20. 30个商业案例点评 30 Business Case Reviews

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9. 银行

9. Banks

01. 网友:银行是不是也属于无法产生差异化的行业?

01. Netizen: Are banks also considered as industries that cannot generate differentiation?


Duan Yongping: Bank products are very complex, and differentiation is much greater than that of airlines. The cost for customers to switch is also very high. The difficult aspect of banks is understanding the risk factors. (2014-10-31)


Duan Yongping: I don't understand banks. For me, even if I were asked to start a bank, I wouldn't want to. When it comes to banks, they rely on others borrowing money to do business, and the business is also about lending money to others. I don't know how to handle these two things, so I don't understand. (2012-07-29)

02. 网友:您说不太懂银行股,我觉得蛮奇怪的,请问是否是谦虚的说法呢?还是阿段看到美国太多银行倒闭,担心国内银行股什么的呢。是否国内银行未来会产生大量坏账。幼稚地请问您认为银行业,您哪里对它不了解呢?

02. Netizen: You mentioned that you don't quite understand bank stocks, which I find quite strange. May I ask if this is a humble statement? Or is it because Mr. Duan has seen too many banks fail in the United States and is worried about domestic bank stocks, etc.? Will there be a large number of bad debts in domestic banks in the future? Naively, may I ask which aspect of the banking industry you don't understand?


Duan Yongping: It's about how to ensure a return on investment. If the investment cannot be recovered, then what is the interest?


In fact, many banks survive because of their large scale, and the government will provide assistance (to some extent). It happens every eight to ten years for sure, and it's indeed hard to understand. (2010-06-01)


Netizen: I have encountered the same problem. It seems that no matter how good a bank appears to be, unless I know that some of their largest clients can guarantee repayment or I don't know anyting at all, I don't dare to invest. Unless there's a possibility that the bank has a solid background and the probability of making wrong loans is relatively low (but how low is relatively low?), and if the purchase price is truly settled, then I won't suffer much loss. But this situation is hard to come by, so after several years, I still haven't figured out whether banks can be invested in. Therefore, I can only choose not to buy.

03. 网友:你之前曾说过:始终没完全搞懂银行的业务的风险到底在哪儿。美国的一些大银行隔个十年八年就来一次大动荡,还没明白是怎么回事。

03. Netizen: You previously mentioned that you still haven't fully understood where the risks lie in the banking business. Some big banks in the United States have major turmoil every eight to ten years, and I still don't understand what's going on.


I remember later you also used some Yahoo to exchange for BAC (Bank of America), wondering if this means you have gained a deeper understanding of the bank's business? Seeking guidance.


Duan Yongping: I mentioned that I followed Buffett to buy it. The reconstruction cost of BAC is roughly around 13 dollars (excluding personnel); the normal year's profit can reach about 2 dollars (not now); Buffett bought convertible bonds at around 7 dollars, which means Buffett believes that BAC's troubles have been resolved. So I bought some at around 6 dollars. In any case, banking is a business that uses margin, so I will never be heavily invested at any time. (2013-02-03)

04. 网友:银行是很好挣钱的行业。如果给我个人银行牌照。我能很轻松地在我附近开一家银行分店。比这条街所有的店铺都来钱。

04. Netizen: Banking is a very profitable industry. If I were given a personal banking license, I could easily open a bank branch near me. It would make more money than all the stores on this street combined.


Duan Yongping: Banks in China seem to be making good money because licenses are not easy to obtain (if they can really make money in the end). Otherwise, it will be like the United States, where a large batch has to be closed every eight to ten years. (2011-01-19)

05. 网友:您曾说下次如果有机会再与老巴吃饭,一定专门请教怎么才能搞懂银行与保险公司,后来有请教了吗?如果有请教了,或您自己悟明白了,可以谈谈您对这方面的理解吗?

05. Netizen: You once said that if you had the opportunity to have dinner with Buffett again, you would definitely ask specifically how to understand banks and insurance companies. Have you sought advice since then? If you have sought advice or come to understand it yourself, can you talk about your understanding in this area?


Duan Yongping: I understand the general principles, but I don't quite understand the details, so I still don't know how to invest in these types of companies. (2015-05-12)

06. 网友:大道是不是对银行的有打算啦?

06. Netizen: Da Dao, do you have any plans for banks?


Duan Yongping: No. Buffett mentioned it recently, so I started thinking about it and prepared to spend a few years thinking, because banks are indeed irreplaceable. But whether physical banks will be replaced or not is still unknown. (2019-03-21)

07. 网友:欢迎大道关注银行。至于实体银行会不会消失,我的答案是不会。举个例子,银行不太可能凭企业的线上申请材料放几千万或者几个亿的贷款。贷前调查还是能在很大程度上减少信息不对称的。

07. Netizen: Welcome Da Dao's attention to banks. As for whether physical banks will disappear, my answer is no. For example, banks are unlikely to approve loans worth tens or hundreds of millions of dollars based solely on online applications from companies. Pre-loan investigations can greatly reduce information asymmetry.


Duan Yongping: I don't think physical banks will disappear immediately, but banks in the future may be very different from now. The internet, especially mobile internet, is changing many things, including banks. (2019-03-21)


Netizen: I would like to ask if Da Dao you has any new thoughts on the banking industry?


Duan Yongping: Nothing new, I still believe that mobile internet will have an impact on traditional banks. Maybe we will see changes in another 10 years. (2019-08-17)

10. 啤酒企业

10. Beer Industry


Netizen: I am observing a beer company whose products dominate the Beijing area. I am interested in this stock because it has stable profits, a good brand, and there is still untapped market potential in many southern regions. The current price is not cheap, but it is worth paying attention to. I hope everyone can discuss it and give me some insights.


Duan Yongping: Beer is similar to water, and transportation costs are high, so production needs to be localized. Therefore, a good regional brand may not be able to expand to other areas easily. There are so many beer brands, but only a few can become national or global brands. Otherwise, Coca-Cola would also be selling beer. The most foolish beer brand I have ever seen is called "Maotai Beer." I really don't know which nerve guided them to do that. (2013-03-22)


Netizen: Recently, I've been trying to understand Qingdao Beer. I always feel that brand loyalty in the beer industry is not particularly strong (when there is not much difference in brand quality). In terms of industry attributes, is it a good business? I wonder if Da Dao has any insights to share?


Duan Yongping: I'm not familiar with it and it's not easy to understand. It would be impressive if it could become like Coca-Cola, but I haven't seen that happen. The overall beer market still seems significant. (2013-03-24)




Netizen: I have been thinking about the development of the wine industry in China recently. Considering the gradual popularity of a healthy lifestyle among Chinese people, red wine will gradually be recognized. However, currently, the industry is facing some difficulties due to the impact of foreign brands. How does Mr. Duan view domestic brands in the future landscape?


Duan Yongping: As someone who enjoys drinking red wine, I have no opinion on domestic grape wine. (2013-03-29)


Netizen: One is Changyu B. In the past couple of years, Changyu, valued in B shares, has had a total value between 1 billion and 2 billion US dollars, which I consider quite cheap! Even with reconstruction, this price cannot rebuild a century-old brand.

网友N:看到大家和段总提个股,说一下对张裕的认识。以前不懂时,“投资”过张裕一年多,运气好逃过大跌。后来也有所关注,随着对投资认知的加深,感觉企业偏市场导向,过于在乎营销、利润等 ,文化不太喜欢,可能个人理解有误。

Netizen N: Seeing everyone mention individual stocks, let me talk about my understanding of Changyu. I didn't understand it before and "invested" in Changyu for over a year, luckily avoiding a major decline. Later, I paid attention to it, and as my investment knowledge deepened, I felt that the company was more market-oriented, overly concerned about marketing, profits, etc., and I didn't particularly like its culture. Maybe I misunderstood it personally.


Duan Yongping: I haven't looked at the company, but the wine is not the kind that I enjoy, so I have no interest in understanding this company. (2015-12-01)


Netizen: A few years ago, many investors had high expectations for Changyu, but what followed was a significant decline. They didn't anticipate the impact from the West, even though some investors themselves are wine drinkers (including Westerners who love traveling the world). Mr. Duan didn't encounter such a Waterloo with his investment in Maotai. The phenomenon of Changyu has left me confused, and I don't know how many investors who made the wrong investment decision had the mental bias as described by Munger, and how many simply lacked a comprehensive understanding of the market and the overall situation of the product. Personally, I think it is not very difficult to see that red wine will be impacted.


Duan Yongping: Red wine is a particularly personalized product. There are probably 100,000 red wine brands in the world (if not more). Red wine cannot maintain a high level of consistency due to the influence of raw materials, so it cannot be mass-produced. If it can be mass-produced, perhaps it shouldn't be called red wine. (2017-08-20)


2023-11-16 18:59

9. 银行
9. Banks
01. 网友:银行是不是也属于无法产生差异化的行业?
01. Netizen: Are banks also considered as industries that cannot generate differentiation?
Duan Yongping: Bank products are very complex, and differentiation is much greater than that of airlines. The cost for customers to switch is also very high. The difficult aspect of banks is understanding the risk factors. (2014-10-31)
Duan Yongping: I don't understand banks. For me, even if I were asked to start a bank, I wouldn't want to. When it comes to banks, they rely on others borrowing money to do business, and the business is also about lending money to others. I don't know how to handle these two things, so I don't understand. (2012-07-29)
02. 网友:您说不太懂银行股,我觉得蛮奇怪的,请问是否是谦虚的说法呢?还是阿段看到美国太多银行倒闭,担心国内银行股什么的呢。是否国内银行未来会产生大量坏账。幼稚地请问您认为银行业,您哪里对它不了解呢?
02. Netizen: You mentioned that you don't quite understand bank stocks, which I find quite strange. May I ask if this is a humble statement? Or is it because Mr. Duan has seen too many banks fail in the United States and is worried about domestic bank stocks, etc.? Will there be a large number of bad debts in domestic banks in the future? Naively, may I ask which aspect of the banking industry you don't understand?
Duan Yongping: It's about how to ensure a return on investment. If the investment cannot be recovered, then what is the interest?
In fact, many banks survive because of their large scale, and the government will provide assistance (to some extent). It happens every eight to ten years for sure, and it's indeed hard to understand. (2010-06-01)
Netizen: I have encountered the same problem. It seems that no matter how good a bank appears to be, unless I know that some of their largest clients can guarantee repayment or I don't know anyting at all, I don't dare to invest. Unless there's a possibility that the bank has a solid background and the probability of making wrong loans is relatively low (but how low is relatively low?), and if the purchase price is truly settled, then I won't suffer much loss. But this situation is hard to come by, so after several years, I still haven't figured out whether banks can be invested in. Therefore, I can only choose not to buy.
03. 网友:你之前曾说过:始终没完全搞懂银行的业务的风险到底在哪儿。美国的一些大银行隔个十年八年就来一次大动荡,还没明白是怎么回事。
03. Netizen: You previously mentioned that you still haven't fully understood where the risks lie in the banking business. Some big banks in the United States have major turmoil every eight to ten years, and I still don't understand what's going on.
I remember later you also used some Yahoo to exchange for BAC (Bank of America), wondering if this means you have gained a deeper understanding of the bank's business? Seeking guidance.
Duan Yongping: I mentioned that I followed Buffett to buy it. The reconstruction cost of BAC is roughly around 13 dollars (excluding personnel); the normal year's profit can reach about 2 dollars (not now); Buffett bought convertible bonds at around 7 dollars, which means Buffett believes that BAC's troubles have been resolved. So I bought some at around 6 dollars. In any case, banking is a business that uses margin, so I will never be heavily invested at any time. (2013-02-03)
04. 网友:银行是很好挣钱的行业。如果给我个人银行牌照。我能很轻松地在我附近开一家银行分店。比这条街所有的店铺都来钱。
04. Netizen: Banking is a very profitable industry. If I were given a personal banking license, I could easily open a bank branch near me. It would make more money than all the stores on this street combined.
Duan Yongping: Banks in China seem to be making good money because licenses are not easy to obtain (if they can really make money in the end). Otherwise, it will be like the United States, where a large batch has to be closed every eight to ten years. (2011-01-19)
05. 网友:您曾说下次如果有机会再与老巴吃饭,一定专门请教怎么才能搞懂银行与保险公司,后来有请教了吗?如果有请教了,或您自己悟明白了,可以谈谈您对这方面的理解吗?
05. Netizen: You once said that if you had the opportunity to have dinner with Buffett again, you would definitely ask specifically how to understand banks and insurance companies. Have you sought advice since then? If you have sought advice or come to understand it yourself, can you talk about your understanding in this area?
Duan Yongping: I understand the general principles, but I don't quite understand the details, so I still don't know how to invest in these types of companies. (2015-05-12)
06. 网友:大道是不是对银行的有打算啦?
06. Netizen: Da Dao, do you have any plans for banks?
Duan Yongping: No. Buffett mentioned it recently, so I started thinking about it and prepared to spend a few years thinking, because banks are indeed irreplaceable. But whether physical banks will be replaced or not is still unknown. (2019-03-21)
07. 网友:欢迎大道关注银行。至于实体银行会不会消失,我的答案是不会。举个例子,银行不太可能凭企业的线上申请材料放几千万或者几个亿的贷款。贷前调查还是能在很大程度上减少信息不对称的。
07. Netizen: Welcome Da Dao's attention to banks. As for whether physical banks will disappear, my answer is no. For example, banks are unlikely to approve loans worth tens or hundreds of millions of dollars based solely on online applications from companies. Pre-loan investigations can greatly reduce information asymmetry.
Duan Yongping: I don't think physical banks will disappear immediately, but banks in the future may be very different from now. The internet, especially mobile internet, is changing many things, including banks. (2019-03-21)
Netizen: I would like to ask if Da Dao you has any new thoughts on the banking industry?
Duan Yongping: Nothing new, I still believe that mobile internet will have an impact on traditional banks. Maybe we will see changes in another 10 years. (2019-08-17)
10. 啤酒企业
10. Beer Industry
Netizen: I am observing a beer company whose products dominate the Beijing area. I am interested in this stock because it has stable profits, a good brand, and there is still untapped market potential in many southern regions. The current price is not cheap, but it is worth paying attention to. I hope everyone can discuss it and give me some insights.
Duan Yongping: Beer is similar to water, and transportation costs are high, so production needs to be localized. Therefore, a good regional brand may not be able to expand to other areas easily. There are so many beer brands, but only a few can become national or global brands. Otherwise, Coca-Cola would also be selling beer. The most foolish beer brand I have ever seen is called "Maotai Beer." I really don't know which nerve guided them to do that. (2013-03-22)
Netizen: Recently, I've been trying to understand Qingdao Beer. I always feel that brand loyalty in the beer industry is not particularly strong (when there is not much difference in brand quality). In terms of industry attributes, is it a good business? I wonder if Da Dao has any insights to share?
Duan Yongping: I'm not familiar with it and it's not easy to understand. It would be impressive if it could become like Coca-Cola, but I haven't seen that happen. The overall beer market still seems significant. (2013-03-24)
Netizen: I have been thinking about the development of the wine industry in China recently. Considering the gradual popularity of a healthy lifestyle among Chinese people, red wine will gradually be recognized. However, currently, the industry is facing some difficulties due to the impact of foreign brands. How does Mr. Duan view domestic brands in the future landscape?
Duan Yongping: As someone who enjoys drinking red wine, I have no opinion on domestic grape wine. (2013-03-29)
Netizen: One is Changyu B. In the past couple of years, Changyu, valued in B shares, has had a total value between 1billion and 2 billion US dollars, which I consider quite cheap! Even with reconstruction, this price cannot rebuild a century-old brand.
网友N:看到大家和段总提个股,说一下对张裕的认识。以前不懂时,“投资”过张裕一年多,运气好逃过大跌。后来也有所关注,随着对投资认知的加深,感觉企业偏市场导向,过于在乎营销、利润等 ,文化不太喜欢,可能个人理解有误。
Netizen N: Seeing everyone mention individual stocks, let me talk about my understanding of Changyu. I didn't understand it before and "invested" in Changyu for over a year, luckily avoiding a major decline. Later, I paid attention to it, and as my investment knowledge deepened, I felt that the company was more market-oriented, overly concerned about marketing, profits, etc., and I didn't particularly like its culture. Maybe I misunderstood it personally.
Duan Yongping: I haven't looked at the company, but the wine is not the kind that I enjoy, so I have no interest in understanding this company. (2015-12-01)
Netizen: A few years ago, many investors had high expectations for Changyu, but what followed was a significant decline. They didn't anticipate the impact from the West, even though some investors themselves are wine drinkers (including Westerners who love traveling the world). Mr. Duan didn't encounter such a Waterloo with his investment in Maotai. The phenomenon of Changyu has left me confused, and I don't know how many investors who made the wrong investment decision had the mental bias as described by Munger, and how many simply lacked a comprehensive understanding of the market and the overall situation of the product. Personally, I think it is not very difficult to see that red wine will be impacted.
Duan Yongping: Red wine is a particularly personalized product. There are probably 100,000 red wine brands in the world (if not more). Red wine cannot maintain a high level of consistency due to the influence of raw materials, so it cannot be mass-produced. If it can be mass-produced, perhaps it shouldn't be called red wine. (2017-08-20)

2023-11-20 21:51

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2023-11-21 06:42


2023-11-20 22:16