



$悦航阳光集团(ANTE)$ Talk about timing. Just as the company previously pivoted to inflight WIFI, Covid hit, grounding most flights. Now after switching to crypto mining, China is cracking down on mining, forcing the miners to either close or shift operations overseas, not to ...


$悦航阳光集团(ANTE)$ Very simple survey, how many people here are waiting to sell their shares if the price recovers or to buy more at lower prices? This is how supply and demand will determine future price movements from here on. Basic trend analysis is to look for higher hi...


$悦航阳光集团(ANTE)$ When a stock is pushed up not based on fundamentals, it attracts speculators trading on momentum, pushing it higher for the next buyer to come along. Once that momentum is lost, like price dropping by half from the highs, the speculators become stale bull...


$悦航阳光集团(ANTE)$ Even though the share price has risen more than 10 times from the year's low of around $0.60 to above $6, it is still a far cry from the $60 (adjusted for consolidation) going private offer by Chairman Guo that led to some shareholders buying in. Now ...


$悦航阳光集团(ANTE)$ The start of the dump phase of a pump and dump operation? More than 50% down from the peak already. Decision time.


$悦航阳光集团(ANTE)$ For those active trading US listed Chinese stocks, here is a partial list of companies that are subject to US sanctions, i.e. US citizens and resident are not allowed to own or trade in them, which may then affect their share prices. 网页链接


$悦航阳光集团(ANTE)$ It was so easy to boost the share price the first round, without even plugging in the machines to mine the first coin, sure enough, the company is repeating the same gimmick another round. No need to do any other business, just repeat the wash and rinse c...


AirNet stock hire on signing investment agreement with Unistar
Jan. 04, 2021 7:46 AM ET网页链接{AirNe...


A blatant case of insider trading on Thursday, front running the announcement today. So now Guo is flipping from inflight internet to crypto blockchains.


$悦航阳光集团(ANTE)$ For price and volume spikes with no apparent news behind them, the most likely explanation is insider trading, which is illegal in US and there are monitoring programs to watch out for them. The other possibility is a pump and dump operation. The company ...


$悦航阳光集团(ANTE)$ To have an idea of the inflight internet business, take a look at the size of the leading US service provider and the losses it sustained recently. ANTE cannot afford to compete in this business with such a small capital. 网页链接


$悦航阳光集团(ANTE)$ The company is proposing a poison pill rights to deter a takeover. Is this for the protection of the minority shareholdes or just the controlling shareholders: 网页链接


$航美传媒(AMCN)$ Looks like Chairman Guo's dream inflight WIFI may run into some turbulence. Delta Airlines in the US is testing free WIFI for some of its flights. If this becomes industry wide, how to monetise his service? With free basic connections, how many would want...


$航美传媒(AMCN)$ Finally, the cat is out of the bag, the reasons for the price drop over the last two years. How convenient to blame it on advances to third parties, hidden in the footnotes to the accounts, amounts that exceeded the then market cap of the company. Is this the...


$航美传媒(AMCN)$ Singapore government jailed and fined a listed company CEO for making a false takeover attempt. 网页链接
Here, the offeror got to just walk away ...


$航美传媒(AMCN)$ Using the figures from the share repurchase reports by Guo, this is a short analysis of his market action. From 7th Dec to 27 Dec, he bought 541,273 shares at an average cost of $0.24. From 27 Dec to 30 Jan, total purchases of 1,724,922 shares at an average c...


$航美传媒(AMCN)$ Looking at today's trading prices and volume, the latter spikes with a drop in price, indicating selling pressure. Disturbing pattern of a distribution rather than accumulation.


$航美传媒(AMCN)$ To show the complete disregard for Nasdaq rules and regulations by Guo, he has not filed any Form 4 that is the required reporting for insider trading of a listed stock. 网页链接 This is required by the 10th of the mon...


$航美传媒(AMCN)$ The more I think about it, the more I feel that we all have been played by Chairman Guo all this while. He is smart, and has been advised by top lawyers and accountants, so he knows what he is doing. The long delay in filing the accounts is deliberate, the sh...


$航美传媒(AMCN)$ Conspiracy theory would suggest that Chairman Guo is a pretty smart cookie. Having deliberately run down the share price to such a low level, he can now gain absolute control of the company for pennies on the dollar. What's his game plan? Firstly, the com...