
91.67 0.00 0.0%

最高:0.0 最低:0.0



veritas_lux_mea04-28 12:53

原作者:网页链接{Aswath Damodaran}(纽约大学Stern商学院金融学教授)

成长与价值:对Google,Groupon和Green Mountain的思考

veritas_lux_mea04-28 12:34

原作者:网页链接{Aswath Damodaran}(纽约大学Stern商学院金融学教授)

veritas_lux_mea04-28 13:17



jiemie2014-02-06 10:15

回复@碎欧年富FANS: 可口可乐入股$绿山咖啡(GMCR)$拓展北美市场 ,绿山咖啡盘后大涨超过45%!!
在九阳股份的one cup 出来后,可口可乐也将入股九阳,拓展巨大的中国市场!![很赞][很赞]//@碎欧年富FANS:回复@生意模式20年:看看今天逆势上涨的股票,你就能理解雪球老大方总、还有那个@简直 老...查看全文

BT美股手纪2014-02-06 07:44

$绿山咖啡(GMCR)$ 虽然去年秋注册了雪球,但今年才开始玩,所以我算是新人。对绿山的FA研究非@haijin 莫属,我就不多说了,我只从TA的角度探讨一下我的看法,实际上是昨天我说今天买进的时候的一些想法,只是马后炮写出来,为什么会这样大涨其实是空头的贡献,这个我在今天买入前就已经讲明了我的...查看全文

乐淘美股2014-02-06 07:20

$绿山咖啡(gmcr)$ 盘后好疯狂!查看全文

北方的牛2014-02-06 06:27

$绿山咖啡(GMCR)$ 大暴雪,昏头昏脑从房外除雪回来,这货从80飙到了盘后的110,近40%的升幅。这多空交战、财富转移,进行得也太快了。雪友们在群里讨论机智、活跃。查看全文

永远de红魔2014-02-06 06:23

$绿山咖啡(GMCR)$ 呵呵 有人敢现在买嘛 哈哈查看全文

无言的等待2014-02-06 06:16

$绿山咖啡(GMCR)$ 完全以消息取胜,靠财报那就真的要被空死。明天真的大局已定?查看全文

EricEric2014-02-06 06:10


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$绿山咖啡(GMCR)$ SC 13G/A [Amend] - Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals Filed: 2016-04-11 AccNo: 0000315066-16-005741 Size: 8 KB 网页链接

$绿山咖啡(GMCR)$ 15-12B - Securities registration termination [Section 12(b)] Filed: 2016-03-14 AccNo: 0001104659-16-104852 Size: 26 KB 网页链接

$绿山咖啡(GMCR)$ 15-12B - Securities registration termination [Section 12(b)] Filed: 2016-03-14 AccNo: 0001104659-16-104852 Size: 26 KB 网页链接

$绿山咖啡(GMCR)$ 内部交易: 2016-03-03,10% Owner,COCA COLA CO ,卖出,25868016普通股, $92.00

$绿山咖啡(GMCR)$ SC 13D/A [Amend] - General statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership Filed: 2016-03-07 AccNo: 0001341004-16-001198 Size: 147 KB 网页链接

$绿山咖啡(GMCR)$ S-8 POS - Securities to be offered to employees in employee benefit plans, post-effective amendments Filed: 2016-03-03 AccNo: 0001104659-16-102110 Size: 37 KB 网页链接

$绿山咖啡(GMCR)$ S-8 POS - Securities to be offered to employees in employee benefit plans, post-effective amendments Filed: 2016-03-03 AccNo: 0001104659-16-102110 Size: 37 KB 网页链接

$绿山咖啡(GMCR)$ S-8 POS - Securities to be offered to employees in employee benefit plans, post-effective amendments Filed: 2016-03-03 AccNo: 0001104659-16-102109 Size: 37 KB 网页链接

$绿山咖啡(GMCR)$ S-8 POS - Securities to be offered to employees in employee benefit plans, post-effective amendments Filed: 2016-03-03 AccNo: 0001104659-16-102109 Size: 37 KB 网页链接

$绿山咖啡(GMCR)$ S-8 POS - Securities to be offered to employees in employee benefit plans, post-effective amendments Filed: 2016-03-03 AccNo: 0001104659-16-102108 Size: 37 KB 网页链接

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