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$航美传媒(AMCN)$ Looking at today's trading prices and volume, the latter spikes with a drop in price, indicating selling pressure. Disturbing pattern of a distribution rather than accumulation.


2019-01-30 16:15

0.60 has been a strong resistence during the past 6 months, people would have strong desire to cash out at this point; if you already have a position here, I would say sit tight and don't get washed out

2019-01-30 04:42

It’s normal to pressure the small shareholders to give up their chips and prepare to shoot to another level of price.
Buy back still on going.

2019-02-01 16:22

Again, price dipped with volume. Someone is deliberately pushing the price down now and then. Don't think ordinary shareholders would want to do that. Who then?

2019-01-30 05:55

i'm expecting 2$ at the end of the 5m$ buy back program. Chairman Guo is a man of his word as always.

2019-01-30 05:08

I would say that AMCN shareholder community is one of the finest English speaking communities among Chinese Concept ADRs. LOL