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$悦航阳光集团(ANTE)$ For price and volume spikes with no apparent news behind them, the most likely explanation is insider trading, which is illegal in US and there are monitoring programs to watch out for them. The other possibility is a pump and dump operation. The company may be too small as to be able to be under the radar, but any price manipulations can always be tracked.


2021-01-02 04:23

neither scenarios are good. But this analysis is conventional thinking by now.
for a “zero-cap” such as $悦航阳光集团(ANTE)$ $中国绿色农业(CGA)$ $CNTFY(CNTFY)$ what we have (spiking price and column) is actually much better scenario than that no one cares about the stock and ends in oblivion in short order. We can explain In probabilistic terms...

2021-01-03 14:31

To do a pump and dump operation, you need to feed some good news to the market to attract the buyins, but there is no news here. In most markets, the regulators would have sent out an "unusual market activity" query to the company already.

why not focus on other good stocks instead of waste time on this shit?