
4.82 0.00 0.0%

最高:0.0 最低:0.0


Alwaleed2014-10-20 21:22

$久邦数码(GOMO)$ 不知道北大文艺青年辞职是好事还是坏事,反正我知道不辞职是坏事,整天研究户外运动的人哪有心思管理公司,你以为你是王石啊。查看全文

来份鱼头泡饼2014-10-20 21:10

@onedot 快来看你的$久邦数码(GOMO)$ //@王星Vincent: 刚上市就辞职? //@放眼观美股: GOMO股东赶紧看过来。。。CEO辞职了。。。[为什么]查看全文

郑坚强2014-10-20 20:57


特雷西杨2014-10-20 20:38

$久邦数码(GOMO)$ "Furthermore, the Company also announced that Mr. Xiangdong Zhang has resigned from his positions as a director and president of the Company to pursue his entrepreneurial endeavors, effective October 20, 2014. Mr. Zhang will continue to provide service to...查看全文

我不是美铝2014-10-18 06:42

$猎豹移动(CMCM)$ $久邦数码(GOMO)$ 正股赚钱永远只有两条准则:一是止损,最大限度地减少损失,因为时间就是金钱,买错不要紧,还有其他股票可买,止损不果断的后果是一直被套浪费大量时间:二是止盈,短线和中线、长线的结合,高抛低吸,大跌的时候买入潜力股持有,待庄家拉高后看情况减持套利(...查看全文

王伟CFA美股MCORLEO2014-10-17 06:52

$久邦数码(GOMO)$ 公司宣布内部重组,将裁掉一部分员工,将重心转移到他们的核心业务,提高运营效率,也为将来的收购并购腾出空间。继续看涨,6块钱是底,10块钱进的亏了快一半,7块钱补仓把成本降到9块。
As part of the restructuring initiative, the Company expects to complete a r...查看全文

消息称3G门户大幅裁员 仅保留体育等少数频道

中资远期投资交流2014-10-16 17:37

#24小时全球实时美股财经新闻直播# 消息称3G门户大幅裁员 仅保留体育书城等少数频道 【TechWeb报道】10月16日消息,据媒体报道,3G门户已于昨日开始大规模裁员,除保留体育、书城频道外,其余多数频道均被直接关闭。同时,3G门户副总裁、内容总编辑高峰已于不久前从3G门户离职...查看全文

SerenaLi2014-10-15 10:50

$久邦数码(GOMO)$ 什么时候三季报啊查看全文

子立2014-10-15 03:50


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$久邦数码(GOMO)$ SC 13D/A [Amend] - General statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership Filed: 2015-12-09 AccNo: 0001193125-15-398213 Size: 114 KB 网页链接

$久邦数码(GOMO)$ SC 13D/A [Amend] - General statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership Filed: 2015-12-02 AccNo: 0000950142-15-002536 Size: 290 KB 网页链接

$久邦数码(GOMO)$ 15-12B - Securities registration termination [Section 12(b)] Filed: 2015-11-27 AccNo: 0001193125-15-389171 Size: 10 KB 网页链接

$久邦数码(GOMO)$ SC 13E3/A [Amend] - Going private transaction by certain issuers Filed: 2015-11-19 AccNo: 0001193125-15-381351 Size: 94 KB 网页链接

$久邦数码(GOMO)$ SC 13E3/A [Amend] - Going private transaction by certain issuers Filed: 2015-11-19 AccNo: 0001193125-15-381351 Size: 94 KB 网页链接

$久邦数码(GOMO)$ SC 13D/A [Amend] - General statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership Filed: 2015-11-18 AccNo: 0001193125-15-380612 Size: 157 KB 网页链接

$久邦数码(GOMO)$ S-8 POS - Securities to be offered to employees in employee benefit plans, post-effective amendments Filed: 2015-11-18 AccNo: 0001193125-15-380533 Size: 25 KB 网页链接

$久邦数码(GOMO)$ S-8 POS - Securities to be offered to employees in employee benefit plans, post-effective amendments Filed: 2015-11-18 AccNo: 0001193125-15-380526 Size: 23 KB 网页链接

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