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基带芯片龙头专利侵权纠纷“战火”延续 翱捷科技再收应诉通知|深度

科创板日报06-17 08:10

《科创板日报》6月17日讯(记者 郭辉) 国内基带芯片龙头之间的专利侵权案“战势”升级。


__332013-03-20 20:55

$展讯通信(SPRD)$ 盘前就大涨〜 jefferies的upgrade下午出来了查看全文

__332013-03-20 14:36

$展讯通信(SPRD)$ 今天移动2月增加900万用户、今晚还得上去吧〜 jefferies也准备调级了〜查看全文

Luson2013-03-20 11:13

$展讯通信(SPRD)$Spreadtrum is finally ready to move into the WCDMA market sometime between the second and the third quarter this year, according to Li. “Our first product will be using a 40-nm process, but we are quickly moving to a 28-nm process by Taiwan Semiconductor Manu...查看全文

even882013-03-20 09:50

$展讯通信(SPRD)$ $18总算站稳了,其实早就立春了,就是这个气候阿还是乍暖还寒,这个春不安分啊,气温上蹿下跳猴春么。但总归阻挡不了桃花满野。查看全文

Luson2013-03-20 04:56

$展讯通信(SPRD)$An upgrade to Buy from Chardan Capital sends Spreadtrum (SPRD +3.5%) higher. The upgrade comes shortly after chairman/CEO Leo Li told the EE Times Spreadtrum is a major beneficiary of China's low-end smartphone boom. Li touts the appeal of Spreadtrum's...查看全文

__332013-03-19 22:13

$展讯通信(SPRD)$ 难道是因为跟htc合作的新闻??不是早就合作了咩查看全文

用户31556203742013-03-18 20:21

白宫警示减支风险,道指止步十连阳;三星发布新品,苹果股价逆市大涨;传索尼(SNE)已出售美国总部大楼;展讯通信(SPRD)陷入收购纠纷。22:00准时关注@东方财经频道 《聚金华尔街》,资讯为您解读,财富由您把握。查看全文

Luson2013-03-14 21:16


Luson2013-03-14 02:46

$展讯通信(SPRD)$ Mt6589去年8月初流片,1月底手机上市。MT6572据传2月中流片,手机面世是否要到7月份?查看全文

慢慢滚2013-03-14 00:48

$展讯通信(SPRD)$【展讯收购MobilePeak生变:小股东起诉称价过低】MobilePeak一位联合创始人透露,由他牵头的9个小股东已经在开曼群岛法院起诉MobilePeak(展讯是MobilePeak控股股东),认为2011年展讯对MobilePeak的收购案中故意压低了价格,导致小股东权益受到损害。网页链接 (新浪科技查看全文

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虹软科技11月7日发布公告称,公司于近日收到浙江省杭州市中级人民法院送达的《民事调解书》。关于公司与展讯通信(上海)有限公司(下称展讯通信)之间的计算机软件著作权许可使用合同纠纷,双方自愿达成如下协议:展讯通信向虹软科技支付调解... 网页链接


诉讼新进展来了! 7月15日,资本邦了解到, 科创板 公司虹软科技(688088.SH)公布关于公司涉及诉讼的进展公告。 公司就与展讯通信(上海)有限公司(以下简称展讯通信)之间的计算机软件著作权许可使用合同纠纷,向浙江省杭州市中级人民法院提起诉讼。 虹软... 网页链接

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$展讯通信(SPRD)$ SC 13G/A [Amend] - Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals Filed: 2014-02-07 AccNo: 0001193125-14-040720 Size: 126 KB 网页链接

$展讯通信(SPRD)$ SC 13G/A [Amend] - Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals Filed: 2014-02-07 AccNo: 0001193125-14-040720 Size: 126 KB 网页链接

$展讯通信(SPRD)$ SC 13G/A [Amend] - Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals Filed: 2014-01-24 AccNo: 0001072613-14-000016 Size: 97 KB 网页链接

$展讯通信(SPRD)$ SC 13G/A [Amend] - Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals Filed: 2014-01-24 AccNo: 0001072613-14-000016 Size: 97 KB 网页链接

$展讯通信(SPRD)$ 15-12B - Securities registration termination [Section 12(b)] Filed: 2014-01-03 AccNo: 0001144204-14-000249 Size: 12 KB 网页链接

$展讯通信(SPRD)$ S-8 POS - Securities to be offered to employees in employee benefit plans, post-effective amendments Filed: 2013-12-26 AccNo: 0001144204-13-069046 Size: 26 KB 网页链接

$展讯通信(SPRD)$ S-8 POS - Securities to be offered to employees in employee benefit plans, post-effective amendments Filed: 2013-12-26 AccNo: 0001144204-13-069044 Size: 27 KB 网页链接

$展讯通信(SPRD)$ S-8 POS - Securities to be offered to employees in employee benefit plans, post-effective amendments Filed: 2013-12-26 AccNo: 0001144204-13-069042 Size: 26 KB 网页链接

$展讯通信(SPRD)$ S-8 POS - Securities to be offered to employees in employee benefit plans, post-effective amendments Filed: 2013-12-26 AccNo: 0001144204-13-069038 Size: 30 KB 网页链接

$展讯通信(SPRD)$ S-8 POS - Securities to be offered to employees in employee benefit plans, post-effective amendments Filed: 2013-12-26 AccNo: 0001144204-13-069036 Size: 29 KB 网页链接

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