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$久邦数码(GOMO)$ 公司宣布内部重组,将裁掉一部分员工,将重心转移到他们的核心业务,提高运营效率,也为将来的收购并购腾出空间。继续看涨,6块钱是底,10块钱进的亏了快一半,7块钱补仓把成本降到9块。

As part of the restructuring initiative, the Company expects to complete a reduction in its workforce of approximately 100 employees associated with its portal business or approximately 12% of its overall workforce by the end of October 2014. The Company believes that, by refocusing on its core growth areas and improving its operational efficiency, it will strengthen its portfolio of mobile products and acquire additional resources to further expand its overall mobile platform.