22. 30个商业案例分析 30 Business Case Reviews

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15. 塑胶、五金、电子零件公司

15. Plastic, Hardware, and Electronic Component Companies


Netizen: I would like to ask how companies that produce electronic product components, such as plastic, hardware, and electronic parts, conduct value analysis. These types of companies have several characteristics:


Firstly, they have a large amount of receivables, and the current payment cycle for the domestic electronic product industry is generally three months (90 days) (except for a few exclusive suppliers and irreplaceable branded components). Customers are terminal brand customers such as Nokia, Samsung, LG, and domestic brands. The electronic industry is a highly competitive industry. Once one customer goes bankrupt, it will cause a large amount of uncollected payments. Think about the bankruptcy of Xaomi and Boda a few years ago, which must have hurt a lot of their suppliers.


Secondly, the company's performance is unstable and can fluctuate greatly. When a super-large customer like Nokia or Apple is added, the performance will quickly rise. Once there are problems in cooperation, the performance will also plummet. Of course, if you intervene before the super-large customer, it is a huge opportunity.


Thirdly, the entry threshold is relatively low. Basically, there are few technical barriers.


Duan Yongping: Hehe, if you want to be busy for a day, invite friends to have a meal at home.


If you want to be busy for a year, decorate your house.


If you want to be busy for your whole life, buy more companies like this. (2011-01-05)


Netizen: What do you think of Hang Seng Electronics?


Duan Yongping: I'm sorry, I don't know this company. However, generally speaking, most "electronics companies" may not be worth investing in because their business model is usually not very good. (2019-09-09)

16. 高端,低端商业模式

16. High-end and Low-end Business Models

01. 网友:小米刚成立时说只做发烧手机,1年后做了青春版,现在又出了更低端的红米,不懂雷军想怎样,不看好!我看小米最值钱的也就是开发的一些软件。

01. Netizen: When Xiaomi was first established, they said they would only make high-end smartphones. But after one year, they released the Youth Edition, and now they have launched the even lower-end Redmi. I don't understand what Lei Jun is thinking, and I'm not optimistic about this! I think the most valuable aspect of Xiaomi is their software development.


Duan Yongping: Offering low prices is the easiest path, but also the most difficult one. (2013-08-04)

02. 网友:(从高端入手真是厉害)为什么说从高端入手真厉害?您能说说从高端市场入手比低端入手的道理及利弊吗?

02. Netizen: (Starting from the high-end is impressive) Why is it said that starting from the high-end is impressive? Can you explain the reasons and pros and cons of starting from the high-end market compared to starting from the low-end?


Duan Yongping: Few people do it because the success rate is very low. But if successful, the cost is the lowest. (2013-07-02)


Duan Yongping: We have always be counted as high-end phones, right? This time, we are just entering the smartphone market. Generally speaking, as long as we have enough time, we seem to be quite formidable domestically. I believe that after some time, most people in China who buy Android phones will consider OPPO as one of their options. (2011-07-14)

03. 网友:请教一下学长现在对Android的前景怎么看呢?您觉得Android做高端有前途吗?另外您觉得苹果会不会着力占领廉价手机市场?这样做的话对他们好处多还是坏处多?

03. Netizen: I would like to ask how you currently view the future of Android? Do you think there is a future for Android in the high-end market? Also, do you think Apple will focus on occupying the low-cost smartphone market? In doing so, would it bring more benefits or disadvantages to them?


Duan Yongping: For a considerable period of time, the quantity of Android will still be the largest. We cannot say how Android will fare in the high-end market, but it is quite possible for a certain brand to release an expensive Android smartphone. Those who buy it will naturally consider it as a high-end device. Additionally, there is also a distinction between high-end and low-end within the Android market.


Apple will probably never specifically target the so-called low-cost smartphone market. I am a bit surprised that you asked this question, which indicates that your understanding of enterprises is already very close to the general public's. Apple's strategy has always been there, to make the best products and let previous products serve as entry-level or advanced products. In about three years, when iPhone 7 comes out, iPhone 5c will become an entry-level product and will probably be sold for around 2000 yuan. It will look quite appealing at that time.


Furthermore, iPhone 5s is definitely groundbreaking. I don't know why so many people are turning a blind eye to it. What I can say for sure is that many people in Samsung will start "feeling the pressure and staying up late". (2013-09-03)

04. 网友:哪位朋友能谈谈iWatch?

04. Netizen: Can someone talk about the iWatch?


Duan Yongping: That is still a legend, where do we even begin? However, the most amusing rumor about Apple is the cheap iPhone. After this rumor surfaced, there were discussions about whether Apple should or should not do it. Actually, those who think Apple should or should not sell a cheap iPhone probably don't understand Apple, because such a debate doesn't exist in Apple's culture. (2013-02-15)

17. 联想

17. Lenovo

01. 网友:联想3年:如何走出阴影

01. Netizen: Lenovo's 3-year Plan: How to Emerge from the Shadows

在PC上的市场份额跃居至全球第二大的联想集团,如何走出行业领先者和技术变革的阴影,成为一家拥有未来的公司?中国最大的PC厂商联想集团距离自己的梦想似乎又近了一步,在过去3年的时间里,它的表现堪称神奇。这家吞下IBM PC业务立志成为全球性……

Lenovo Group, which has jumped to become the world's second-largest market share in PCs, how does it emerge from the shadows of industry leaders and technological change and become a company with a future?The largest PC manufacturer in China, Lenovo Group, seems to be one step closer to its dream. Its performance over the past three years can be described as miraculous. This company that acquired IBM's PC business aims to become a global...


Duan Yongping: Such long article is hard to read. The market share obtained through low prices is actually the shadow itself, and it's very difficult to get out of it. Just look at Nokia, and you'll understand. (2012-02-19)

02. 网友:老段,BYD(比亚迪)的成本优势应属于护城河,而且是比较重要的护城河,你认为呢?

02. Netizen: Mr. Duan, BYD's cost advantage should be considered a moat, and a relatively important one. What do you think?


Duan Yongping: Hehe, I have never seen a cost advantage become a "moat." Very few companies can maintain low costs in the long term, I haven't seen any in the manufacturing industry. And companies that rely on selling their products at low prices will find it very difficult to sustain themselves in the long run, at least I haven't seen any. This is my view, and it has nothing to do with BYD. (2010-05-24)

03. 引用:惠普首季PC出货反超苹果 夺回霸主地位

03. Quote: HP's First Quarter PC Shipments Surpass Apple, Regaining Dominant Position


According to a report released by market research firm Canays on Tuesday, HP's PC shipments in the first quarter of this year surpassed Apple, reclaiming the dominant position in the market. Canays' statistics include tablet computers in PC shipments, and the iPad's shipments in the fourth quarter of last year reached a record-breaking 15 million units, enabling Apple to surpass HP for the quarter...


Duan Yongping: Hehe, being a dominant player that doesn't make much money doesn't feel too good. (2012-05-10)

04. 惠普TouchPad(平板电脑)平板市场占有率第二三星排第三

04. HP TouchPad Ranks Second in Tablet Market Share, Samsung Ranks Third


In addition to the iPad, the market share of various other tablet computers, and surprisingly, the soon-to-be-discontinued HP TouchPad ranks first. Although tablet computers have become the choice of many PC enterprises...


Duan Yongping: This is the best example explaining the meaning of market share—apart from the iPad, the highest market share means the biggest loss. I'm glad we didn't dare to roll out our pad; sometimes, facing reality with rationality sometimes does bring rewards. (2011-11-24)



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15. 塑胶、五金、电子零件公司
15. Plastic, Hardware, and Electronic Component Companies
Netizen: I would like to ask how companies that produce electronic product components, such as plastic, hardware, and electronic parts, conduct value analysis. These types of companies have several characteristics:
Firstly, they have a large amount of receivables, and the current payment cycle for the domestic electronic product industry is generally three months (90 days) (except for a few exclusive suppliers and irreplaceable branded components). Customers are terminal brand customers such as Nokia, Samsung, LG, and domestic brands. The electronic industry is a highly competitive industry. Once one customer goes bankrupt, it will cause a large amount of uncollected payments. Think about the bankruptcy of Xaomi and Boda a few years ago, which must have hurt a lot of their suppliers.
Secondly, the company's performance is unstable and can fluctuate greatly. When a super-large customer like Nokia or Apple is added, the performance will quickly rise. Once there are problems in cooperation, the performance will also plummet. Of course, if you intervene before the super-large customer, it is a huge opportunity.
Thirdly, the entry threshold is relatively low. Basically, there are few technical barriers.
Duan Yongping: Hehe, if you want to be busy for a day, invite friends to have a meal at home.
If you want to be busy for a year, decorate your house.
If you want to be busy for your whole life, buy more companies like this. (2011-01-05)
Netizen: What do you think of Hang Seng Electronics?
Duan Yongping: I'm sorry, I don't know this company. However, generally speaking, most "electronics companies" may not be worth investing in because their business model is usually not very good. (2019-09-09)
16. 高端,低端商业模式
16. High-end and Low-end Business Models
01. 网友:小米刚成立时说只做发烧手机,1年后做了青春版,现在又出了更低端的红米,不懂雷军想怎样,不看好!我看小米最值钱的也就是开发的一些软件。
01. Netizen: When Xiaomi was first established, they said they would only make high-end smartphones. But after one year, they released the Youth Edition, and now they have launched the even lower-end Redmi. I don't understand what Lei Jun is thinking, and I'm not optimistic about this! I think the most valuable aspect of Xiaomi is their software development.
Duan Yongping: Offering low prices is the easiest path, but also the most difficult one. (2013-08-04)
02. 网友:(从高端入手真是厉害)为什么说从高端入手真厉害?您能说说从高端市场入手比低端入手的道理及利弊吗?
02. Netizen: (Starting from the high-end is impressive) Why is it said that starting from the high-end is impressive? Can you explain the reasons and pros and cons of starting from the high-end market compared to starting from the low-end?
Duan Yongping: Few people do it because the success rate is very low. But if successful, the cost is the lowest. (2013-07-02)
Duan Yongping: We have always be counted as high-end phones, right? This time, we are just entering the smartphone market. Generally speaking, as long as we have enough time, we seem to be quite formidable domestically. I believe that after some time, most people in China who buy Android phones will consider OPPO as one of their options. (2011-07-14)
03. 网友:请教一下学长现在对Android的前景怎么看呢?您觉得Android做高端有前途吗?另外您觉得苹果会不会着力占领廉价手机市场?这样做的话对他们好处多还是坏处多?
03. Netizen: I would like to ask how you currently view the future of Android? Do you think there is a future for Android in the high-end market? Also, do you think Apple will focus on occupying the low-cost smartphone market? In doing so, would it bring more benefits or disadvantages to them?
Duan Yongping: For a considerable period of time, the quantity of Android will still be the largest. We cannot say how Android will fare in the high-end market, but it is quite possible for a certain brand to release an expensive Android smartphone. Those who buy it will naturally consider it as a high-end device. Additionally, there is also a distinction between high-end and low-end within the Android market.
Apple will probably never specifically target the so-called low-cost smartphone market. I am a bit surprised that you asked this question, which indicates that your understanding of enterprises is already very close to the general public's. Apple's strategy has always been there, to make the best products and let previous products serve as entry-level or advanced products. In about three years, when iPhone 7 comes out, iPhone 5c will become an entry-level product and will probably be sold for around 2000 yuan. It will look quite appealing at that time.
Furthermore, iPhone 5s is definitely groundbreaking. I don't know why so many people are turning a blind eye to it. What I can say for sure is that many people in Samsung will start "feeling the pressure and staying up late". (2013-09-03)
04. 网友:哪位朋友能谈谈iWatch?
04. Netizen: Can someone talk about the iWatch?
Duan Yongping: That is still a legend, where do we even begin? However, the most amusing rumor about Apple is the cheap iPhone. After this rumor surfaced, there were discussions about whether Apple should or should not do it. Actually, those who think Apple should or should not sell a cheap iPhone probably don't understand Apple, because such a debate doesn't exist in Apple's culture. (2013-02-15)
17. 联想
17. Lenovo
01. 网友:联想3年:如何走出阴影
01. Netizen: Lenovo's 3-year Plan: How to Emerge from the Shadows
在PC上的市场份额跃居至全球第二大的联想集团,如何走出行业领先者和技术变革的阴影,成为一家拥有未来的公司?中国最大的PC厂商联想集团距离自己的梦想似乎又近了一步,在过去3年的时间里,它的表现堪称神奇。这家吞下IBM PC业务立志成为全球性……
Lenovo Group, which has jumped to become the world's second-largest market share in PCs, how does it emerge from the shadows of industry leaders and technological change and become a company with a future?The largest PC manufacturer in China, Lenovo Group, seems to be one step closer to its dream. Its performance over the past three years can be described as miraculous. This company that acquired IBM's PC business aims to become a global...
Duan Yongping: Such long article is hard to read. The market share obtained through low prices is actually the shadow itself, and it's very difficult to get out of it. Just look at Nokia, and you'll understand. (2012-02-19)
02. 网友:老段,BYD(比亚迪)的成本优势应属于护城河,而且是比较重要的护城河,你认为呢?
02. Netizen: Mr. Duan, BYD's cost advantage should be considered a moat, and a relatively important one. What do you think?
Duan Yongping: Hehe, I have never seen a cost advantage become a "moat." Very few companies can maintain low costs in the long term, I haven't seen any in the manufacturing industry. And companies that rely on selling their products at low prices will find it very difficult to sustain themselves in the long run, at least I haven't seen any. This is my view, and it has nothing to do with BYD. (2010-05-24)
03. 引用:惠普首季PC出货反超苹果 夺回霸主地位
03. Quote: HP's First Quarter PC Shipments Surpass Apple, Regaining Dominant Position
According to a report released by market research firm Canays on Tuesday, HP's PC shipments in the first quarter of this year surpassed Apple, reclaiming the dominant position in the market. Canays' statistics include tablet computers in PC shipments, and the iPad's shipments in the fourth quarter of last year reached a record-breaking 15 million units, enabling Apple to surpass HP for the quarter...
Duan Yongping: Hehe, being a dominant player that doesn't make much money doesn't feel too good. (2012-05-10)
04. 惠普TouchPad(平板电脑)平板市场占有率第二三星排第三
04. HP TouchPad Ranks Second in Tablet Market Share, Samsung Ranks Third
In addition to the iPad, the market share of various other tablet computers, and surprisingly, the soon-to-be-discontinued HP TouchPad ranks first. Although tablet computers have become the choice of many PC enterprises...
Duan Yongping: This is the best example explaining the meaning of market share—apart from the iPad, the highest market share means the biggest loss. I'm glad we didn't dare to roll out our pad; sometimes, facing reality with rationality sometimes does bring rewards. (2011-11-24)