来说有个样板在那里学应该很快能学到的,而且那么多人去研究。

04. Netizen: I'd like to ask why the Android experience is always somewhat unsatisfactory, even though Apple has been around for so long, there is still quite a big gap, why is that? According to reason, with a model to learn from, it should be learned quickly, and so many people are studying it.


Duan Yongping: Android itself consumes a lot of resources, for example, if they are all dual-core or quad-core, the performance will be quite a bit worse. Plus, what everyone sees from Apple is the accumulation of decades, it's probably not possible for Android to fully catch up. However, the performance of Android is actually already very good, it's many times stronger than using a Nokia smartphone back in the day, there will definitely be certain unique features in terms of usage compared to Apple, and the price can also be much cheaper. In the future, the differentiation among Android phones will become smaller and smaller, it won't be easy for Samsung to hold on to the price. Apple's ecosystem will retain users who particularly like or are used to it, so the impact of Android won't be as big as imagined. However, with Apple and Samsung holding up the prices, other companies selling Android smartphones should still have a decent time ahead. (2013-01-23)

05. 网友:段总在10年初的时候提到过会谈一谈如何错过腾讯的,现在怎么看?我觉得他的模式比苹果还牛,只是估值似乎永远也下不来。

05. Netizen: Mr. Duan mentioned at the beginning of 2010 that he would like to talk about how Tencent was missed. What is your current perspective? I think its model is even more impressive than Apple's, but it seems that the valuation never comes down.


Duan Yongping: Let Tencent reach a market cap of $600 billion and see? Tencent is indeed a good company, but to become like Apple, there are many things needed, including changes in the overall environment.


By the way, let me explain what is a business model . A business model is a money-making model, and the model that ultimately earns more should be better. Apple's annual profit now exceeds the total profit earned by all Chinese internet companies (including Tencent) since their inception. What logic supports the idea that Tencent's model is better? (2013-03-04)

06. 网友:我倒是没想过您看不看得到这些(若您觉得我表达有误我这边先道个歉),这只是我自己想到的问题,提出来讨论而已,并无冒犯或挑战的意思。您的意思是不是说这些问题的确存在,但不构成影响?

06. Netizen: I didn't think about if you can see these or not(if I expressed myself incorrectly, I apologize in advance). These are just questions I thought of and raised for discussion, with no intention to offend or challenge. Are you saying that these issues do exist but do not have an impact?


Duan Yongping: Actually, I don't know what you want to ask. Is your question why the loyalty of iPhone users is not 100%? Or is it because the loyalty of iPhone is less than 90%, so iPhone is not good? Or because someone around you has switched from an iPhone to a large-screen Samsung or another brand, will anyone buy an iPhone again in the future? If you don’t care about my opinion of Apple, why ask me about Apple? By the way, this response is not just for you. Also, a reminder, we sell Android (large-screen) phones, and I know how big this market is. I suggest some people think about Apple's business model, if they feel that Samsung's model is better, then this blog is actually not suitable for you. (2013-02-16)

07. 网友:在雪球网看到您说过“顺便说下,我们公司是卖andriod手机的,我想我真的能理解andriod的生命力在哪里。”可否详细说说您对安卓生命力的理解?

07. Netizen: I saw on Snowball Network that you said, "By the way, our company sells Android phones, and I believe I truly understand where Android's vitality lies." Could you elaborate on your understanding of the vitality of Android?


Duan Yongping: The mobile market is so huge. If you haven't bought an iPhone, then why not get an Android first? In the long run, it's very difficult for Apple products to exceed 30%, and the remaining 70% is basically Android. In the next 10 years, at least 5 billion mobile devices will be sold (I think it could be over 10 billion). (2013-03-03)

网友M:用习惯iPhone的人,一般改用安卓系统会不习惯的,因为苹果只要ID一输,程序、音乐、通讯录等等都会回来,通过Apple TV,把其他设备上的图像、视频、音乐随时就可以在电视上显示出来,通过查找iPhone随时可以知道在外地的亲人在哪,然后通过face time不花钱视频。当iMac电脑的图像一键显示到投影上,当随时在中国用iPhone打开在美国家的电脑操作并打开摄像头看自己的宠物捣乱了没,你就会感觉到科技的力量,苹果是世界第一大公司是理所当然的。还有苹果绝对是消费者导向,你想要的功能它基本都已经实现了。安卓系统这些功能可能接借助其他应用也可以实现,但感觉一切都乱,设备互联性太差。苹果是个大系统,音乐、视频、游戏、软件、相机、电脑……的钱它全赚了,关键你买的音乐、视频、程序等一辈子都是你的,但必须在他的设备上才可以用,谁还会轻易换设备。比如我都买了一万多的软件和音乐了,换其他的设备还需再买,谁还换设备,除了它太差了。Apple TV一定要买,它可以把苹果所有的设备都连起来。

Netizen M: People who are used to using iPhones generally find it uncomfortable to switch to the Android system, because with Apple, as long as you input the ID, all your apps, music, contacts, etc., will come back. Through Apple TV, you can display images, videos, and music from other devices on your TV at any time. By using Find My iPhone, you can instantly know where your family members are when they are away, and then make video calls without spending money through FaceTime. When the images on the iMac computer are displayed on the projector with a single click, and when you can use your iPhone in China to operate and activate the camera on your computer at home in the United States to see if your pet is causing trouble, you will feel the power of technology. It's only natural for Apple to be the world's largest company. Moreover, Apple is definitely consumer-oriented, and it has basically realized almost all the functions you want. These functions may be achievable with Android by using other apps, but everything feels chaotic, and the interconnectivity of devices is poor. Apple is a big system, and it earns money from music, videos, games, software, cameras, computers... The key is that whatever you buy, such as music, videos, or apps, will be yours for life, but you can only use them on its devices, so who would easily switch devices? For example, I have spent over 10,000 yuan on software and music. If I switch to another device, I will need to buy them again. Who would switch devices, except for its poor performance? You must buy Apple TV, it can connect all of Apple's devices.


Duan Yongping: Haha, you've explained it very clearly. This is called an ecosystem. The problem with Android is that the more it sells now, the more chaotic it may become in the future, and more and more people will gradually move into the Apple ecosystem. Another important thing is Apple's security. There is a reason why so many companies want to use iPhone and iPad. In the top 500 companies in the United States, 95% have started using the iPhone and iPad systems, and in the top 500 international companies, 85% have started using them—this was mentioned by Cook at the shareholders' meeting.


I heard that currently only iPhones cannot be bugged, while most other phones can. Those who are afraid of being bugged should be careful. (2013-03-04)

08. 网友:最近一直在想苹果这个生意,如果某次发布的新产品失败了(市场反响不好),这对苹果的影响应该很大,这种生意还是好生意吗?虽然苹果现在的用户粘性很大。但是我想也经不起2年的新产品失败吧,而且谷歌这个对手也不是吃素的。

08. Netizen: I've been thinking about Apple's business recently. If a new product release fails (poor market response), it should have a big impact on Apple. Is this still a good business? Although Apple has a very loyal user base, I don't think it can withstand the failure of a new product for 2 years. Moreover, Google is not an easy competitor.


Duan Yongping: I don't know what you've been thinking all along. Have you seen any other company in the same industry that can maintain its turnover for a year without launching new products continuously, especially considering the previous product didn't create much buzz? If this doesn't qualify as a good model, then what does? Now it's Apple's turn to make a move. By the way, anyone who thinks the iPhone 5 is a failure should consider how many single products in human history have been more successful than the iPhone 5? (2013-09-04)

09. 网友:苹果能做到垃圾中不是那么垃圾,还有人要,真的是个奇迹。

09. Netizen: Apple can make something not so good seem not so bad, and there are still people who want it. It's truly a miracle.


Duan Yongping: The high residual value of Apple products also indicates that Apple's stuff is good indeed. (2013-12-13)


Netizen: Today, I saw the news of Apple officially selling second-hand iPhones, including buyback prices and selling prices for various models,comparing to... What's your opinion, Mr. Duan?


Duan Yongping: My opinion is that only Apple can do this; others actually can't. (2015-04-14)

10. 网友:苹果的威力——“十年生死两茫茫,安卓兴,联发亡。低端市场,处处话凄凉。纵使相逢应不识,诺死记,苹果王。摩托三星忽还乡,拼低端,实在忙。中兴亲,华为新,魅族创新强。HTC出机皇,日日换大梁。手机业,已无常。全都忙转行,山寨泪千行……”将来会怎样呢?

10. Netizen: The power of Apple - "Ten years of life and death, the rise of Android, the fall of Alliance. In the low-end market, it's all about desolation. Even if we meet, we may not recognize each other, but remember, Apple is king. Moto and Samsung return to their hometown, competing in the low-end market, truly busy. ZTE is close, Huawei is new, Meizu innovates strongly. HTC creates phone emperors, changing the landscape every day. The mobile phone industry is already unpredictable. Everyone is busy changing industries, shedding tears for imitations..." What will the future be like?


Duan Yongping: Haha, the companies influenced by Apple are far more than just those phone companies you mentioned. For example, all companies selling computers, especially laptops, are greatly affected. Even game companies are indirectly affected to a large extent. If you think about it carefully, it's quite interesting. (2012-02-25)


Netizen: Apple presents itself as a rock star. Behind the external glamour, there is actually a strong force, which is easy to overlook. 1) It has a strong advantage in controlling prices and material costs in the professional field, and can launch a price war. Despite its high-end image, the price of the iPad 3 is actually quite cheap, comparable to the prices of its competitors' products, so Apple has the ability to truly wage a price war. 2) Apart from the fashionable appearance and attractive features of Apple products, its design, manufacturing, and supply chain management are easily overlooked. For example, if you let copycat manufacturers buy all the components of the iPhone, the cost is comparable to the finished price of the iPhone, and the cost of the iPad is much lower, yet still ensures huge profits. The first to fourth generations of the iPhone maintained the same price, but could upgrade components on an increasingly larger scale, which is a significant advantage. So, I believe the iPad 3 has a bright future as long as it doesn't have major flaws, similar to the death grip issue with the iPhone 4. Apple continues to maintain its leading edge.


Duan Yongping: In fact, Apple's formidable strength should not be easily overlooked or disregarded, unless you intentionally choose to ignore it. The ostrich approach won't be of any help. Most likely, any company in any industry directly or indirectly affected by Apple, be it now or in the future, will sooner or later have to face Apple's formidable strength. Just to name a few industries or products already affected: phones, computers, laptops, games (including online games), gaming consoles, mid- to low-end cameras and camcorders, music, movies, books, television, the internet, service providers, retail of almost all related products, and nearly all electronic consumer goods... Feel free to add to the list. Finding a way to survive within the Apple ecosystem might be more practical than challenging Apple directly.Avoiding Apple might be another approach.


Duan Yongping: Just imagine if you were Apple's competitor, what methods could you use to make users have such high stickiness and such good profitability as Apple does? Relying on selling at low prices is not at the same level. The actual cost of Apple products is significantly lower than that of any competitor, mainly in areas other than material costs. If you think you can find a way, it means that Apple isn't really that formidable.(2012-02-06)



2023-11-12 11:03

03. 网友:段总怎么看Google(谷歌)呢?你说看不懂那个自动驾驶汽车。呵呵,确实有点偏的感觉。Google这两天发布好多新东西。1、那个眼镜也有点怪怪的,有点偏。2、Google Nexus Q有点意思哦,挺喜欢的,如果便宜点真想弄一个玩玩。3、Nexus 7不错,可惜没有后置摄像头,kindle fire麻烦了。4、安卓4.1也在进步,系统一直在完善啊,假以时日,能逼近IOS(苹果系统)么?
03. Netizen: What does Mr. Duan think of Google? You said you don't understand that self-driving car. Haha, it does feel a bit biased. Google has released a lot of new things these days. 1. That eyeglass looks a bit strange, kind of biased. 2. Google Nexus Q is quite interesting, I quite like it, if it's cheaper, I really want to get one to play with. 3. Nexus 7is good, but it's a pity that it doesn't have a rear camera, Kindle Fire gets more complicated. 4. Android 4.1 is also making progress, the system has been continuously improving, given time, can it approach iOS?
Duan Yongping: I have always liked Google and think Google is a good company, but I only understand some of its business models. So, some time ago, I exchanged some of my Google holdings for Apple, which was only about 90 yuan difference at that time. Maybe one day I will switch back, whoever grows faster (or falls faster). As for whether it will approach iOS, as an Apple user, I actually have no idea and don't care, unless I feel that the user experience of Apple is not good one day. Once users enter the Apple ecosystem, they don't really care about the changes in Android, so I've never really thought that Android is competing with Apple. (2012-06-28)
04. 网友:请教一下为什么安卓的体验总是差强人意,苹果都出来这么久了还是差距蛮大的,这是为什么?按道理来说有个样板在那里学应该很快能学到的,而且那么多人去研究。
04. Netizen: I'd like to ask why the Android experience is always somewhat unsatisfactory, even though Apple has been around for so long, there is still quite a big gap, why is that? According to reason, with a model to learn from, it should be learned quickly, and so many people are studying it.
Duan Yongping: Android itself consumes a lot of resources, for example, if they are all dual-core or quad-core, the performance will be quite a bit worse. Plus, what everyone sees from Apple is the accumulation of decades, it's probably not possible for Android to fully catch up. However, the performance of Android is actually already very good, it's many times stronger than using a Nokia smartphone back in the day, there will definitely be certain unique features in terms of usage compared to Apple, and the price can also be much cheaper. In the future, the differentiation among Android phones will become smaller and smaller, it won't be easy for Samsung to hold on to the price. Apple's ecosystem will retain users who particularly like or are used to it, so the impact of Android won't be as big as imagined. However, with Apple and Samsung holding up the prices, other companies selling Android smartphones should still have a decent time ahead. (2013-01-23)
05. 网友:段总在10年初的时候提到过会谈一谈如何错过腾讯的,现在怎么看?我觉得他的模式比苹果还牛,只是估值似乎永远也下不来。
05. Netizen: Mr. Duan mentioned at the beginning of 2010 that he would like to talk about how Tencent was missed. What is your current perspective? I think its model is even more impressive than Apple's, but it seems that the valuation never comes down.
Duan Yongping: Let Tencent reach a market cap of $600 billion and see? Tencent is indeed a good company, but to become like Apple, there are many things needed, including changes in the overall environment.
By the way, let me explain what is a business model . A business model is a money-making model, and the model that ultimately earns more should be better. Apple's annual profit now exceeds the total profit earned by all Chinese internet companies (including Tencent) since their inception. What logic supports the idea that Tencent's model is better? (2013-03-04)
06. 网友:我倒是没想过您看不看得到这些(若您觉得我表达有误我这边先道个歉),这只是我自己想到的问题,提出来讨论而已,并无冒犯或挑战的意思。您的意思是不是说这些问题的确存在,但不构成影响?
06. Netizen: I didn't think about if you can see these or not(if I expressed myself incorrectly, I apologize in advance). These are just questions I thought of and raised for discussion, with no intention to offend or challenge. Are you saying that these issues do exist but do not have an impact?
Duan Yongping: Actually, I don't know what you want to ask. Is your question why the loyalty of iPhone users is not 100%? Or is it because the loyalty of iPhone is less than 90%, so iPhone is not good? Or because someone around you has switched from an iPhone to a large-screen Samsung or another brand, will anyone buy an iPhone again in the future? If you don’t care about my opinion of Apple, why ask me about Apple? By the way, this response is not just for you. Also, a reminder, we sell Android (large-screen) phones, and I know how big this market is. I suggest some people think about Apple's business model, if they feel that Samsung's model is better, then this blog is actually not suitable for you. (2013-02-16)
07. 网友:在雪球网看到您说过“顺便说下,我们公司是卖andriod手机的,我想我真的能理解andriod的生命力在哪里。”可否详细说说您对安卓生命力的理解?
07. Netizen: I saw on Snowball Network that you said, "By the way, our company sells Android phones, and I believe I truly understand where Android's vitality lies." Could you elaborate on your understanding of the vitality of Android?
Duan Yongping: The mobile market is so huge. If you haven't bought an iPhone, then why not get an Android first? In the long run, it's very difficult for Apple products to exceed 30%, and the remaining 70% is basically Android. In the next 10years, at least 5 billion mobile devices will be sold (I think it could be over 10billion). (2013-03-03)
网友M:用习惯iPhone的人,一般改用安卓系统会不习惯的,因为苹果只要ID一输,程序、音乐、通讯录等等都会回来,通过Apple TV,把其他设备上的图像、视频、音乐随时就可以在电视上显示出来,通过查找iPhone随时可以知道在外地的亲人在哪,然后通过face time不花钱视频。当iMac电脑的图像一键显示到投影上,当随时在中国用iPhone打开在美国家的电脑操作并打开摄像头看自己的宠物捣乱了没,你就会感觉到科技的力量,苹果是世界第一大公司是理所当然的。还有苹果绝对是消费者导向,你想要的功能它基本都已经实现了。安卓系统这些功能可能接借助其他应用也可以实现,但感觉一切都乱,设备互联性太差。苹果是个大系统,音乐、视频、游戏、软件、相机、电脑……的钱它全赚了,关键你买的音乐、视频、程序等一辈子都是你的,但必须在他的设备上才可以用,谁还会轻易换设备。比如我都买了一万多的软件和音乐了,换其他的设备还需再买,谁还换设备,除了它太差了。Apple TV一定要买,它可以把苹果所有的设备都连起来。
Netizen M: People who are used to using iPhones generally find it uncomfortable to switch to the Android system, because with Apple, as long as you input the ID, all your apps, music, contacts, etc., will come back. Through Apple TV, you can display images, videos, and music from other devices on your TV at any time. By using Find My iPhone, you can instantly know where your family members are when they are away, and then make video calls without spending money through FaceTime. When the images on the iMac computer are displayed on the projector with a single click, and when you can use your iPhone in China to operate and activate the camera on your computer at home in the United States to see if your pet is causing trouble, you will feel the power of technology. It's only natural for Apple to be the world's largest company. Moreover, Apple is definitely consumer-oriented, and it has basically realized almost all the functions you want. These functions may be achievable with Android by using other apps, but everything feels chaotic, and the interconnectivity of devices is poor. Apple is a big system, and it earns money from music, videos, games, software, cameras, computers... The key is that whatever you buy, such as music, videos, or apps, will be yours for life, but you can only use them on its devices, so who would easily switch devices? For example, I have spent over 10,000 yuan on software and music. If I switch to another device, I will need to buy them again. Who would switch devices, except for its poor performance? You must buy Apple TV, it can connect all of Apple's devices.
Duan Yongping: Haha, you've explained it very clearly. This is called an ecosystem. The problem with Android is that the more it sells now, the more chaotic it may become in the future, and more and more people will gradually move into the Apple ecosystem. Another important thing is Apple's security. There is a reason why so many companies want to use iPhone and iPad. In the top 500 companies in the United States, 95% have started using the iPhone and iPad systems, and in the top 500 international companies, 85% have started using them—this was mentioned by Cook at the shareholders' meeting.
I heard that currently only iPhones cannot be bugged, while most other phones can. Those who are afraid of being bugged should be careful. (2013-03-04)
08. 网友:最近一直在想苹果这个生意,如果某次发布的新产品失败了(市场反响不好),这对苹果的影响应该很大,这种生意还是好生意吗?虽然苹果现在的用户粘性很大。但是我想也经不起2年的新产品失败吧,而且谷歌这个对手也不是吃素的。
08. Netizen: I've been thinking about Apple's business recently. If a new product release fails (poor market response), it should have a big impact on Apple. Is this still a good business? Although Apple has a very loyal user base, I don't think it can withstand the failure of a new product for 2 years. Moreover, Google is not an easy competitor.
Duan Yongping: I don't know what you've been thinking all along. Have you seen any other company in the same industry that can maintain its turnover for a year without launching new products continuously, especially considering the previous product didn't create much buzz? If this doesn't qualify as a good model, then what does? Now it's Apple's turn to make a move. By the way, anyone who thinks the iPhone 5 is a failure should consider how many single products in human history have been more successful than the iPhone 5? (2013-09-04)
09. 网友:苹果能做到垃圾中不是那么垃圾,还有人要,真的是个奇迹。
09. Netizen: Apple can make something not so good seem not so bad, and there are still people who want it. It's truly a miracle.
Duan Yongping: The high residual value of Apple products also indicates that Apple's stuff is good indeed. (2013-12-13)
Netizen: Today, I saw the news of Apple officially selling second-hand iPhones, including buyback prices and selling prices for various models,comparing to... What's your opinion, Mr. Duan?
Duan Yongping: My opinion is that only Apple can do this; others actually can't. (2015-04-14)
10. 网友:苹果的威力——“十年生死两茫茫,安卓兴,联发亡。低端市场,处处话凄凉。纵使相逢应不识,诺死记,苹果王。摩托三星忽还乡,拼低端,实在忙。中兴亲,华为新,魅族创新强。HTC出机皇,日日换大梁。手机业,已无常。全都忙转行,山寨泪千行……”将来会怎样呢?
10. Netizen: The power of Apple - "Ten years of life and death, the rise of Android, the fall of Alliance. In the low-end market, it's all about desolation. Even if we meet, we may not recognize each other, but remember, Apple is king. Moto and Samsung return to their hometown, competing in the low-end market, truly busy. ZTE is close, Huawei is new, Meizu innovates strongly. HTC creates phone emperors, changing the landscape every day. The mobile phone industry is already unpredictable. Everyone is busy changing industries, shedding tears for imitations..." What will the future be like?
Duan Yongping: Haha, the companies influenced by Apple are far more than just those phone companies you mentioned. For example, all companies selling computers, especially laptops, are greatly affected. Even game companies are indirectly affected to a large extent. If you think about it carefully, it's quite interesting. (2012-02-25)
Netizen: Apple presents itself as a rock star. Behind the external glamour, there is actually a strong force, which is easy to overlook. 1) It has a strong advantage in controlling prices and material costs in the professional field, and can launch a price war. Despite its high-end image, the price of the iPad 3 is actually quite cheap, comparable to the prices of its competitors' products, so Apple has the ability to truly wage a price war. 2) Apart from the fashionable appearance and attractive features of Apple products, its design, manufacturing, and supply chain management are easily overlooked. For example, if you let copycat manufacturers buy all the components of the iPhone, the cost is comparable to the finished price of the iPhone, and the cost of the iPad is much lower, yet still ensures huge profits. The first to fourth generations of the iPhone maintained the same price, but could upgrade components on an increasingly larger scale, which is a significant advantage. So, I believe the iPad 3 has a bright future as long as it doesn't have major flaws, similar to the death grip issue with the iPhone 4. Apple continues to maintain its leading edge.
Duan Yongping: In fact, Apple's formidable strength should not be easily overlooked or disregarded, unless you intentionally choose to ignore it. The ostrich approach won't be of any help. Most likely, any company in any industry directly or indirectly affected by Apple, be it now or in the future, will sooner or later have to face Apple's formidable strength. Just to name a few industries or products already affected: phones, computers, laptops, games (including online games), gaming consoles, mid- to low-end cameras and camcorders, music, movies, books, television, the internet, service providers, retail of almost all related products, and nearly all electronic consumer goods... Feel free to add to the list. Finding a way to survive within the Apple ecosystem might be more practical than challenging Apple directly.Avoiding Apple might be another approach.
Duan Yongping: Just imagine if you were Apple's competitor, what methods could you use to make users have such high stickiness and such good profitability as Apple does? Relying on selling at low prices is not at the same level. The actual cost of Apple products is significantly lower than that of any competitor, mainly in areas other than material costs. If you think you can find a way, it means that Apple isn't really that formidable.(2012-02-06)

2023-11-12 15:59

我刚打赏了这个帖子 ¥200,也推荐给你。

2023-11-12 21:24


2023-11-12 23:03

用习惯iPhone的人,一般改用安卓系统会不习惯的,因为苹果只要ID一输,程序、音乐、通讯录等等都会回来,通过Apple TV,把其他设备上的图像、视频、音乐随时就可以在电视上显示出来,通过查找iPhone随时可以知道在外地的亲人在哪,然后通过face time不花钱视频。当iMac电脑的图像一键显示到投影上,当随时在中国用iPhone打开在美国家的电脑操作并打开摄像头看自己的宠物捣乱了没,你就会感觉到科技的力量,苹果是世界第一大公司是理所当然的。还有苹果绝对是消费者导向,你想要的功能它基本都已经实现了。安卓系统这些功能可能接借助其他应用也可以实现,但感觉一切都乱,设备互联性太差。苹果是个大系统,音乐、视频、游戏、软件、相机、电脑……的钱它全赚了,关键你买的音乐、视频、程序等一辈子都是你的,但必须在他的设备上才可以用,谁还会轻易换设备。比如我都买了一万多的软件和音乐了,换其他的设备还需再买,谁还换设备,除了它太差了。Apple TV一定要买,它可以把苹果所有的设备都连起来。

2023-11-14 07:23


2023-11-13 17:25

2023-11-12 21:37

2023-11-12 16:29
