
7.50 0.00 0.0%

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坚信价值2022-02-18 00:49

$Brookfield资管(BAM)$ 在私有化BPY之后,现在非常积极地变现一些需求旺盛的地产种类。
昨天刚38亿美元把一个在美国的4S店地产组合(250个门店)卖给了$Ares Management(ARES)$

Frank_X2021-04-26 22:34

我当高级黑和黑色幽默读的主楼和跟帖。[笑哭]//@陈达美股投资:回复@魔都小法师: 我吐了。//@魔都小法师:回复@陈达美股投资:对于高途人来说,“GOTU”不仅仅只是4个字母,不仅仅是股票代码,而是包含多种寓意的象征。GOTU,从此高途。首先,英文取自中文拼音GAOTU,GOTU在发音上和高途一致,意为roa...查看全文

Americanoholic2021-04-26 21:23

//@陈达美股投资:回复@魔都小法师: 我吐了。//@魔都小法师:回复@陈达美股投资:对于高途人来说,“GOTU”不仅仅只是4个字母,不仅仅是股票代码,而是包含多种寓意的象征。GOTU,从此高途。首先,英文取自中文拼音GAOTU,GOTU在发音上和高途一致,意为road to achievement。GOTU谐音高徒,意为best s...查看全文

新来的2021-03-19 18:11

$达内科技(TEDU)$ 挺好的
BEIJING, March 19, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Tarena International, Inc. (NASDAQ: TEDU) ("Tarena" or the "Company"), a leading provider of professional education and K-12 education services in China, today announced its unaudited financia...查看全文

张化桥2020-11-21 23:08


商汤科技X-Lab技术负责人刘宇:神经网络结构搜索与优化的研究和应用 | 公开课预告

智东西2020-07-25 12:07

在过去的几年里,Deep Neural Networks在图像理解、图像生成、机器翻译和语音识别等多项任务上取得了前所未有的...查看全文

剑胆琴心1232020-04-14 18:31

1,great food
2,luxury car
3,big house
4,global travel
5,female college student
6,mobile games
[抠鼻][抠鼻] $上证指数(SH000001)$ $创业板指(SZ399006)$查看全文

仓又加错-刘成岗2020-04-02 20:20

$新东方(EDU)$ 财报电话会议里提到的2个Student Enrollments,请教跟踪得仔细的朋友:
1、Our total student enrollments in academic subjects tutoring and test prep courses in the first fiscal quarter of 2020 increased by 50.4% year-over-year to approximately 2,609,2...查看全文

李妍2020-03-02 17:38

回复@陈达美股投资: “paid student enrollments” for a specified period refers to the cumulative number of paid courses enrolled in by our students, including multiple paid courses enrolled in by the same student, after deducting the number of courses the tuition of which were...查看全文

李妍2020-01-30 18:15

$新东方(EDU)$ 请教下,student enrollments指的是报名人数,并非在读人数对吗?好未来也是只期内报名人数对吗?
“Please note that the higher-than-normal increase in student enrollments is primarily due to the division of the autumn semester into two parts, meaning that the stu...查看全文

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近日,国际计算机学会ACM发布2023年度学生研究竞赛Student Research Competition(SRC)全球总决赛结果,中国科学院大学2018级软件工程专业硕博连读生刘哲(培养单位:中国科学院软件研究所)获研究生组全球总... 网页链接


胜捷企业(06090)公布,胜捷美国学生房舍基金已开始其于美国的资产组合的出售程序。集团持有美国基金已发行基金单位总数的约28.7%,而美国基金由Centurion Student Investment Management Pte.Ltd.(管理人)管理,及Centurion Student Accommo... 网页链接


同花顺(300033)金融研究中心11月25日讯,有投资者向科大讯飞(002230)提问, 腾讯云语音识别基于创新网络结构 TLC-BLSTM,利用 ATTENTION 机制有效地对语音信号进行建模,通过 Teacher-Student 方式提升系统鲁棒性,对通用以及垂直... 网页链接


智通财经APP获悉,据报道,Spotify(SPOT.US)表示,从4月30日起,公司将上调其在美国和英国部分订阅计划的价格。 在美国,Spotify的家庭计划(Family Plan)订阅月费将上调了1美元,至15.99美元。在英国的学生、双人计划(Student and Duo P... 网页链接


4月26日,跟谁学大盘暴拉,现涨超14%。 今日,美股上市在线教育公司高途宣布,从5月6日起将其股票交易代码正式从GSX更换为GOTU。 据悉“GOTU”不仅仅是股票代码,而是包含多种寓意的象征。据高途透露,首先,英文取自中文拼音GAOTU,G... 网页链接


4月26日消息,在线教育上市机构高途宣布将从5月6日起公司股票交易代码正式从GSX更换为GOTU。 之所以出现上述调整,据高途透露,首先,英文取自中文拼音GAOTU,GOTU在发音上和高途一致,意为road to achievement... 网页链接


$Student Transportation Inc(STB)$ 15-12B - Securities registration termination [Section 12(b)] Filed: 2018-05-07 AccNo: 0001193125-18-154201 Size: 9 KB 网页链接

$Student Transportation Inc(STB)$ 25-NSE - Notification filed by national security exchange to report the removal from listing and registration of matured, redee Filed: 2018-04-27 AccNo: 0001354457-18-000119 Size: 3 KB 网页链接

$Student Transportation Inc(STB)$ S-8 POS - Securities to be offered to employees in employee benefit plans, post-effective amendments Filed: 2018-04-27 AccNo: 0001193125-18-137517 Size: 23 KB 网页链接

$Student Transportation Inc(STB)$ 6-K - Report of foreign issuer [Rules 13a-16 and 15d-16] Filed: 2018-04-27 AccNo: 0001171843-18-003130 Size: 13 KB 网页链接

$Student Transportation Inc(STB)$ 6-K - Report of foreign issuer [Rules 13a-16 and 15d-16] Filed: 2018-04-26 AccNo: 0001171843-18-003069 Size: 13 KB 网页链接

$Student Transportation Inc(STB)$ 6-K - Report of foreign issuer [Rules 13a-16 and 15d-16] Filed: 2018-04-26 AccNo: 0001193125-18-131956 Size: 30 KB 网页链接

$Student Transportation Inc(STB)$ 6-K - Report of foreign issuer [Rules 13a-16 and 15d-16] Filed: 2018-04-23 AccNo: 0001171843-18-002917 Size: 10 KB 网页链接

$Student Transportation Inc(STB)$ 6-K - Report of foreign issuer [Rules 13a-16 and 15d-16] Filed: 2018-04-23 AccNo: 0001171843-18-002917 Size: 10 KB 网页链接

$Student Transportation Inc(STB)$ 6-K - Report of foreign issuer [Rules 13a-16 and 15d-16] Filed: 2018-04-19 AccNo: 0001193125-18-122551 Size: 43 KB 网页链接

$Student Transportation Inc(STB)$ 6-K - Report of foreign issuer [Rules 13a-16 and 15d-16] Filed: 2018-04-19 AccNo: 0001171843-18-002862 Size: 15 KB 网页链接

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