Cameco Corp(CCJ)

45.35 -4.07 -8.2355%

最高:49.14 最低:45.3

Cameco Corp的热门讨论

胚芽米的姐姐04-02 18:42

$Cameco Corp(CCJ)$ 今天看了公司最新的投资者会议记录,了解到几点1. 增加供给很难,2. 28国不久前呼吁2050年前核电站增加到目前的3倍,3. 铀的报价系统有两个,及时的,现货市场,这个市场很小,波动很大,和期货市场
前几天美国人说要立法禁止俄罗斯出口铀矿到美国 还有他们有个核电站2025...查看全文


FelixW_粟04-12 19:38

The Director General of the Russian nuclear corporation, Alexei Likhachev, said the work on the nuclear island was going according to plan, adding: "This year we will fully check all systems - the primary circuit, conduct hydraulic tests, and load fuel simulators directly...查看全文

2024-03-15【核电】China’s Nuclear Energy Expansion Is Getting Even Faster

FelixW_粟04-12 16:57

Countries trying to replicate China’s boom in renewable electricity might also want to take a page out of its nuclear power playbook.
Beijing is able to approve as many as 10 new reactors a year, the chairman of China National Nuclear Corp. said last week, which would ac...查看全文


FelixW_粟03-21 21:01

Key Takeaways
- Uranium markets experienced a correction in February; this followed a rapid run-up and, in our view, represents a healthy pause in the ongoing uranium bull market.
- Kazatomprom walked back planned production increases for 2024 and provides no guidance...查看全文

2024-03-27【核电】重磅新闻:美国正式批准提供15.2亿美元贷款,重启已经关停的密西根州Palisades 核电站

FelixW_粟03-28 14:32

The Biden administration announced on Wednesday that it had agreed to provide a $1.52 billion loan guarantee to help a company restart a nuclear power plant in Michigan — the latest step in the government’...查看全文

LeoLau03-28 22:51

$Cameco Corp(CCJ)$ 要是铀是长牛,这策略很稳查看全文

Oliver在上海03-28 15:39

在核能源这个问题上,各国都很紧迫!铀矿从高点回调近20%,但走势远远没结束🔚。单从技术角度,$Sprott小型铀矿ETF(URNJ)$ $Cameco Corp(CCJ)$ $Uranium Energy(UEC)$都是均线粘合的节奏,到了该选择方向的时候。查看全文


稳妥的回报将军03-02 09:25


两笔开山04-06 19:26

铀矿$Cameco Corp(CCJ)$ 又要历史新高了查看全文

沧海金田D04-04 11:31

$Cameco Corp(CCJ)$ 哈萨克斯坦遭遇三十年来最大洪水查看全文

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Cameco Corp的最新讨论


FelixW_粟2023-05-15 13:01

执政联盟成员之一的Lega党领导人Matteo Salvini表示,米兰附近可能会建...查看全文

FelixW_粟2023-05-15 11:02

5月12日,星期五,天然铀现货价涨10美分平,收53.40美元每磅,全球天然铀股票指数URNJ涨1.03%$Cameco Corp(CCJ)$ $Denison Mines(DNN)$ $Nexgen能源(NXE)$查看全文

FelixW_粟2023-05-10 16:20

5月9日,星期二,天然铀现货价与上一日持平,收53.30美元每磅,全球天然铀股票指数URNJ涨4.73%$Cameco Corp(CCJ)$ $$Denison Mines(DNN)$ $Nexgen能源(NXE)$查看全文

FelixW_粟2023-05-09 10:36

5月8日,星期一,天然铀现货价与上一日持平,收53.30美元每磅,全球天然铀股票指数URNJ涨0.46%$Cameco Corp(CCJ)$ $Denison Mines(DNN)$ $Nexgen能源(NXE)$查看全文

2023-05-05【天然铀】Sprott Uranium Report:天然铀在四月份末开始发力

FelixW_粟2023-05-08 15:41

Uranium Spot Outperforms
The U3O8 uranium spot price gained 6.01% in April, increasing from US$50.70 to $53.74 per pound as of April 30, 2023. Uranium has posted a healthy 11.24% year-to-date return as of April 30, 2023, and continued to show strength and diversification ...查看全文


FelixW_粟2023-05-08 15:15

DUBAI, May 7 (Reuters) - Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation (ENEC), the body responsible for developing the United Arab Emirates' nuclear energy sector, has signed three agreements with Chinese nuclear energy organisations as it looks to boost low-carbon nuclear power.查看全文

FelixW_粟2023-05-05 13:48

5月4日,星期四,天然铀现货价与上一日持平,收53.30美元每磅,全球天然铀股票指数URNJ涨0.91%$Cameco Corp(CCJ)$ $Nexgen能源(NXE)$ $Denison Mines(DNN)$查看全文

FelixW_粟2023-05-03 15:11

5月2日,星期二,天然铀现货价跌20美分,收53.30美元每磅,全球天然铀股票指数URNJ跌2.06%$Cameco Corp(CCJ)$ $Nexgen能源(NXE)$ $Denison Mines(DNN)$查看全文


FelixW_粟2023-05-03 15:10

Great. I don’t know if I have ever seen a 5 million-pound average by year jump in your book ever. Just the magnitude of that move is pretty impressive.
Grant Isaac
Yes. It reflects what we have been talking about, which is the transition in the mark...查看全文


FelixW_粟2023-05-03 15:09

Tim Gitzel
Well, thank you, Rachelle, and good morning, everyone. I hope everyone is doing well. We appreciate you joining us on our call today. Let me start today by saying how excited we are about the opportunities for growth ahead of us with demand for clean, reliable,...查看全文

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Cameco Corp的新闻

卡梅科盘中异动 早盘急速下挫5.04%报45.63美元

北京时间2024年02月08日23时00分,卡梅科(股票出现异动,股价急速跳水5.04%。截至发稿,该股报45.63美元/股,成交量244.675万股,换手率0.56%,振幅5.50%。 最近的财报数据显示,该股实现营业收入4.... 网页链接

Cameco(CCJ.US)Q4业绩亮眼 铀市场紧俏推动销售狂飙

智通财经APP获悉,加拿大铀生产商Cameco(CCJ.US)周四美股盘前公布第四季度业绩。财报显示,该公司Q4营收增长了61%,达到8.44亿加元。这使该年度的营收增长了39%,达到25.9亿加元,略高于该公司设定的24.3亿加... 网页链接

卡梅科盘中异动 早盘股价大涨5.14%

北京时间2024年02月01日22时30分,卡梅科(股票出现异动,股价急速上涨5.14%。截至发稿,该股报50.21美元/股,成交量26.813万股,换手率0.06%,振幅0.30%。 最近的财报数据显示,该股实现营业收入4.2... 网页链接


智通财经APP获悉,铀矿商Cameco(CCJ.US)和Brookfield Renewable Partners LP(BEP.US)联手收购核电巨头西屋电气,这笔交易对后者的估值约为80亿美元。根据周二的一份声明,Cameco将拥有西屋电气49%的股份,Brookfield Renewable将拥有51%... 网页链接

又一轮“铀矿牛”将崛起 巨头Cameco(CCJ.US)有望受益

随着全球能源危机持续恶化以及极端恶劣天气频发,世界各国正竭力寻找可靠、低碳排放的能源以替代化石燃料。被冷落了许久的核能正在重新获得青睐,而这可能将带动又一轮“铀矿牛”的崛起。 1、能源危机当前 核能优势尽显 俄乌冲突爆发以... 网页链接


智通财经APP获悉,美国共和党参议员周四提出一项议案,禁止美国从俄罗斯进口铀。 提出该法案的参议员John Barrasso表示:“禁止进口俄罗斯石油、天然气和煤炭是重要的一步,但绝不能是最后一步。”“禁止进口俄罗斯的铀将进一步减少俄罗... 网页链接

Cameco(CCJ.US)复产 重启全球单体最大McArthur River铀矿项目

智通财经APP获悉,Cameco(CCJ.US)在2021年四季度业绩电话会上宣布重启全球单体最大,设计产量9600吨的McArthur River铀矿项目,并计划于2024年达到1,500万磅(5,769吨铀)每年的生产目标,而2022年的生产指引是500万磅(1,923吨铀)。针对Mc... 网页链接

Cameco(CCJ.US)长协量大增 为铀市场复苏奠基

智通财经APP获悉,Cameco(CCJ.US)在2021年四季度业绩电话会上汇报,2021年公司新签订3,000万磅长贸合同(11,538吨铀),但是同时披露仅在2022年1月就又新签订4,000万磅长贸合同(15,385吨铀),公司从2021年起新增长贸合同量7,000万磅(26,92... 网页链接


原标题:美国散户又发力!低迷十年后“炒铀热”再起,铀价两个月狂飙46% “炒铀热” 在福岛核泄露危机导致日本和德国关闭核反应堆后,原铀的现货价格已经低迷了十年。2007年,原铀价格最高时,曾达到每磅137美元。 在美国上市的加拿大铀矿公司Ca... 网页链接

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Cameco Corp的公告


$Cameco Corp(CCJ)$ 6-K Report of foreign issuer [Rules 13a-16 and 15d-16] Accession Number: 0001193125-24-123700  Act: 34  Size: 1 MB 网页链接


$Cameco Corp(CCJ)$ 6-K Report of foreign issuer [Rules 13a-16 and 15d-16] Accession Number: 0001193125-24-090328  Act: 34  Size: 67 KB 网页链接


$Cameco Corp(CCJ)$ 6-K Report of foreign issuer [Rules 13a-16 and 15d-16] Accession Number: 0001193125-24-088138  Act: 34  Size: 3 MB 网页链接


$Cameco Corp(CCJ)$ 6-K Report of foreign issuer [Rules 13a-16 and 15d-16] Accession Number: 0001193125-24-088137  Act: 34  Size: 7 MB 网页链接


$Cameco Corp(CCJ)$ 144 Report of proposed sale of securities Accession Number: 0001588386-24-000004  Act: 33  Size: 5 KB 网页链接


$Cameco Corp(CCJ)$ 144 Report of proposed sale of securities Accession Number: 0001588386-24-000003  Act: 33  Size: 5 KB 网页链接


$Cameco Corp(CCJ)$ 144 Report of proposed sale of securities Accession Number: 0001848750-24-000001  Act: 33  Size: 4 KB 网页链接


$Cameco Corp(CCJ)$ 144 Report of proposed sale of securities Accession Number: 0001980104-24-000001  Act: 33  Size: 4 KB 网页链接


$Cameco Corp(CCJ)$ 144 Report of proposed sale of securities Accession Number: 0001588386-24-000002  Act: 33  Size: 4 KB 网页链接


$Cameco Corp(CCJ)$ 6-K Report of foreign issuer [Rules 13a-16 and 15d-16] Accession Number: 0001193125-24-075474  Act: 34  Size: 11 MB 网页链接

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