
发布于: 雪球转发:20回复:32喜欢:46


另外,按照常识,拥有地段好的商业地产、搞风光发电、电信铁塔、水电站或跟intel合资搞芯片工厂,也不可能获得年化20%的ROE,除非你加了很高的杠杆,Brookfield的真实杠杆率是不是很高?虽然我从 @坚信价值 的贴子和2022Q3的投资者日中看到管理层说,BAM旗下资产每个项目的杠杆是隔离的,就算某个项目因为高杠杆破产,也不会波及到其他资产。但在美联储疯狂快速加息的情况下,个别的破产可能成为不个别现象,高杠杆终究存在高风险。





如果以上风险都不成问题,你觉得Brookfield最大的3个风险是什么? @坚信价值 

//Brookfield’s leveraged complexity should be unravelled 应该揭开布鲁克菲尔德的杠杆复杂性

The most questionable groups are those which have explicitly or implicitly promised public investors steady streams of dividends from “operating” earnings that appear to come from the revaluation and releveraging of their asset base. The holding companies of these groups collect very high management fees for this asset shuffling. 最值得怀疑的群体是那些明确或隐含地向公众投资者承诺从“经营”收益中获得稳定股息的群体,这些收益似乎来自其资产基础的重估和再杠杆化。这些集团的控股公司为这次资产洗牌收取了非常高的管理费。

//南方调查报道基金会于秋末开始对布鲁克菲尔德广泛的业务进行全职调查。该报告和研究揭示了一系列收益质量问题、有效控制 Brookfield 治理和公司结构的大部分隐藏的所有权集团的存在,以及严重依赖与其子公司的关联方交易的商业模式。

//Wrangler - thanks for the interesting write-up.   Have you been able to reconcile the actual free cash flow of BIP's assets using conservative estimates of maintenance capex and adjusting for true cash items (ie including distributions from unconsolidated JVs but not equity income)?    Are you concerned at all that this could be an investment largely on the hope / allure / image of Brookfield Asset Management?

Wrangler - 感谢您的有趣报道。您是否能够使用维护资本支出的保守估计和调整真实现金项目(即包括未合并合资企业的分配但不包括股权收入)来协调 BIP 资产的实际自由现金流?您是否担心这可能是一项主要基于 Brookfield Asset Management 的希望/吸引力/形象的投资?   

A few things jumped out at us and we were hoping you could answer them:

1. BIP claims to distribute dividends based on AFFO but AFFO uses their definition of "maintenance capex" instead of actual capex or depreciation.   For example, they claim $18 million of maintenance capex on a utility rate base of $5 billion -->   
1. BIP 声称根据 AFFO 分配股息,但 AFFO 使用他们对“维护资本支出”的定义而不是实际资本支出或折旧。例如,他们在 50 亿美元的公用事业费率基础上要求 1800 万美元的维护资本支出 -->

that implies 284 year depreciable life for utility equipment.   Does that make sense to you?
这意味着公用事业设备的折旧寿命为 284 年。这对你有意义吗?      

2.   AFFO excludes income taxes and includes $591 million in "FFO contribution from JVs" even though you get "FFO" from JV's, you get distributions.   Do you include/exclude these in your calculation of FCF?
2. AFFO 不包括所得税,并且包括 5.91 亿美元的“来自合资企业的 FFO 贡献”,即使您从合资企业获得“FFO”,您也会获得分配。您在 FCF 的计算中是否包括/排除了这些?               

3. How do you reconcile the cash flow statement to your view of distributable FCF?
3. 您如何使现金流量表与您对可分配 FCF 的看法相一致?        

I'm sure you have read them but what do you think about the various articles over the years that have pointed out some potential issues (accounting, conflicts of interest, etc) with Brookfield and its related entities?
我相信您已经阅读过它们,但是您如何看待多年来指出 Brookfield 及其相关实体的一些潜在问题(会计、利益冲突等)的各种文章?   

Roddy Boyd:


Grants Interest Rate Observer on BPY/BPYU:


forcode2023-10-31 18:24

Brookfield Infrastructure Partners: A Wasting Trust Trading at 2x Inflated NAV
October 23, 2023
2023 布鲁克菲尔德基础设施合作伙伴 14 | 第二页。开发者捐款会计——赠款、递延或直接收入 根据英国 GAAP,开发者捐款从未包含在收入、EBITDA 和 CFO 中。捐款是建设连接成本的抵消账户,从而降低了所需的 CFI 流出和 PPE 的资本化成本。根据国际财务报告准则,它们通常被记为在资产使用寿命内释放的递延收入。对于是将收到的捐款作为降低的 CFI 抵消还是将其添加到 CFO 作为抵消当年实现的小额递延收入减少的增量,申请存在分歧。BUUK采取非常激进的立场,这些贡献立即根据完成百分比法确认,通过资本化PPE的更高成本增加CFO并增加CFI流出。按照历史标准并与竞争对手相比,这是一个非常激进的会计方法,如下所示。会计的选择和应用不是一个学术问题。该集团的评级机构穆迪(Baa2)和英国天然气等其他行业参与者都对开发商捐款问题发表了评论。穆迪 2021 年 5 月的信用票据指出,“然而,评级受到运营基础资金 (FFO) 薄弱的限制,特别是考虑到连接收入的比例很高……。新连接的大部分相关成本将在很大程度上被视为资本支出,因此,连接收入对总收入(约四分之一)和 EBITDA(根据穆迪的估计约三分之一)做出了很大贡献,但贡献很少或没有以实现自由现金流。目前,高比例的人脉收入提高了基于现金流的信用指标和财务契约……”我们同意分析师的评估,并将当时(2020 年)的贡献计算为 42%,而不是 33.3% 的估计。然而,穆迪的数据可能包括智能电表的贡献。英国天然气公司对这个问题的讨论甚至更加尖锐。英国天然气公司在向英国监管机构 Ofgem 提交的一份文件中表示:“作为主要天然气供应商,我们越来越关注这个市场 (IGT) 发展方式的某些方面。..我们建议将接驳费和运输费分开核算。向建筑商和开发商收取的费用应反映实际连接成本
不应交叉补贴。IGT 不应该处于可以滥用其垄断地位的位置。” 该供应商的担忧也证实了其他抱怨,即尽管有监管,IGT 网络对类似连接的收费仍高于现有运营商。因此,只有某些供应商愿意将它们添加到他们的计划中,从而限制了竞争。Ofgem 最终没有在连接方面展开竞争,而是利用资本成本、合并会计和更高的收费,形成了另一个大型垄断,BUUK 控制了独立天然气连接市场 65% 至 70% 的份额。英国天然气公司警告说:“由于 IGT 成本和收费安排缺乏透明度,很难确定市场扭曲的程度。……IGT 目前能够向开发商提供出资或津贴,从而降低开发商的网络和连接成本。我们相信,IGT 越来越多地提供覆盖安装总成本的补贴,即开发商的贡献为零。“ “IGT 目前并未受到任何有效运营激励措施的约束,我们担心客户最终可能会为 IGT 的低效率付出代价。我们认为,要解决这个问题,需要对连接和运输活动进行会计分离。” 英国天然气公司对市场扭曲的描述似乎描述了 BUUK 的市场行为。监管变化与反映 BIP 激励措施的会计相结合,造成了一个破碎的市场,风险最终由消费者承担。
风险和会计披露:BUUK 与世界 缺乏适当的会计披露,涉及 1) 开发商贡献的表述和 2) 鉴于英国颁布的立法,天然气资产的战略风险。该公司的所有竞争对手以及覆盖它们的评级机构都提供了与这两个问题相关的类似披露。然而,布鲁克菲尔德似乎遵循不同的规则,在不同的现实中运作,唯一的关键风险是英国建设放缓。1. 穆迪不同的风险因素穆迪对 BUUK 及其主要竞争对手 ESP Utilities Group Limited (ESP) 给予 Baa2 评级。显着不同的是与两个实体相关的风险披露。ESP 的披露特别指出:“然而,ESP 的 Baa2 评级受到……的限制。(2) 不可预见的监管变化可能减少现金流并增加业务风险的风险”9 。鉴于 BUUK 和 ESP 是竞争对手,目前尚不清楚为什么穆迪没有提及 BUUK 的这一风险。其次,尽管它提到了“政府气候变化政策的制定”对这两个群体的负面影响,但评级机构指出,ESP债权人受益于契约和担保方案,其中包括……。(5) 拥有和管理英国电力和天然气资产的商业活动的限制”。换句话说,ESP不属于建筑行业。信用评级机构认为,逐步淘汰天然气带来的高环境风险是天然气分配网络面临的重大信用挑战。整个行业广泛讨论了天然气系统长期未来的不确定性和潜在的替代使用方案。BUUK 和 BIP 在这方面是异常的。2. 竞争对手的不同披露 BUUK 面临两种不同类型的风险:运营风险和会计风险。主要的运营业务风险是英国天然气网络的不确定未来。主要的会计风险与治疗开发商资本支出贡献造成的收入和现金流膨胀有关。BUUK 在每项风险的披露方面都是一个异常值。该公司这样描述监管环境:相比之下,BUUK 的主要竞争对手 ESP 集团表示,“该集团目前面临的两项主要监管变化是:1) 计划逐步淘汰住宅物业的新燃气连接 9 穆迪 5/ 25/21 关于 ESP Utility Group BUUK 的说明 披露资料来源:公司备案文件。2023 年 10 月 23 日布鲁克菲尔德基础设施合作伙伴 19 | 第 2 页)实施 Ofgem 对配电网络收费和接入的审查。” 该公司关于天然气网络未来的披露如下所示。ESP 对于监管问题对业务的潜在影响直言不讳。首席执行官 Kevin O'Connor 在对 ESP 业绩的年度回顾中明确指出,“苏格兰宣布将于 2024 年开始逐步淘汰燃气加热住宅物业的新连接,随后英格兰和威尔士将于 2025 年开始逐步淘汰新的燃气加热连接,这将对 ESP 的业绩产生重大影响。”对英国公用事业基础设施的影响。” 最近的行动表明,英格兰和威尔士的禁令将推迟 10 年10,但苏格兰的禁令将保留。 11 所有 GDN 和天然气传输运营商也将其天然气资产的使用寿命问题作为关键估计不确定性的来源。尽管BUUK是该行业的巨头,这是我们发现的唯一一家没有将天然气网络的未来视为关键业务风险或估计不确定性来源的公司。现在使用 IFRS 15 根据完成阶段将开发者贡献计入收入的另外两家公司也是德勤的客户。然而,它们和BUUK之间有两个显着的区别。首先,开发者捐款只占其业务的一小部分——Cadent 2022 年收到了 7800 万英镑的捐款,收入为 23.4 亿英镑,Wales & West 收到了 1140 万英镑的捐款,2021 年的收入为 4.629 亿英镑。最重要的是,两家公司的审计将开发商贡献收入确认纳入关键会计判断。以下是 Wales & West 关于开发商贡献的披露。10 苏纳克宣布推迟。11 苏格兰议会。ESP 集团披露资料来源:公司文件。威尔士和西部关键会计判断 资料来源:公司备案。2023 年 10 月 23 日布鲁克菲尔德基础设施合作伙伴 20 | 相比之下,BUUK 管理层坚称不存在关键的会计判断,如下所示。在下表中,我们提供了关键披露的摘要。开发商的贡献作为关键会计判断的收入确认问题进行披露。天然气网络的未来既被视为关键的会计判断,又被视为不确定性的主要来源。BUUK 是该行业的一个明显反常现象,它未能披露天然气网络的真正监管风险或开发商捐款的会计处理方式。BIP 对 BUUK 的风险披露间接解决了连接建设问题,如下所示。房地产市场放缓会影响会计报表,但不会影响基础业务。BUUK 的披露失败在 BIP 层面上屡屡发生。BIP 财务报表的用户无法知道 BUUK 的收入、EBITDA 和 FFO 贡献被大幅夸大。他们也不知道资产有很大的搁浅风险。BUUK 关键会计判断披露 资料来源:公司备案。
第五页. 债务和现金限制 BUUK 的财务报表强调了昂贵的建设对资金的持续需求。下表列出了根据我们从智能电表业务中扣除的估计得出的业务自由现金流。过去六年累计的净赤字为 4.67 亿英镑。2021年智能电表业务的成功处置,使公司能够额外支付3.3亿英镑的股息,并偿还8000万英镑的银行债务和5200万英镑的衍生品,缓解了财务压力。然而,该期间调整后的现金流量表显示,与智能电表处置相关的所有收益都用于为 3.3 亿英镑的股息提供资金,从而使基础业务面临近 5 亿英镑的资金短缺。下表突出显示了该业务额外增加的 1.1 亿英镑债务,其中 34% 用于支付支付给 BIP 及其联合投资者的 3.82 亿英镑额外股息。高资本支出低盈利模式加上向 BIP 进行大量分配的后果在公司不断增长的债务负担中显而易见,这意味着债务/调整后 EBITDA 比率为 16 倍。
陷入困境的投资 BIP 拥有许多我们认为陷入困境的头寸。虽然个体规模较小,但它们合计约占单位持有人净资产的 7%。其中两个职位是北美的,因此可用的财务信息很少。然而,通过当地媒体和债务市场研究对公司进行评估可以了解这些实体的财务状况。我们不提供该组的独立估值估计。也就是说,我们相信我们提供的背景揭示了 BIP 披露质量的低下。投资者可能希望提供相对账面价值的折扣。秘鲁资产的情况不仅仅是财务问题。由于各种原因,控制特许权的市政府正在从布鲁克菲尔德收回特许权。下表列出了我们已应用折扣的综合投资以及由此导致的 BIP 单位持有人的价值损失。Rutas de Lima – 秘鲁收费公路 – 净资产的 1% 2023 年 1 月上旬,利马市长宣布终止 Brookfield 对 Rutas de Lima 的特许经营权。BIP 没有在 20-F 中作为后续事件披露该问题,也没有在任何季度报告中披露该问题。本文很好地总结了取消的原因,其中包括高收费和对社区的负面影响。市长还要求对特许经营区进行洗钱调查。布鲁克菲尔德与当地居民之间的问题并不新鲜。Brookfield 于 2016 年从丑闻缠身的 Odebrecht 手中收购了 57% 的资产。Odebrecht 仍持有 25% 的股东权益。当地人抱怨道路通行费过高。2017 年的这篇文章讨论了因安装新收费站而爆发的暴力抗议活动,并提供了抗议者烧毁收费站的视频链接。布鲁克菲尔德以仲裁威胁来回应市长。市长显然提出了一项提议,但布鲁克菲尔德似乎忽略了这一提议。在被说服与布鲁克菲尔德谈判后,市长的耐心显然已经结束了。市长表示他在他们身上浪费了时间,现在威胁要向纽约证券交易所和美国司法部宣战
北美数据中心 - Dawn 收购 - 净资产的 2% 2018 年 12 月,Brookfield 收购了 AT&T 的 Evoque Data中心业务为 $1.1B。BIP 支付了 3.15 亿美元购买了 29% 的股份。当时的一些投资者将数据中心视为另一种类似房地产的业务。然而,正如《金融时报》关于 BIP 和收购的文章所指出的那样,数据中心是资本支出密集型的。
英国《金融时报》对此次收购的批评是正确的——事实证明,黎明公司是一次失败。标准普尔最初给予黎明集团高度投机性“B”的低端评级。2022 年 8 月,在布鲁克菲尔德从低于面值的持有人手中回购债务后,标准普尔将 Dawn 评级下调至选择性违约,但不久之后将其升级为“CCC”。这些交易是一次不良重组,被认为是违约事件,因为持有人收到的金额少于最初承诺的金额。2023 年 2 月,布鲁克菲尔德从抵押品池中删除了几个数据中心后,标准普尔将担保债务评级从“B-”下调至“CCC”。BIP 尚未披露任何财务困境或随之而来的信用事件。Rockpoint 储气库 (Rockpoint) – 北美储气库 – 占净资产的 4% 现在的 Rockpoint 是 BIP 多年来积累的储气资产的合并体,但这些资产的质量都不是特别好。最大的一笔收购是 2016 年对 Niska Gas Storage 的收购。Niska 是一家破产的上市天然气存储公司。该公司最终的 10-K 显示,由于客户流失和困难的市场状况,收入从 2014 年的 2.07 亿美元下降到 2016 年的 5,400 万美元。Rockpoint 所在的地区被惠誉评级称为“不稳定的天然气储存中游细分市场”,主要集中在加拿大艾伯塔省。该公司的财务业绩和 BIP 的净资产状况总结如下,波动性非常明显。惠誉将 Rockpoint 评级为“B-”——高度投机性在重大风险之前的最后一级。该评级将布鲁克菲尔德提供的次级债务纳入股权。此外,Brookfield 还为 Rockpoint 提供循环信贷额度。在投资者介绍中,管理层表示 BIP 拥有并经营稳定的现金流业务。Rockpoint 显然不是这样,从财务业绩中可以明显看出。该公司经营收费和交易业务的混合存储。Rockpoint 购买天然气进行储存,并在远期市场上出售以锁定价差。从理论上讲,高定价和波动性是该公司的机会,也是该公司近期业绩较好的原因。尽管多年来业绩不佳甚至平庸,但自 2016 年以来,BIP 的职位价值已增加了 48%。我们对业务质量和产生稳定、长期回报的能力持怀疑态度。
多种资产:权益核算的运输部门 由于权益核算投资的所有财务披露缺失,使得 52% 的净资产中的绝大多数成为黑匣子。然而,如果花足够的时间追踪资产,运输领域是可以破解的。Arteris SA 和 VLI SA 都是发布财务报表的巴西公司。Dalrymple Bay Infrastructure 和 Cheniere Energy Partners 都是上市公司,而 Patrick Ports 则由一家上市公司共同拥有,该公司的披露政策比 BIP 更为宽松。该估值项目并未产生太大变化。我们对该集团的估值与 BIP 的估值一致,尽管我们不知道如何分配。我们在下面展示结果。我们提供每项资产的摘要报告。VLI 和 Patrick Ports 的文章非常短,因为我们认为他们最不可能引起争议或评论。Arteris 的报道更为广泛,因为我们认为该资产的估值应为 2017 年最后公布的账面价值的 ~-90%,而且看起来要么为零,要么需要更多的救助。我们将 Dalrymple Bay 和 Cheniere Energy 两家上市公司合并在一起。尽管估值很简单,但对这两种高收益资产的分析表明,在 BIP 的商业模式和费用结构背景下,与这些头寸相关的现金流量严重为负。Arteris SA Arteris 长期以来一直是一家陷入困境的公司。Brookfield 于 2012 年和 2013 年新兴市场泡沫结束时收购了 Arteris。从那时起,Arteris 都经历了运营问题和几次严重的财务压力,而 Brookfield 不进行对冲的巴西雷亚尔已下跌 -61%兑美元。该公司的财务困境尚未结束。Abertis 基础设施是 Arteris 的控股股东。在 Abertis 的年度报告12中,它指出,由于“一系列因素,包括资本支出成本增加和某些监管程序的延迟”,该公司在 2021 年对 Arteris 收取了大量减值费用。Abertis 2021 年年度报告显示年内,Arteris 获得了注资。2380 万股增资归功于 BIP。
据我们所知,BIP 向 SEC 提交的文件没有披露与减值、可能导致减值的财务状况或额外出资相关的信息。新政府似乎正在重组特许权协议,这可能需要特许权持有者加大投资,并可能降低关税。此次重组将对整个行业产生明显影响。公司层面的情况也好不到哪里去。当地媒体报道称,Arteris 的所有者试图在 2022 年出售该公司,但失败了,目前正在努力解决其财务和监管问题。重要的是,Arteris 似乎再次遇到流动性问题,如果想要生存下去,很可能需要 Brookfield 和 Abertis 再次注入现金。这将是第二个。2016 年,BIP 在 Arteris 现金“注入”中所占份额为 2.39 亿美元。标准普尔在 2023 年 6 月的信用报告中指出,他们预计 Arteris 在 2023 年至 2025 年间需要赚取 BRL7.4B 或 $1.5B,比之前的预期高出 23%。对于一家杠杆率过高和自由现金流为负的公司来说,这是一个沉重的负担。Arteris 在 2015 年几乎失败,现在又再次濒临失败。我们使用两家可比较的巴西收费公路公司的调整后 EBITDA 低值和高值的平均值来对 Arteris 进行估值。巴西收费公路公司提供 EBITDA 和调整后的 EBITDA,不包括某些成本(例如维护费用)。我们计算了这两个倍数。EBITDA 1 是标准计算,而 EBITDA 2 经过调整,总体上产生更高、更稳定的数字。为了估算估值,我们使用了 EBITDA 2 的最低值和最高值,得出的估值为 1 亿美元。我们认为,Arteris 作为一个独立的实体是不可行的。Arteris 案中有两个有趣的事实值得注意。该公司最后一次披露的估值为 2017 年第三季度的 $1.5B。我们现在对该股权的估值约为 100 美元或-93%。尽管价值大幅损失,但我们估计 Arteris 在 2022 年按比例 FFO 贡献了 9,340 万美元。Arteris 强调了 Brookfield 基于 FFO 的会计如何创建完全脱离资产层面客观财务现实的财务状况。这一鸿沟也凸显了信息披露的缺陷。尽管 Arteris 和 Arteris SA 面临财务压力和严重的不利监管行动
在秘鲁利马鲁塔斯,BIP 对 20-F 收费公路运营和监管环境的讨论在 2021 年至 2022 年间没有变化。VLI SA VLI 由淡水河谷公司 (VALE) 发起。2014 年,这家铁路和基础设施公司通过向 Brookfield 和日本三井集团出售部分股份,转型为一家合资企业。BIP 于 2014 年以 3.67 亿美元收购了其 11% 的权益。该公司通过 Brookfield 管理的私募股权基金拥有。我们使用 VLI 巴西的声明进行分析。下面的图表摘自 VLI 的年度报告,显示了该公司的所有权结构。VLI 所有权 资料来源:VLI 年度报告。Brookfield 集团整体拥有 25.51% 的股份,因此 BIP 拥有 Brookfield 总股份的约 43% 或 9.97 亿股。最后一次披露的 VLI 账面价值是 2017 年第三季度的 3.94 亿美元。我们使用 VLI 2022 年年度报告中的财务信息。BIP 的 VLI 股份采用 10 倍 EV/EBITDA 倍数进行估值,与公开交易的 Rumo SA (Rail3) 相当。我们使用的 EBITDA 为 2.945 巴西雷亚尔,它是公司报告的 EBITDA (1,908 巴西雷亚尔) 和调整后的 EBITDA (3,354 巴西雷亚尔) 的混合。我们对 BIP 11% 股份的估值为 4.7 亿美元,如下表所示。还有另外两个可用的估值数据点,它们都低于我们的估值。VALE 持有 29.6% 的股份,价值 4.28 亿美元,意味着总估值为 1.4B 美元。然而,VALE 采用美国公认会计准则 (US GAAP) 进行报告,无法与 BIP 的国际财务报告准则 (IFRS) 账面价值进行比较。其次,巴西开发银行 (BNDES) 行使了收购股权的选择权,这意味着总估值为 3B 美元。同样,我们认为该交易低于公平市场价值。
Patrick Ports Patrick Ports 由澳大利亚上市公司 Asciano 所有。2016年,布鲁克菲尔德组建财团接管该公司。由于利益冲突,布鲁克菲尔德无法拥有阿夏诺的铁路资产;该集团仅限于港口资产。VLI 估值(百万雷亚尔) EV/EBITDA 10.00x 债务/EBITDA 2.36x EBITDA 调整后 2,945 净债务 6,947 股权 22,500 企业价值 29,447 外汇 5.2668 股权 4,272 BIP 11% 价值 470 资料来源:公司财务和估计。2023 年 10 月 23 日布鲁克菲尔德基础设施合作伙伴 31 | Page BIP 以 2.02 亿美元购买了 Patrick Ports 13% 的股权。包括布鲁克菲尔德基础设施基金III(BIF III)的股权在内,布鲁克菲尔德总持股比例为50%。BIP 不会披露帕特里克波特斯的任何实体级财务信息。然而,Brookfield 持股 50% 的合资伙伴 Qube Holdings(澳大利亚 QUB),在年度报告中提供财务信息和资产绩效的详细说明。澳大利亚媒体曾猜测 Qube 有兴趣以约 2B 澳元的价格收购 Brookfield 50% 的股份。布鲁克菲尔德表示帕特里克是非卖品,考虑到 BIF III 已经进入第七个年头并且应该结束,我们觉得这很奇怪。我们使用媒体引用的 Patrick Ports 的 A4B 总估值,得出 BIP 13% 股份的价值为 3.54 亿美元。然而,我们注意到,价格标签意味着 EV/EBITDA 是 17.35 倍 2022 年 EBITDA,这对于港口来说似乎偏高。Dalrymple Bay 基础设施和 Cheniere Energy Partners 我们将 Dalrymple Bay 和 Cheniere 归为一类,因为它们都是公开交易的实体。澳大利亚出口码头正式名称为达尔林普尔湾基础设施 (DBI)。该资产原名为 Dalrymple Bay Coal Termina (DBCT),于 2020 年更名为“煤炭”。Dalrymple Bay 是在 2009 年和 2010 年通过两步交易从破产的 Babcock and Brown 手中购买的。BIP 拥有 71% 的股份,Brookfield Infrastructure I (BIF I) 拥有剩余的 29% 的股份,这是一只 2010 年的老式基金。该资产于 2020 年挂牌出售。没有私人买家愿意支付 Brookfield 的价格,因此最终 Dalrymple Bay 在澳大利亚进行了 IPO。这是今年规模最大、也是最麻烦的 IPO 之一。价格和尺寸都被降低了。此次 IPO 交易说明了 BIP 的公司治理存在问题。与基金的所有交易均为关联方。BIP 的治理结构消除了有限合伙人可能承担的所有信托义务。因此,BIP 管理层(同时也是 Brookfield 和 Brookfield 管理基金的管理者)可以将 BIP 单位持有人的财务利益置于其他利益之上——例如 Brookfield 私人基金有限合伙人。这在 Dalrymple Bay IPO 中就很明显。交易之前,BIP 拥有 Dalrymple Bay 基础设施(当时称为 Dalrymple Bay Coal Termina (DBCT)) 71% 的股份,其余股份由 Brookfield 赞助的私募股权基金拥有。BIP 2019 年(IPO 前一年)的财务脚注显示了所有权结构,如下所示。2023 年 10 月 23 日布鲁克菲尔德基础设施合作伙伴 32 | 2019 年达尔林普尔湾所有权结构 资料来源:BIP 2019 20-F。BIP 的所有权为 71%。布鲁克菲尔德财团拥有剩余 29% 的股份,并将投票权分配给 BIP,如 BIP 的所有权权益和投票权之间的差异所示。布鲁克菲尔德经常分配投票权,这传达了“控制权”,从而具有巩固实体的能力。DBI 的 IPO 招股说明书提供了一份图表,解释了 IPO 前和预期的 IPO 后所有权结构,如下所示。DBI 所有权计划 资料来源:DBI 招股说明书。披露信息显示,Brookfield 集团在 IPO 之前拥有 DBI 100% 的股份,而 BIP 可能保留最多 49% 的股份,这将取决于投资者的需求。换句话说,如果投资者需求疲软,BIP 是保留其大部分仓位的安全阀,但允许布鲁克菲尔德赞助的私人基金退出。这正是 IPO 时发生的情况。2023 年 10 月 23 日布鲁克菲尔德基础设施合作伙伴 33 | 交易发生时,Brookfield基金被允许出售其全部29%的股份,而BIP只出售了22%的股份,仅占其持股的30%。以下披露表明了销售中的偏袒。BIP 关于出售 DBI 的披露 资料来源:BIP 2020 20-F。该披露指出,BIP 出售了 22% 的权益,获得了 5500 万美元的收益;其他布鲁克菲尔德投资者获得了 2.1 亿美元,占总额的 80%。我们认为,如果 BIP 的经理负有信托责任,那么其销售额将在 IPO 时按比例分配。布鲁克菲尔德的生命终结基金本可以在公开市场上出售剩余的股份。然而,这将导致布鲁克菲尔德管理的私募股权基金的回报率大幅下降。Dalrymple Bay 的售价为 2.57 澳元。机构兴趣较低。正如《澳大利亚金融评论》上的这篇文章指出的那样,这笔交易存在太多问题,布鲁克菲尔德不得不寻求帮助才能完成交易。昆士兰州政府(出售特许权)被招募为基石投资者。加拿大费尔法克斯金融公司(FFH Toronto)也是如此。2.57 美元的价格似乎是一个不可持续的价格。该股票立即下跌,成为 2020 年表现最差的澳大利亚 IPO 之一,直到 2.5 年后的 2023 年,其交易价格才达到或高于 IPO 价格。鉴于可预见的 IPO 后表现不佳,授予了 100% 销售分配Brookfield 基金将 BIP 单位持有人的利润转移给 Brookfield 私募基金有限合伙人。BIP 于 2020 年以 4.25 亿美元的价格从 Blackstone 购买了 Cheniere Energy Partners 或其所谓的北美液化天然气接收站 6% 的股权。尽管我们不认为 BIP 曾进行过披露,但 Cheniere 是一家上市公司。我们使用年末公开价格对 Dalrymple Bay 和 Cheniere 头寸进行估值。我们相信,无论市场如何评价这些价格,这些价格都是当时价值的最佳估计。但必须指出的是,由于 BIP 被归类为 IFRS 报告运营公司,因此它没有义务按照公开市场估值持有股份。上市公司估值 CQP DBX 价格 56.00 2.43 单位 12.14 242.92 价值 680 590 外汇 0.68 美元 680 401 资料来源:公司文件和雅虎。2023 年 10 月 23 日布鲁克菲尔德基础设施合作伙伴 34 | 布鲁克菲尔德实体的公开交易实体的价格通常与公开市场估值显着不同。正如本报告其他部分所述,Arteris 上市时的估值是其公开估值的 2.7 倍以上。这是我们在布鲁克菲尔德集团公司中观察到的一种现象。这两个实体代表了超过 10 亿美元的单位持有人权益。作为上市公司,我们可以以它们为例推断出很多有关 BIP 经济学的信息。在下表中,我们计算了从每家上市公司收到的股息以及与之相关的估计费用和分配。我们使用 2022 年支付的总净资产的 7.2% 来计算与头寸相关的总管理费。我们通过计算 BIP 在实体 FFO 中的比例来估计分配分配,并假设支付率为 68%。公开记录显示,根据所有权股份,BIP 将从 Cheniere 和 Dalrymple Bay 获得总计 7600 万美元的股息。费用分配(7870 万美元)和分配(2.05 亿美元)导致头寸净现金流量为(2.077 亿美元)。这个例子说明了有关 BIP 商业模式的两个事实。支付的分配远远超过收到的分配,因此必须融资。它还显示了费用结构如何导致向布鲁克菲尔德支付过高的费用。在这种情况下,他们每年赚取约 7900 万美元的费用来管理这两种股票头寸。

坚信价值2023-03-15 14:46

$Brookfield资管(BAM)$ 从事的PE基金管理业务,作为一门生意,其ROE是极高的,因为分母很小,只需要不多的运营资本就可以支持很大的管理规模和收入。

坚信价值2023-03-15 16:24

比如说十年前质疑一项资产(和Kinder Morgan合资的输气管道)不值那么多钱,但是后来人家反而是更高价格变现了。

坚信价值2023-03-15 17:59


坚信价值2023-03-15 15:45



$Brookfield资管(BAM)$ 从事的PE基金管理业务,作为一门生意,其ROE是极高的,因为分母很小,只需要不多的运营资本就可以支持很大的管理规模和收入。

2023-03-15 13:00


2023-03-15 14:07

ElmSt, 埃尔姆街
1) Regarding maintenace capex, there are a bunch of reasons why it appears so low (particularly for the utilities segment). I'd recommend you look at the 2016 investor day starting at slide 56 for more info and examples, but here's my summary. First, they revalue and mark up the value of their PP&E (rate base) annually using a DCF approach. So as rates have grown, discount rates have come down, and the rate base has expanded at high ROIC, PP&E values go up on the balance sheet a lot more than their actual replacement value. Second, when the purchase assets, they do the same thing. BIP allocates what would normally be called goodwill to PP&E. So again this inflates PP&E value above replacement cost. Third, most of their assets are steel or concrete structures that don't get much wear and tear. In the utilites business for example, BUUK is a big part of the rate base and has utility connections that are nearly indestructible underneath homes. Fourth, some major assets in the utilities segment like their Brazilian pipelines are on fixed concession agreements. So the Brazilian pipelines are assets with a 30yr life. Steel pipelines probably have close to no maintance capex over a 30yr life. I'm no expert on pipeline maintenace capex, but my guess is sometime in the next 100yrs those assets will need some major work. So if I was valuing that asset over a 100yr life, I'd want to know how long it lasts and then divide the cost of later in life repairs by the useful life to come up with some estimate of "average" maintenance capex. But BIP won't ever spend the maintenance capex because realistically it's probably 50+ years out when it's the Brazilian governments problem. The temporary (30yr) life of the asset is accounted for in BIPs AFFO calculations because they include a charge for return of capital which basically amortizes the cost of the asset over the life of their concession. And fifth, some of the businesses recover capex through their regulatory frameworks.
1) 关于维护资本支出,它看起来如此之低有很多原因(特别是对于公用事业部门)。我建议您查看从幻灯片 56 开始的 2016 年投资者日,了解更多信息和示例,但这是我的总结。首先,他们使用 DCF 方法每年重估和标记其 PP&E(费率基础)的价值。因此,随着利率上升、贴现率下降以及利率基数在高 ROIC 下扩大,资产负债表上的 PP&E 价值远高于其实际重置价值。其次,在购买资产时,他们做同样的事情。 BIP 将通常称为商誉的内容分配给 PP&E。因此,这再次使 PP&E 价值高于重置成本。第三,他们的大部分资产都是钢结构或混凝土结构,不会受到太多磨损。例如,在公用事业业务中,BUUK 是费率基数的重要组成部分,并且拥有在房屋下方几乎坚不可摧的公用事业连接。第四,公用事业领域的一些主要资产,如巴西管道,都签订了固定特许权协议。因此,巴西管道是具有 30 年寿命的资产。钢管在 30 年的使用寿命内可能几乎没有维护资本支出。我不是管道维护资本支出方面的专家,但我的猜测是在未来 100 年的某个时候,这些资产将需要一些重大工作。因此,如果我对 100 年寿命的资产进行估值,我想知道它能持续多久,然后将后期维修成本除以使用寿命,得出“平均”维护资本支出的一些估算值。但 BIP 永远不会花费维护资本支出,因为实际上这可能是 50 多年后巴西政府的问题。BIPs AFFO 计算中考虑了资产的临时(30 年)寿命,因为它们包括资本返还费用,这基本上是在其特许权寿命期间摊销资产成本。第五,一些企业通过监管框架收回资本支出。
2) I don't see a problem using the FFO of JVs that they control as part of the FFO of BIP. It's no different than Buffett saying he has "look-through earnings" of $X billion in Apple. To the extent the JVs have opportunities to deploy capital at 12-15% returns on capital, they should do that and it's a good reason for distributions to be lower than the JV's FFO. Also, AFFO doesn't exclude taxes, it excludes deferred taxes. The stated rationale is "we do not believe this item reflects the present value of the actual tax obligations that we expect to incur over our long-term investment horizon." This relates back to the revaluation of assets also. When you revalue them upwards, there is a deferred tax liability created that is only paid when the asset is sold which in most case is 10+ years away. This is probably on the aggressive side since deferred taxes at some point get paid, but if you use a 12-15% cost of capital and assume a 10yr hold for their assets, the PV of the deferred tax assets isn't that material.
2)我认为使用他们控制的合资企业的 FFO 作为 BIP FFO 的一部分没有问题。这与巴菲特说他在苹果公司拥有 X 亿美元的“透视收益”没有什么不同。就合资企业有机会以 12-15% 的资本回报率部署资本而言,他们应该这样做,这是分配低于合资企业 FFO 的一个很好的理由。此外,AFFO 不排除税款,它不包括递延税款。陈述的理由是“我们不认为该项目反映了我们预期在长期投资范围内产生的实际纳税义务的现值。”这也与资产重估有关。当您向上重估它们时,会产生递延所得税负债,只有在出售资产时才支付,这在大多数情况下是 10 年以上。这可能是激进的一面,因为递延税款在某个时候得到支付,但如果您使用 12-15% 的资本成本并假设其资产持有 10 年,则递延税款资产的现值并不重要。
3) On the articles in order:
Rody Boyd: Main arguments (1) BAM & it’s listed partnerships are controlled by partners that don’t have skin in the game proportionate to their ownership. This is true, and I don’t care… It doesn’t bother me one bit that mgmt “only” owns ~7% of the equity in the listed partnerships yet controls them through the holding company structure. Incentives are aligned by the mgmt. fee and IDR structure and I’m quite happy that management has a substantial ownership stake. (2) The net income is inflated by revaluations of assets (usually up). Again, I don’t care as I’m looking at AFFO and distributions and BIP doesn't hide anything about it's revaluation policy. He also ignores the D&A >>>> maintenance capex point when comparing net income less revaluation gains to distributions. (3) They consolidate assets on the balance sheet so it looks like they have more assets than they do. Again, who cares? (4) There was a shady related party deal in BEP a while ago. I haven’t looked into this to know if it’s true, but based on the other arguments it’s probably not.
Rody Boyd:主要论点 (1) BAM 及其上市合作伙伴关系由合作伙伴控制,这些合作伙伴在游戏中的利益与其所有权不成比例。这是真的,我不在乎……管理层“仅”拥有上市合伙企业约 7% 的股权,但通过控股公司结构控制它们,这一点我一点也不在意。激励措施由 mgmt 调整。费用和 IDR 结构,我很高兴管理层拥有大量股权。 (2) 净收入因资产重估(通常上涨)而膨胀。同样,我不在乎,因为我正在查看 AFFO 和分配,而 BIP 没有隐藏任何关于其重估政策的信息。在将净收入减去重估收益与分配进行比较时,他还忽略了 D&A >>>> 维护资本支出点。 (3) 他们在资产负债表上合并资产,因此看起来他们拥有的资产比实际上多。再一次,谁在乎? (4) 前段时间BEP有黑幕关联交易。我没有调查过这是否属实,但根据其他论点,它可能不是。
Barron’s: I don’t care about the asset valuations of BIP, I care about the cash flows and I can make my own judgements on what they’re worth. Based on that it’s not worth looking into further for me, but I would guess maybe there’s some tax reason the Spanish company with similar assets chose to put a lower mark on them, or BAM just wanted to show better performance in their private funds (irrelevant to me since I plan to earn my return through distributions over a long holding period, not through marking this to their stated asset value in my head). For what it’s worth, their stupidly high private value they apply to BPY in the SOTP is one reason I have never owned BAM.
《巴伦周刊》:我不关心 BIP 的资产估值,我关心的是现金流,我可以对它们的价值做出自己的判断。基于此,对我来说不值得进一步研究,但我想也许有一些税收原因,这家拥有类似资产的西班牙公司选择给他们打一个较低的分数,或者 BAM 只是想在他们的私人基金中表现出更好的表现(无关紧要)对我来说,因为我计划通过长期持有期间的分配来赚取回报,而不是通过将其标记为我头脑中的既定资产价值)。就其价值而言,他们在 SOTP 中应用于 BPY 的愚蠢的高私人价值是我从未拥有 BAM 的原因之一。
Grants: I think I recall his argument being that BPY has overleveraged assets of dubious value and BAM puts a ridiculously high mark on it in their SOTP valuation presented to investors. I generally agree with this and think at best its value is unknowable (to me at least) and in my opinion is worth much less than BAM says it is in the SOTP. This has nothing to do with BIP though. Please remind me if I’m missing another one of the arguments that might apply to BIP.
赠款:我想我记得他的论点是 BPY 过度杠杆化了价值可疑的资产,而 BAM 在向投资者展示的 SOTP 估值中对其给予了高得离谱的分数。我大体上同意这一点,并认为充其量它的价值是不可知的(至少对我而言),而且在我看来,它的价值远低于 BAM 在 SOTP 中所说的价值。不过,这与 BIP 无关。如果我遗漏了另一个可能适用于 BIP 的论点,请提醒我。
FT: This article is just plain dumb. If my subsidiaries have opportunities to redeploy capital at 15% IRRs, and they do so, therefore distributing no cash to me but increasing their market values, I can borrow against that to make distributions at the HoldCo level and I haven’t done anything crazy or manipulative…
FT:这篇文章简直是愚蠢。如果我的子公司有机会以 15% 的 IRR 重新部署资本,他们这样做了,因此没有向我分配现金但增加了他们的市场价值,我可以以此为抵押借款以在 HoldCo 级别进行分配而且我没有做任何疯狂的事情或操纵……
On reconciling cash flow statement to AFFO, they give 10 pages of reconciliations at the back of all the earnings decks to reconcile net income to AFFO. That's sufficient to me. There are so many puts and takes on the cash flow statement (timing of asset sales and purchases, timing of capital raises, distributions of capital rather than income to the private partnerships, etc) that it’s impossible to reconcile to the dollar without more info.
在将现金流量表与 AFFO 进行核对时,他们在所有收益表的背面提供了 10 页的对账,以将净收入与 AFFO 进行核对。这对我来说已经足够了。现金流量表中有如此多的看跌期权(资产出售和购买的时间、资本筹集的时间、资本分配而不是私人合伙企业的收入等),如果没有更多信息,就不可能与美元核对。
Wrangler - thank you for the detailed responses. I think we are going to have to agree to disagree here, but I appreciate your genuinely well-thought out counterarguments. If I may, before we leave this one and let time tell, the following questions still remain:
Wrangler - 感谢您的详细回复。我想我们将不得不同意在这里不同意,但我感谢你真正深思熟虑的反驳。如果可以的话,在我们离开这个并让时间告诉我们之前,以下问题仍然存在:
1. Maintenance capex: 1. 维护资本支出:
a. I went through the presentation you referenced and I see your points. But do you know of any other utility on Earth - whether it is power generation, distribution, water, or whatever - that has these characteristics? Why is the maintenance capex of every other utility so much higher or at least equal to depreciation, even when they also use IFRS accounting, when they do acquisition and when they operate under the same concessions? If you can show me one publicly traded utility with the same maintenance capex, I will concede I'm wrong here. I'm not convinced that their steel and concrete is as special as their accounting.
A。我仔细阅读了您引用的演示文稿,明白了您的观点。但是你知道地球上的任何其他公用事业——无论是发电、配电、供水还是其他——具有这些特征吗?为什么其他所有公用事业公司的维护资本支出都高得多或至少等于折旧,即使他们也使用 IFRS 会计,当他们进行收购并在相同的特许权下运营时?如果您能向我展示一个具有相同维护资本支出的公开交易公用事业,我会承认我在这里错了。我不相信他们的钢铁和混凝土与他们的会计一样特别。
b. If the rate base is valued on an DCF approach (and lower rates = higher rate base), how come a utility commission doesn't also lower the allowed cost of debt or return on equity? Why do elected officials let investor keep the benefits?
b.如果费率基数是根据 DCF 方法估值的(并且较低的费率 = 较高的费率基数),为什么公用事业佣金也不会降低允许的债务成本或股本回报率?为什么民选官员让投资者保留收益?
c. Again, I don't think we are going to convince each other here, but how do you get comfortable on the fact that the assets they acquired used to spend a lot on capex (and not grow) but they now have very little maintenance capex under BIP? I'm referring to GWR specifically, which routinely spent $200-$250 million on total capex while growing very little, yet BIP's Transportation segment (of which railroads are less than half) spends only $150 million on maintenance capex.
C。再一次,我认为我们不会在这里说服对方,但你如何对他们收购的资产过去在资本支出上花费很多(而不是增长)但他们现在的维护资本支出很少这一事实感到满意在 BIP 下?我指的是 GWR,它通常在总资本支出上花费 200 至 2.5 亿美元,而增长很少,但 BIP 的运输部门(其中铁路不到一半)仅在维护资本支出上花费 1.5 亿美元。
You may reply: "The shrewd accountants at Brookfield acquried only GWR but retained only a 9% economic interest while retaining voting control, so they will get all of the benefits somehow while someone else spends all of the capex" - which brings me to my next point:
你可能会回答:“布鲁克菲尔德精明的会计师只收购了 GWR,但只保留了 9% 的经济利益,同时保留了投票控制权,因此他们将以某种方式获得所有收益,而其他人则花费了所有资本支出”——这让我想到了我的观点下一点:
d. How comfortable are you with the "smartest accountants in the room" telling you what maintenance capex should be and what cash flow is? Has this ever worked out in prior historical examples? Jeff Skilling at Enron . . . Kinder Morgan . . . SunEdison / TerraForm Power (which is, of course, being acquired by Brookfield).
d.您对“房间里最聪明的会计师”告诉您维护资本支出应该是多少以及现金流量是多少感到满意吗?这在以前的历史例子中有过吗?安然公司的杰夫斯基林。 . .金德摩根。 . . SunEdison / TerraForm Power(当然,被 Brookfield 收购)。
2. FFO of JV's vs. distributions:
2. JV 与分配的 FFO:
a. I don't disagree with you that cash is cash whether it is retained or distributed. But it seems a bit contradictory and counter-intuitive for you to say: "The JV's have 12-15% ROIC projects so they should retain their capital" and at the same time suggest that the BIP distributions are fully funded by cash flow including JV FFO. You can't have it both ways. If the cash is being reployed at the JVs then the BIP dividend is being funded by something else (debt issuances, accounting).
A。我不同意你的观点,现金就是现金,无论是保留的还是分配的。但是你说:“合资企业有 12-15% 的 ROIC 项目,所以他们应该保留他们的资本”,同时暗示 BIP 分配完全由包括合资企业在内的现金流提供资金,这似乎有点矛盾和违反直觉FFO。你不能两者兼得。如果现金被重新部署在合资企业,那么 BIP 股息将由其他东西(债务发行、会计)提供资金。
b. I'm not sure I follow you on the taxes. It appears to me that the income statement has a $278 million book tax expense . . . which is added back to FFO . . . . despite $179 million of actual cash paid for taxes. Did they actually pay $179 million in cash for taxes in 2019 or no?
b.我不确定我在税收方面是否了解你。在我看来,损益表有 2.78 亿美元的账面税费。 . .它被添加回 FFO 。 . . .尽管有 1.79 亿美元的实际现金缴税。他们在 2019 年是否实际支付了 1.79 亿美元的现金税款?
3. BAM: 3. 巴马:
a. Roddy Boyd: so none of the related party issues or prior concerns about the GP that controls BIP worries you? OK.
A。 Roddy Boyd:所以您没有担心关联方问题或之前对控制 BIP 的 GP 的担忧吗?好的。
b. Barrons: None of this bothers you either? OK again. "I plan to earn my return through distributions over a long holding period" - fair enough. Let me ask you this: Would you own BIP (with all of its world class assets and 12-15% ROIC and blah blah blah) if it did NOT pay a dividend? If it is really a 5.5% dividend that grows at 6% maybe that is attractive to you, I would suggest you look at a whole host of other things that do not come with the above baggage: WLKP, WFC, AB, ABBV/AGN . . .
b. 《巴伦周刊》:这些都不困扰你吗?好的。 “我计划通过长期持有期间的分配来赚取回报”——这很公平。让我问你:如果不支付股息,你会拥有 BIP(拥有其所有世界级资产和 12-15% 的 ROIC 等等)吗?如果真的是 5.5% 的股息以 6% 的速度增长,这可能对您有吸引力,我建议您看看上述包袱中没有的一大堆其他东西:WLKP、WFC、AB、ABBV/AGN . . .
c. Grants: Why do you feel so comfortable that BAM only stuffed shitty assets into a levered yield play at BPY/BPYU and not at BIP, BBU, BEP, etc? Is there a reason that BAM's behavior only applies to Class B malls and not to opaque Latin America toll roads and Asian terminals?
C。赠款:为什么您对 BAM 只将劣质资产塞入 BPY/BPYU 而不是 BIP、BBU、BEP 等的杠杆收益游戏感到如此自在? BAM 的行为只适用于 B 级商场而不适用于不透明的拉丁美洲收费公路和亚洲码头,这是有原因的吗?
d. Sorry, sent the wrong FT article. This is the one:
d.抱歉,发错了 FT 文章。这是一个:
Brookfield: inside the $500bn secretive investment firm
布鲁克菲尔德:在 5000 亿美元的秘密投资公司内部
An FT investigation into the complex dealings of the group that helped out the Kushners by leasing 666 Fifth Avenue
英国《金融时报》调查了通过租赁第五大道 666 号帮助库什纳家族的集团的复杂交易
Like I said, we will probably agree to disagree, but appreciate your willingness to discuss. Good luck on this and at least we agree that Transdigm is a long (see, I don't hate all shady levered companies).
就像我说的,我们可能会同意不同意,但感谢您愿意讨论。祝你好运,至少我们同意 Transdigm 很长(看,我不讨厌所有阴暗的杠杆公司)。
Elm, I agree that we may need to agree to disagree, but I’ll give it one more shot and appreciate your pushback ;)
1a. 1a.
The utilities business owns only a few assets so we can get granular regarding why this utility business is very different from most utilities businesses. Basically all the cash flow comes from four assets, (1) 2,000km of nat gas pipelines in Brazil that have ~10yr concessions, (2) 1,600km of NEW electrical transmission lines in Brazil with 30yr concessions, (3) BUUK (the U.K. regulated distribution business), and (4) to a much lesser extent, the coal terminal in Australia.
公用事业业务仅拥有少量资产,因此我们可以详细了解为什么该公用事业业务与大多数公用事业业务有很大不同。基本上所有的现金流都来自四项资产,(1) 巴西 2,000 公里的天然气管道,拥有约 10 年的特许权,(2) 巴西 1,600 公里的新输电线路,具有 30 年的特许权,(3) BUUK(英国受监管的分销业务),以及 (4) 在较小程度上,澳大利亚的煤炭码头。
If you owned a $2B pipeline that was 15 years old and you were only entitled to the cash flows over the next 10 years, what % of the asset value do you think you'd need to spend on maintenance capex to maximize your cash flows? My guess is close to $0, anything more. I agree with you, if they owned the asset forever, using the cash maintenance capex costs as they do would overstate the true economics because it wouldn’t leave a reserve to fund a large overhaul in 50-100 years. But in this case, reserving for larger capex down the road is Brazil's issue.
如果您拥有 15 年的 20 亿美元管道,并且您仅有权获得未来 10 年的现金流,您认为您需要将资产价值的多少百分比用于维护资本支出以最大化您的现金流?我的猜测是接近 0 美元,甚至更多。我同意你的看法,如果他们永远拥有资产,像他们那样使用现金维护资本支出成本会夸大真实的经济效益,因为它不会留下储备金来资助 50-100 年的大修。但在这种情况下,为未来更大的资本支出做准备是巴西的问题。
1,600km of new build electrical transmission in Brazil that have 30yr concessions. Same question as above? Do the comps you’re looking at have exclusively new electrical transmission that they are amortizing over a 30yr life?
巴西 1,600 公里的新建输电线路具有 30 年的特许权。和上面的问题一样吗?您正在查看的 comps 是否具有全新的电力传输,它们在 30 年的使用寿命内摊销?
BUUK is all last mile connections underneath homes with indestructible pipes. Where is the maintenance need short of an earthquake? Nobody has ever needed to dig under my home (or the home of anybody I know) to replace the gas line. Idk of any good comps for this business but if you have any in mind I’d be very interested in evidence that is contrary to my current point of view.
BUUK 是带有坚不可摧的管道的房屋地下的所有最后一英里连接。除了地震,哪里还需要维护?从来没有人需要在我家(或我认识的任何人的家)下面挖洞来更换煤气管线。我不知道这家公司有什么好的公司,但如果你有任何想法,我会对与我目前的观点相反的证据非常感兴趣。
And the coal terminal is a take-or-pay regulatory regime that includes a charge that is intended to be a complete pass through of the costs charged for operations “and maintenance.” I think they just net the cost pass through, but I'm not 100%. Even if they don't this is only ~10% of the utilities segment.
煤炭码头是一种照付不议的监管制度,其中包括一项旨在完全转嫁运营“和维护”费用的费用。我认为他们只是通过净成本转嫁,但我不是 100%。即使他们不这样做,这也只占公用事业部门的 10%。
What utility companies have those characteristics that I can compare to?
1b. I don't think the rate base is DCF based, I meant the PP&E on the balance sheet is DCF based.
1b.我不认为利率基础是基于 DCF 的,我的意思是资产负债表上的 PP&E 是基于 DCF 的。
1c. I’m admittedly not a rail expert, so I appreciate you pointing that out and I’m going to do some research on the maintenance capex needs of GWR relative to the other BIP rails. But again, the railroads and toll roads that BIP owns are in many cases under fixed concessions agreements so BIP doesn’t need to reserve for major capex projects that will happen after the concession expires. That might explain a good chunk of the difference, and they’re also longer-haul so I don’t know if that makes a difference as well. If I find anything interesting, I’ll post an update.
1c.诚然,我不是铁路专家,所以我很感谢你指出这一点,我将对 GWR 相对于其他 BIP 铁路的维护资本支出需求进行一些研究。但同样,BIP 拥有的铁路和收费公路在许多情况下都处于固定特许权协议之下,因此 BIP 不需要为特许权到期后发生的大型资本支出项目预留资金。这可能解释了很大一部分差异,而且它们的距离也更长,所以我不知道这是否也会有所不同。如果我发现任何有趣的事情,我会发布更新。
1d. If they were underspending dramatically on maintenance capex, wouldn’t you see it in the asset sale prices? They’ve sold a # of assets and earned very high returns over their holding periods, which usually doesn't happen if you're starving businesses of capital. Of course, they had some help from low interest rates... Ultimately mgmt comp is tied to distribution growth and to their reputation via ownership in BAM, there is no incentive to underspend on maintenance capex. I'm comfortable that they aren't making up numbers and this is an easy business to audit; it's not that hard to determine what's maintenance and what's growth for a pipeline (did the pipeline get longer? if yes, growth)...
1d。如果他们在维护资本支出上的支出大幅不足,您不会在资产出售价格中看到它吗?他们已经出售了 # 的资产,并在持有期间获得了非常高的回报,如果你的企业资金匮乏,这通常不会发生。当然,他们从低利率中得到了一些帮助……最终,管理补偿与分销增长和他们在 BAM 中的所有权的声誉相关,没有动力在维护资本支出上支出不足。我很高兴他们没有编造数字,这是一项很容易审计的业务;确定管道的维护和增长并不难(管道变长了吗?如果是,则增长)...
2a. Since we both agree TDG is a long, does it worry you that they often pay dividends in excess of 200% of net income? It doesn’t bother me, because I know as the business grows, they can continue to do that by maintaining the same debt/EBITDA ratio. Why is this any different? The subsidiaries make the growth investments, but the holding company pays the dividends. Obviously, the only way to distribute out most of the AFFO while making large growth capex investments is through debt issuance or asset sales. But that is sustainable. If they stopped making growth investments, then they would be able to distribute all the FFO from the JVs. And if they keep making growth investments, then they can keep selling mature assets or borrowing money at the holding company level against the value created by the growth investments.
2a.既然我们都同意 TDG 很长,他们经常支付超过净收入 200% 的股息,您是否担心?这并不困扰我,因为我知道随着业务的增长,他们可以通过保持相同的债务/EBITDA 比率来继续这样做。为什么这有什么不同?子公司进行增长投资,但控股公司支付股息。显然,在进行大量增长资本支出投资的同时分配大部分 AFFO 的唯一方法是通过债券发行或资产出售。但这是可持续的。如果他们停止进行增长投资,那么他们将能够分配合资企业的所有 FFO。如果他们继续进行增长投资,那么他们可以继续出售成熟资产或在控股公司层面借入资金,以抵消增长投资创造的价值。
2b. Yes, BIP (on a consolidated basis) did actually pay $179 million in cash taxes for 2019. But only ~25-30% of that relates to BIP unit holders because it’s a Bermuda partnership with very low tax rates. The remainder is the consolidated tax obligations of JV partners paid for by JV partners. If you look at the definition of FFO it’s very clear that it only adds back deferred taxes, not current taxes. In the table you showed, yes they add back all taxes, and then the current income taxes attributable to BIP unit holders are deducted in the “other expense/income” add back netted against investment income / dividends.
2b.是的,BIP(在综合基础上)确实在 2019 年支付了 1.79 亿美元的现金税。但其中只有约 25-30% 与 BIP 单位持有人有关,因为它是百慕大合伙企业,税率非常低。其余部分是由合资伙伴支付的合资伙伴的合并纳税义务。如果你看一下 FFO 的定义,很明显它只加回递延税,而不是当期税。在您显示的表格中,是的,他们加回所有税款,然后在“其他费用/收入”中扣除 BIP 单位持有人应得的当前所得税加回投资收入/股息。
3a. What are the prior concerns you’re referring to, that the GP that controls BIP has a substantial ownership stake in the partnership, incentives to grow distributions over time, and a history of growing distributions by 10%/yr for a long time? Or that there was one related party deal in a different BAM partnership that Roddy thinks is shady? It doesn’t even seem that shady to me. The PPAs were amended as part of a combination of certain wholly owned assets with the Power Fund. What is Roddy even implying? That BAM, the mgmt co, raised the prices on power it bought from BEP by 40% to juice the returns at BEP? So I’m supposed to be concerned that BAM has at one time in its past stolen from itself to funnel money INTO its listed partnerships like the one I own?
3a.您指的是之前的担忧是什么,即控制 BIP 的普通合伙人在合伙企业中拥有大量所有权股份,随着时间的推移增加分配的激励措施,以及长期以每年 10% 的速度增长分配的历史?或者 Roddy 认为不同的 BAM 合伙企业中有一项关联方交易是不正当的?对我来说,它甚至都不那么阴暗。 PPA 作为某些全资资产与 Power Fund 合并的一部分进行了修订。罗迪到底在暗示什么?管理公司 BAM 将其从 BEP 购买的电力价格提高了 40%,以提高 BEP 的回报率?因此,我应该担心 BAM 过去曾一度从自身窃取资金,将资金注入其上市合作伙伴关系,就像我拥有的合作伙伴关系一样?
3b. If they did not pay a dividend, but redeployed the capital sensibly, then yes, I’d still be interested in owning it. I also own WFC, and if you think BIP comes with more baggage on this we are never going to be able to agree. BIP has the type of assets that in my opinion have a reasonable chance of seeing a huge multiple re-rating in a world with 1.2% 30yr treasury yields. Assets that you can reasonably project out stable growing cash flows for many decades with near certainty are rare and I think might be bid up to crazy prices in this world of low rates. I’m not banking on that, but what I like is I’m earning a reasonable return to sit around and see if it happens.
3b.如果他们不支付股息,而是明智地重新部署资本,那么是的,我仍然有兴趣拥有它。我也拥有 WFC,如果你认为 BIP 在这方面有更多的包袱,我们永远不会同意。在我看来,BIP 拥有的资产类型有合理的机会在 30 年期国债收益率为 1.2% 的世界中看到巨大的倍数重估。您可以合理地预测出未来几十年稳定增长的现金流的资产很少见,我认为在这个低利率的世界里,这些资产的价格可能会飙升至疯狂的水平。我不指望这一点,但我喜欢的是我正在赚取合理的回报,坐下来看看它是否会发生。
3c. Well I didn’t say BAM “stuffed shitty assets” into BPY, you said that. That implies malicious intent and yes would be concerning. I just think commercial real estate is a terrible pond to be fishing in long-term. BIP is entirely different. How is a Latin American toll road “opaque”? A certain # of cars drive on it, odds are that # will grow annually, and the price per car is certain. Where is the opacity? For Class B malls, I have no idea if they will exist in 10 years and if they do, what the rents will be. I’m 100% certain that cars will still be driving on toll roads in Lima in 10 years. That type of business lends itself much better to leverage so you don't end up in the shitty assets with leverage scenario. Also, infrastructure is where BAM has had its longest and most successful track record. There are other reasons I put in the write up on why I think that’s likely to persist.
3c.好吧,我没有说 BAM 将劣质资产“塞进 BPY”,你是这么说的。这意味着恶意,是的,这将是令人担忧的。我只是认为商业房地产是一个长期钓鱼的可怕池塘。 BIP 完全不同。拉丁美洲的收费公路如何“不透明”?一定数量的汽车在上面行驶,很可能 # 每年都会增长,并且每辆车的价格是确定的。不透明度在哪里?对于 B 级购物中心,我不知道它们是否会在 10 年内存在,如果存在,租金会是多少。我 100% 确定 10 年后汽车仍会在利马的收费公路上行驶。这种类型的业务更适合利用杠杆,因此您不会最终陷入低劣的资产杠杆场景。此外,基础设施是 BAM 拥有最长和最成功记录的领域。关于我认为这种情况可能会持续存在的原因,我在文章中提出了其他原因。
3d. Am I understanding correctly that as in the Roddy Boyd piece, my concern here is supposed to be that despite only owning stakes in BIP worth billions of dollars instead of tens of billions of dollars, two men who have been extraordinarily successful investors over a few decades have effective control over my investment? You can probably tell by the way I phrased the question, but I view this in a more positive light than Roddy or the Financial Times. The other concern is they paid a full price for 666 Fifth Ave? Again, I don’t like commercial real estate, so I didn’t look into the deal, but I suspect it’s probably right that they paid a full price and thankfully, I don’t need to invest in BPY to invest in BIP.
3d。我的理解是否正确,正如 Roddy Boyd 的那篇文章,我在这里的担忧应该是,尽管只拥有价值数十亿美元而不是数百亿美元的 BIP 股份,但两位在过去几十年中都非常成功的投资者对我的投资有有效的控制?你可能可以通过我表述问题的方式来判断,但我比罗迪或金融时报更积极地看待这个问题。另一个问题是他们为第五大道 666 号支付了全价?同样,我不喜欢商业地产,所以我没有调查这笔交易,但我怀疑他们支付全价可能是正确的,谢天谢地,我不需要投资 BPY 来投资 BIP。
Wrangler - yes, we will agree to disagree on BIP/BAM and agree to agree on TDG. I do want to thank you for your detailed replies though. Those were a lucid, well thought-out, intelligent replies . . . overruled.
Wrangler - 是的,我们将同意不同意 BIP/BAM 并同意同意 TDG。不过,我确实要感谢您的详细答复。这些是清晰的、深思熟虑的、聪明的回答。 . .否决了。

2023-03-15 17:07


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2023-03-15 14:10

March 11, 2013
Roddy Boyd
The Paper World of Brookfield Asset Management
Enter the name of Toronto-based public company Brookfield Asset Management into a search engine and it delivers more than 1 million results. The global conglomerate, whose annual sales exceed $18 billion, controls ports in England, owns Manhattan’s prestigious World Financial Center and sells Chicago a fair measure of its electricity. Yet the massive enterprise is better known for what it owns than how it operates.
在搜索引擎中输入总部位于多伦多的上市公司 Brookfield Asset Management 的名称,它会提供超过 100 万条结果。这家全球企业集团年销售额超过 180 亿美元,控制着英格兰的港口,拥有曼哈顿著名的世界金融中心,并向芝加哥出售相当数量的电力。然而,这家大型企业以其拥有的产品而不是其运营方式而闻名。
The Southern Investigative Reporting Foundation began a full-time investigation into Brookfield’s far-flung operations in late fall. This reporting and research uncovered a series of earnings quality problems, the presence of a mostly hidden ownership group that effectively controls Brookfield’s governance and corporate structure, and a business model that involves heavy reliance on related-party transactions with its subsidiaries.
南方调查报道基金会于秋末开始对布鲁克菲尔德广泛的业务进行全职调查。该报告和研究揭示了一系列收益质量问题、有效控制 Brookfield 治理和公司结构的大部分隐藏的所有权集团的存在,以及严重依赖与其子公司的关联方交易的商业模式。
Few companies bear a structure as complex as Brookfield’s: Analyzing the company’s organizational tree and its web of entities, stakes, partnerships and operating companies is to behold the work of gifted accountants and lawyers. Similarly, Brookfield’s financial filings are mind-boggling in their complexity.
A brief glance at a stock chart, which shows that Brookfield’s share price has been on a fairly steady climb from a low of $11 in 2009 to almost $40 in recent months, might give credence to the argument that the labyrinthine structure works.
简要浏览一下股票图表,它表明布鲁克菲尔德的股价从 2009 年的低点 11 美元稳步攀升至最近几个月的近 40 美元,可能会让人相信迷宫式结构有效的论点。
No one doubts that Brookfield’s share price performance has pleased investors, but how it is achieved should matter.
毫无疑问,Brookfield 的股价表现令投资者满意,但如何实现这一点应该很重要。
Control without risk 无风险控制Brookfield bears a pyramidal control structure, a design that U.S. regulators have frowned on since the 1930s. Simply stated, this type of structure lets a small group of shareholders exercise control of a business without putting a proportionate amount of capital at risk.
布鲁克菲尔德采用金字塔式控制结构,美国监管机构自 1930 年代以来一直反对这种设计。简而言之,这种类型的结构允许一小部分股东行使对企业的控制权,而无需将一定比例的资本置于风险之中。
(This kind of corporate structure is often depicted by a pyramid; hence the name. It is legal and to varying degrees common in Europe, Asia and Canada. But it should not be confused with a pyramid scheme.)
As has been deeply parsed in academic literature, pyramidal control structures are either tremendously efficient or very worrisome, depending on one’s vantage point. Indeed, legendary investor Benjamin Graham devoted an entire chapter of his still influential 1934 book “Security Analysis” to their risks.
正如学术文献中深入分析的那样,金字塔控制结构要么非常有效,要么非常令人担忧,这取决于一个人的有利位置。事实上,传奇投资者本杰明格雷厄姆在他 1934 年出版的仍然具有影响力的著作《证券分析》中用了整整一章来阐述他们的风险。
Those in the founding group can leverage their capital to effectively control a broad network of assets or investments; often members of this group do so by creating a holding company with the right to appoint half or more of the board of directors of the parent company.
In turn, these directors can oversee a series of acquisitions using the company’s capital, most of which belongs to other people.
For the shareholders outside of the control group — even if their capital is doing most of the buying — their influence upon the board of directors is perpetually limited, no matter how much they have invested.
Brookfield’s formula 布鲁克菲尔德公式Here’s how Brookfield’s pyramidal control structure works: Partners Limited, a private holding company with 45 equity holders (a mix of current and former Brookfield officers, with just eight publicly named) owns slightly more than 20 percent of Brookfield’s Class A shares via a combination of trusts and direct holdings valued at more than $4.7 billion. Partners Limited also owns 100 percent of Brookfield’s 85,120 Class B shares, allowing it to elect 50 percent of Brookfield’s board of directors. Owning just 20 percent of the Class A shares but electing half of Brookfield’s board, those who run the almost invisible Partners Limited end up with effective control over all Brookfield’s operations and governance, and anyone else who happens to be a Brookfield shareholder with a gripe cannot do much but grin and bear it.
Brookfield 的金字塔控制结构是这样运作的:Partners Limited 是一家私人控股公司,拥有 45 名股东(包括现任和前任 Brookfield 管理人员,只有 8 名公开姓名)通过以下方式持有略高于 20% 的 Brookfield A 类股份:价值超过 47 亿美元的信托和直接持股。 Partners Limited 还拥有 Brookfield 100% 的 85,120 股 B 类股份,使其能够选举 Brookfield 50% 的董事会成员。仅拥有 20% 的 A 类股份,但选举了 Brookfield 一半的董事会成员,那些经营几乎隐形的 Partners Limited 的人最终有效控制了 Brookfield 的所有运营和治理,而任何其他恰好是 Brookfield 股东的人都不能抱怨做很多事情,但要笑着忍受。
Should an enterprising Brookfield shareholder summon the nerve to put forth a measure for a vote, its adoption requires approval from two-thirds of both the Class A and Class B shareholders alike. In other words, if the 45 Partners Limited shareholders who own Class B stakes believe a measure goes against their interests, the motion is dead even if 80 percent of the Class A holders approve it. Ultimately this creates a public-private hybrid: a corporation that has ready access to public capital but whose governance can be a private matter.
如果有进取心的 Brookfield 股东鼓起勇气提出一项投票措施,则其通过需要获得 A 类和 B 类股东三分之二的同意。换句话说,如果持有 B 类股份的 45 名 Partners Limited 股东认为某项措施违背了他们的利益,那么即使 80% 的 A 类股东同意,该动议也是无效的。最终,这创造了一个公私混合体:一个可以随时获得公共资本但其治理可以是私人事务的公司。
The use of A and B classes of shares is almost universally panned by governance advocates for its allegedly unfair treatment of minority shareholders. But Brookfield is hardly the only company with what is known as a dual-class share structure. The roster of companies with such a structure includes Google, Berkshire Hathaway and The New York Times Co. Whatever their merits, dual-class share structures are designed to keep the company’s operating assets in the hands of founders. When Berkshire Hathaway’s Warren Buffett likes another company, he does not use his publicly traded corporation as a springboard to build a string of downstream corporate investments via minority stakes; he generally buys all of it.
使用 A 类和 B 类股票几乎普遍受到治理倡导者的批评,因为据称其对小股东的待遇不公平。但布鲁克菲尔德并不是唯一一家拥有所谓双层股权结构的公司。具有这种结构的公司名册包括谷歌、伯克希尔哈撒韦公司和纽约时报公司。无论其优点如何,双层股权结构旨在将公司的经营资产掌握在创始人手中。当伯克希尔哈撒韦公司的沃伦巴菲特喜欢另一家公司时,他不会以他的上市公司为跳板,通过少数股权建立一系列下游公司投资;他通常会全部买下。
Want to know more about Partners Limited, its history and how it goes about business? Apart from mentions in Brookfield’s management information circular (equivalent to a U.S. corporate proxy statement), the entity is rarely mentioned in the filings of Brookfield and its subsidiaries. Examining public filings, the Southern Investigative Reporting Foundation came up with a list of 40 of the 45 current and former Partners Limited equity holders; a sizable number of them were instrumental to the rise and fall of Brookfield Asset Management’s high-profile predecessor, the Edper Group.
想更多地了解 Partners Limited、它的历史以及它是如何开展业务的?除了在 Brookfield 的管理信息通告(相当于美国公司委托书)中提及之外,Brookfield 及其子公司的文件中很少提及该实体。通过审查公开文件,南方调查报告基金会列出了 45 名现任和前任 Partners Limited 股权持有人中的 40 名;其中相当多的人对 Brookfield Asset Management 备受瞩目的前身 Edper Group 的兴衰起到了重要作用。
[module align=”left” width=”half” type=”aside”] See the Southern Investigative Reporting Foundation’s exclusive list identifying 40 Partners Limited equity holders — those who really call the shots at Brookfield Asset Management.[/module]
[module align=”left” width=”half” type=”aside”] 查看南方调查报告基金会的独家名单,确定了 40 名 Partners Limited 股权持有人——那些真正在 Brookfield Asset Management 做主的人。[/module]
In response to a U.S. Securities and Enforcement Commission comment, Brookfield recently came close to acknowledging that it has a pyramidal control structure in the “Risk Factors” section of a prelaunch filing for its Brookfield Property Partners unit: “The company at the top of the chain may control the company at the bottom of the chain even if its effective equity position in the bottom company is less than such controlling interest,” the document states.
为了回应美国证券和执法委员会的评论,Brookfield 最近几乎承认在其 Brookfield Property Partners 部门的启动前文件的“风险因素”部分中有一个金字塔控制结构:“该公司位于即使其在底层公司的有效股权地位低于该控制权益,链条也可能控制链条底部的公司,”该文件称。
(With its shares traded on the Toronto and New York exchanges, Canada-based Brookfield submits filings to the SEC but does so as a foreign issuer, which allows it to legally bypass some U.S. laws.)
(由于其股票在多伦多和纽约交易所交易,总部位于加拿大的 Brookfield 向美国证券交易委员会提交了文件,但作为外国发行人这样做,这使其能够合法地绕过一些美国法律。)
No matter how little Brookfield Asset Management controls economically of Brookfield Property Partners, Brookfield Asset Management will retain control of Brookfield Property Partners’ board.
无论 Brookfield Asset Management 在经济上对 Brookfield Property Partners 的控制有多么微弱,Brookfield Asset Management 仍将保留对 Brookfield Property Partners 董事会的控制权。
All this fine print has paid off handsomely for Partners Limited.
所有这些细则都为 Partners Limited 带来了丰厚的回报。
Consider just this one, commercial real estate branch of the Brookfield Asset Management ownership tree: Partners Limited, with a stake worth $4.7 billion, is able to control Brookfield Asset Management, whose market capitalization is $23.8 billion. One of Brookfield Asset Management’s investments is its 50 percent stake in Brookfield Office Properties, a commercial real estate developer with $8.5 billion in market capitalization, that in turn owns 73 percent of Australian real estate investment trust Brookfield Prime Property Fund. With what ultimately amounts to a 7.3 percent blended equity stake in these three entities, the 45 people in Partners Limited exert managerial control over many billions of dollars’ worth of commercial real estate around the world.
仅考虑 Brookfield Asset Management 所有权树的商业房地产分支:Partners Limited 拥有价值 47 亿美元的股份,能够控制市值 238 亿美元的 Brookfield Asset Management。 Brookfield Asset Management 的一项投资是持有 Brookfield Office Properties 50% 的股份,这是一家市值 85 亿美元的商业房地产开发商,后者拥有澳大利亚房地产投资信托 Brookfield Prime Property Fund 73% 的股份。 Partners Limited 的 45 名员工最终持有这三个实体 7.3% 的混合股权,对全球价值数十亿美元的商业地产实施管理控制。
Asked about the role Partners Limited plays in Brookfield Asset Management, Andy Willis, a company spokesman replied, in part, with the following:
当被问及 Partners Limited 在 Brookfield Asset Management 中扮演的角色时,公司发言人 Andy Willis 部分回答如下:
“We believe [Partners Limited] creates a significant alignment of interests with our shareholders that sets us apart from other companies and is valued by shareholders and our clients alike. We believe that Partners’ participation in the ownership of Brookfield will result in greater long‐term value creation for all shareholders.”
“我们相信 [Partners Limited] 与我们的股东建立了显着的利益一致性,这使我们有别于其他公司,并受到股东和我们客户的一致重视。我们相信 Partners 参与 Brookfield 的所有权将为所有股东创造更大的长期价值。”
The U.S. regulatory distaste for pyramidal control structures can be traced to the presidency of Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Then Federal Trade Commission analysts fervently argued that a series of collapses in the 1930s by pyramidal control structure companies (primarily utilities) had deepened the Great Depression. The FTC analysts seized on three things: real and potential abuses by “minority” shareholders (resulting in investors who did not exert control over corporate affairs), the prospects for one-sided related-party transactions — and most important — weak accounting controls that led to the inflation of asset values.
美国监管机构对金字塔控制结构的厌恶可以追溯到富兰克林德拉诺罗斯福的总统任期。随后,联邦贸易委员会的分析师们激烈地争辩说,金字塔控制结构公司(主要是公用事业公司)在 1930 年代的一系列倒闭加剧了大萧条。 FTC 分析师抓住了三件事:“少数”股东实际和潜在的滥用行为(导致投资者无法控制公司事务)、单方关联方交易的前景——以及最重要的——薄弱的会计控制导致资产价值膨胀。
What the numbers really say 数字真正说明了什么Investors in Brookfield have remained loyal to the corporation despite such governance issues perhaps because it has grown assets and earned billions of dollars annually. With Brookfield’s shares widely held in Canada and finding increasing favor among American money managers over the past few years, members of Partners Limited and the rest of Brookfield’s senior management likely are optimistic about prospects.
尽管存在这些治理问题,布鲁克菲尔德的投资者仍然忠于公司,这可能是因为它的资产不断增长,每年赚取数十亿美元。由于布鲁克菲尔德的股票在加拿大广泛持有,并且在过去几年中越来越受到美国基金经理的青睐,Partners 的成员Limited 和 Brookfield 的其他高级管理人员可能对前景持乐观态度。
But a sunny outlook might not be what comes to mind after close scrutiny of Brookfield’s financial filings and an analysis of how the company interacts with several of its subsidiaries.
Despite its profits, Brookfield is not doing as well as investors might suppose.
Brookfield is a creature of the capital markets, relying on financing to fuel its growth and meet its commitments to investors, as the chart below shows. From the start of 2010 to the third quarter of 2012, Brookfield’s distributions — its dividend payments to investors — were $272 million greater than its cash flow from operations, according to filings. Fortunately for Brookfield, its investors are a truly generous bunch; they helped the company eliminate this deficit and raise almost $1.75 billion more than it paid back out, ensuring that its increasing dividend obligations were met — with cash to spare.
如下图所示,Brookfield 是资本市场的产物,依靠融资来推动其增长并履行对投资者的承诺。备案文件显示,从 2010 年初到 2012 年第三季度,Brookfield 的分红——支付给投资者的股息——比运营现金流多出 2.72 亿美元。对布鲁克菲尔德来说幸运的是,它的投资者是一群真正慷慨的人。他们帮助公司消除了这一赤字,筹集到的资金比收回的资金多出近 17.5 亿美元,确保其不断增加的股息义务得到履行——并有多余的现金。
But relying on a constant stream of investor capital has proved a substantial risk for many corporations — the 2008 credit crisis serves as an object lesson — since companies whose business models center on a constant stream of capital market funding hit trouble when the markets seize.
但事实证明,依赖源源不断的投资者资本对许多公司来说是一个巨大的风险——2008 年的信贷危机就是一个生动的教训——因为当市场失灵时,其商业模式以源源不断的资本市场资金为中心的公司就会遇到麻烦。
And U.S. tax policy toward dividends is a major stumbling block for companies with pyramidal control structures. The primary method a pyramidal control structure company has to sustain itself — using preferred stock dividends to shuttle cash from the subsidiaries through the structure to the publicly traded holding company — becomes impractical when both the dividend payer and recipient are being taxed.
Postmodern accounting 后现代会计Generations of businesspeople have assessed the success of enterprises based on a set of simple criteria: Are they profitable? Do they sell enough goods or services in a given period so that after fixed and variable costs are subtracted and taxes paid, something is left to reinvest, retain for future use or even return to shareholders?
Using net income as a barometer of financial achievement is not without its flaws; any business that requires a substantial investment or a longer time frame for its assets to generate a return is likely to eke out a meager income in the short term. But net income is a rational and understandable measurement of where a business stands.
Brookfield sees things very differently and suggests investors judge its success by relying, as the company does, on a measure called “total return” to accurately capture the growth in asset value and cash flow generation in its units. The company describes this view in its annual report as follows: “We define Total Return to include funds from operations plus the increase or decrease in the value of our assets over a period of time.” (“Funds from operations” consist of the cash flow from its businesses.)
Brookfield 的看法截然不同,并建议投资者像该公司一样,通过一种称为“总回报”的衡量标准来判断其成功与否,以准确捕捉其部门资产价值和现金流量产生的增长。该公司在其年报中对这一观点的描述如下:“我们将总回报定义为包括运营资金加上我们资产价值在一段时间内的增减。” (“运营资金”包括来自其业务的现金流量。)
Accordingly, Brookfield’s management says it is not the biggest fan of using net income to define profit because only “fair value” adjustments from its real estate and timber segments can be included but not any from its renewable power and energy businesses. (A company can make fair value adjustments if it decides that the market value of its assets has significantly changed from their book value.)
因此,Brookfield 的管理层表示,它不是最喜欢使用净收入来定义利润的人,因为只能包括来自其房地产和木材部门的“公允价值”调整,而不是来自其可再生能源和能源业务的任何调整。(一家公司可以如果它决定其资产的市场价值与其账面价值发生重大变化,则进行公允价值调整。)
Whatever the merits of “total return” as a measurement, Brookfield’s investors would need to determine net income to gauge the return on their invested capital in comparison to other investment possibilities.
无论“总回报”作为衡量标准的优点如何,Brookfield 的投资者都需要确定净收入,以衡量其投资资本回报与其他投资可能性的比较。
Management’s linguistic preferences are not the sum total of the drama surrounding Brookfield’s accounting, however. Its income statement has several line items that suggest flaws in the company’s earnings quality.
A frequently debated subject in the accounting community, earnings quality is usually defined to include, in part, how closely a company’s reported net income tracks its so-called true income (or what it can easily convert to cash).
Those willing to put on the green eyeshade and examine Brookfield Asset Management’s 2011 Consolidated Statement of Operations can find $3.67 billion in net income. It’s an eye-opening number. More interesting, however, is discovering just how much of that figure is generated from accounting entries and not from profits related to business activity.
那些愿意戴上绿色眼罩并检查 Brookfield Asset Management 的 2011 年合并运营报表的人可以发现 36.7 亿美元的净收入。这是一个令人大开眼界的数字。然而,更有趣的是发现这个数字中有多少是从会计分录中产生的,而不是从与商业活动相关的利润中产生的。
The problem starts a few rows above the line for net income where one can view the various streams that comprise it. In 2011, almost $1.29 billion, or 35 percent, of Brookfield’s profits came from fair value gains. (This figure, however, is listed as $968 million in the 2012 earnings release; it is not clear why there is a difference between the two filings.) For 2012, according to Brookfield’s most recent earnings release, more than 43 percent — or $1.19 billion — of its net income of $2.74 billion came in fair value changes.
问题从净收入线上方几行开始,可以在其中查看构成它的各种流。 2011 年,Brookfield 近 12.9 亿美元(35%)的利润来自公允价值收益。 (然而,这个数字在 2012 年的收益发布中被列为 9.68 亿美元;目前尚不清楚为什么这两个文件之间存在差异。)根据 Brookfield 最近的收益发布,2012 年,超过 43% — 或 1.19 美元亿美元——其 27.4 亿美元的净收入来自公允价值变动。
Accounting standards allow for including fair value changes in net income. But any gimlet-eyed investor knows that they are nothing more than paper entries, and in Brookfield’s case, they represent its own assessment of its timber, commercial real estate and agricultural asset values; they have nothing to do with the cash typically associated with profits. Even though company executives may legally term a fair value change as profit, this sum cannot be used to pay dividends, build new plants or be readily tapped for a rainy day. All it represents is that the company thinks an asset has increased in value. As a key driver of the much larger net income figure, however, it certainly appears to have added some heft to Brookfield’s share price in recent times.
Consider a complex line item titled “equity accounted income” in the 2011 annual report’s Consolidated Statement of Operations, representing Brookfield’s share of income from its far-flung investments in entities it controls. Pegged at slightly more than $2.2 billion, this amounts to 60 percent of its total net income of $3.67 billion. Similar to fair value adjustments, equity accounted income is (mostly) noncash. For 2012, it totaled $1.24 billion and equaled more than 45 percent of earnings. (Brookfield released its 2012 earnings in mid-February but not its entire annual report, so details about the components of 2012 earnings are not yet available.)
考虑 2011 年年度报告的合并运营报表中名为“权益会计收入”的复杂项目,代表布鲁克菲尔德从其控制的实体的广泛投资中获得的收入份额。这略高于 22 亿美元,占其净收入总额 36.7 亿美元的 60%。与公允价值调整类似,权益会计收入(大部分)是非现金收入。 2012 年,总计 12.4 亿美元,占收益的 45% 以上。 (Brookfield 在 2 月中旬发布了其 2012 年的收益,但并未公布其整个年度报告,因此尚无法获得有关 2012 年收益组成部分的详细信息。)
The primary driver of the “equity accounted income” entry in 2011 was Brookfield’s high-profile 22 percent investment in General Growth Properties, a New York-based commercial real estate developer and manager. (Funds managed by Brookfield own another 18 percent of the stock.) Buried in the back of the annual report, this notation is easy enough to miss, but the carrying value — the value Brookfield assigns to the General Growth Properties position — was $1.17 billion more than its market value: Brookfield valued the highly liquid, New York Stock Exchange-traded shares of General Growth Properties at about 40 percent above the market’s valuation at the end of 2011. All told, about $1.4 billion from this one investment eventually wound up in equity accounted income, but it added only $204 million in cash to the till, according to the annual report. (In 2010, Brookfield reported equity accounted income of $765 million but its only source of actual cash from that input was $374 million in dividend payments from companies it had invested in.)
2011 年“股权收入”条目的主要驱动力是布鲁克菲尔德对总部位于纽约的商业房地产开发商和管理公司 General Growth Properties 的 22% 高调投资。 (由布鲁克菲尔德管理的基金拥有另外 18% 的股票。)隐藏在年度报告的后面,这个符号很容易被忽略,但账面价值——布鲁克菲尔德分配给 General Growth Properties 头寸的价值——为 11.7 亿美元超过其市值:Brookfield 对 General Growth Properties 在纽约证券交易所上市的流动性高的股票的估值比 2011 年底的市场估值高出约 40%。总而言之,这项投资最终获得了约 14 亿美元的收益根据年度报告,在权益会计收入中,它只增加了 2.04 亿美元的现金。 (2010 年,Brookfield 报告的权益会计收入为 7.65 亿美元,但该投入的唯一实际现金来源是其所投资公司支付的 3.74 亿美元股息。)
Thus, accounting entries are making Brookfield look really good. Without including fair value changes and equity accounted income, Brookfield’s earnings sharply decrease.
What does this situation look like numerically speaking? As shown in the chart below of Brookfield’s net income in the last couple of years, after adjusting for fair value changes and equity accounted income, the sum that might be called the “true profits” — the earnings from all the investments and assets Brookfield has the world over — is relatively low.
Investors may accept Brookfield’s desire to be analyzed this way but the SEC has publicly questioned how Brookfield used specific investment terms and its valuation methodology. In one instance in July 2011, the SEC noted its concern that Brookfield’s use of the phrase “cash flow from operations” was outside the standard definition. Despite the unambiguously skeptical tone in the SEC’s correspondence about the phrase, Brookfield held its line for more than five months. The company repeatedly parried the SEC’s concerns in a dispute that played out in a cat-and-mouse series of filings before Brookfield finally consented to change its wording in November. Find out more about a host of concerns the SEC had in 2009 about another Brookfield subsidiary, Brookfield Homes.[/module]
投资者可能会接受布鲁克菲尔德希望以这种方式进行分析的愿望,但美国证券交易委员会公开质疑布鲁克菲尔德如何使用特定投资条款及其估值方法。在 2011 年 7 月的一个例子中,SEC 注意到它担心布鲁克菲尔德使用的短语“运营现金流量”超出了标准定义。尽管美国证券交易委员会对这句话的信件中明确表示怀疑的语气,但布鲁克菲尔德坚持了五个多月。在 Brookfield 于 11 月最终同意更改其措辞之前,该公司在一系列猫捉老鼠的文件中多次回避 SEC 的担忧。

2023-03-15 14:08

//Brookfield’s leveraged complexity should be unravelled
What foresight do BIP shareholders receive for the management fees and incentive distributions?
BIP 股东对管理费和激励分配有何远见?
John Dizard 约翰迪扎德
As we gradually emerge from the shutdowns, quarantines and mourning, we will need to deal as quickly as possible with a financial system that will not be capable of delivering the income streams it has promised or, in its present form, efficiently allocating capital across the global economy. The public shock will turn to anger at failed promises of wealth, or even functionality.
The restructurings that are coming will have to cut away wasteful and self-serving corporate forms, pointless “activity” and opaque “disclosure”. Among the financial structures we do not need any more are highly leveraged holding companies that depend on continuous capital markets access to shuffle debt and interests in operating companies.
The most questionable groups are those which have explicitly or implicitly promised public investors steady streams of dividends from “operating” earnings that appear to come from the revaluation and releveraging of their asset base. The holding companies of these groups collect very high management fees for this asset shuffling.
In recent weeks the public has numbly accepted state and central bank support for banks and corporate finance. There is a revulsion, though, at allowing the bailed-out groups to pay dividends, high executive compensation or management bonuses. This is a mortal threat to the existence of asset shuffling leveraged holding companies.
For several years I have examined the Brookfield group, in particular Brookfield Infrastructure Partners (BIP) and its parent Brookfield Asset Management (BAM).
多年来,我一直在研究 Brookfield 集团,尤其是 Brookfield Infrastructure Partners (BIP) 及其母公司 Brookfield Asset Management (BAM)。
BIP had more than $56bn in assets at the end of 2019 and, according to chief executive Sam Pollock, “$20bn of capital”. On March 31, BIP’s management changed its corporate form from a Bermuda partnership to a Canadian corporation. BIP says these forms will be “economically” equivalent. BIP, now BIPC, does not have any employees of its own, depending on BAM to be its “service provider”. In the past, Brookfield compared BIP to US Master Limited Partnerships, which pass through dividend income from energy-related assets such as pipelines and gas processing plants.
截至 2019 年底,BIP 拥有超过 560 亿美元的资产,据首席执行官山姆·波洛克 (Sam Pollock) 称,“拥有 200 亿美元的资本”。 3 月 31 日,BIP 的管理层将其公司形式从百慕大合伙企业更改为加拿大公司。 BIP 表示,这些表格在“经济上”是等效的。 BIP,现在的 BIPC,没有任何自己的员工,依赖 BAM 作为其“服务提供商”。过去,布鲁克菲尔德将 BIP 与 US Master Limited Partnerships 进行了比较,后者通过管道和天然气加工厂等能源相关资产的股息收入。
MLPs have gone out of favour as a group, since under the Trump tax reforms there are fewer advantages to investors from the pass through structure. Also, the perceived value of energy assets has declined with oil and gas prices.
MLP 作为一个整体已经失宠,因为在特朗普的税收改革下,传递结构对投资者的优势越来越小。此外,能源资产的感知价值随着石油和天然气价格的下降而下降。
But MLPs and Reits, their pass-through cousins in the property and data centre trades, pay dividends to investors that are less than the cash flows they receive from operations. For example, Magellan Midstream, an energy MLP, last year paid out only about 71 per cent of its cash flows as dividends. Digital Realty, a data centre Reit, paid out about 73 per cent of its cash flow in dividends.
但是,MLPs 和 Reits,它们在房地产和数据中心交易中的直通表兄弟,向投资者支付的股息少于他们从运营中获得的现金流量。例如,能源 MLP Magellan Midstream 去年仅支付了约 71% 的现金流作为股息。数据中心房地产投资信托基金 Digital Realty 支付了约 73% 的现金流股息。
BIP, in contrast, appears to be paying out more in management fees to BAM, dividends to its unit holders, and “incentive distributions” to BAM and its senior management, than it receives as dollars paid in to BIP’s holding company as dividends from its operating subsidiaries.
相比之下,BIP 向 BAM 支付的管理费、向其单位持有人的股息以及向 BAM 及其高级管理人员的“激励分配”似乎比它从 BIP 的控股公司收到的作为股息支付的美元要多经营子公司。
The difference between cash dividends from operating subsidiaries coming in and fees, incentive payments, and dividends going out appears to be covered by capital markets activity at the holding company level, ie. BIP’s net issuance of equity, debt and preferred shares. A person close to Brookfield stated this analysis was untrue. I refer readers to the “Consolidated Statement Of Cash Flows” in Brookfield’s 2019 annual report, page F-13, if they would like to draw their own conclusions.
来自运营子公司的现金股息与费用、激励支付和流出的股息之间的差异似乎被控股公司层面的资本市场活动所覆盖,即。 BIP净发行的股权、债务和优先股。一位接近布鲁克菲尔德的人士表示,这种分析是不真实的。如果读者想得出自己的结论,我建议读者参阅布鲁克菲尔德 2019 年年度报告中的“综合现金流量表”,第 F-13 页。
In the near future it may be even more difficult to raise or maintain the flow of cash dividends from BIP subsidiaries, such as rail and pipelines in the US or toll roads in Brazil to the BIP holding company, BAM and their outside partners. BIP’s holdings are not reported by country, but Brazilian assets seem to comprise more than a quarter and as much as a third of its total. Since May the Brazilian real has declined by about a third against the US dollar in which BIP reports. There would be similar currency value and forex transfer issues with BIP’s substantial assets in India.
在不久的将来,要提高或维持 BIP 子公司(例如美国的铁路和管道或巴西的收费公路)流向 BIP 控股公司、BAM 及其外部合作伙伴的现金红利流量可能会更加困难。 BIP 的资产未按国家/地区报告,但巴西资产似乎占其总资产的四分之一以上和三分之一。据 BIP 报道,自 5 月以来,巴西雷亚尔兑美元汇率下跌了约三分之一。 BIP 在印度的大量资产也会有类似的货币价值和外汇转移问题。
What foresight do BIP shareholders receive for the hundreds of millions of management fees and incentive distributions? Well, on February 10, Mr Pollock said on an investor call that “from a BIP perspective, we do not anticipate any material financial impact from the coronavirus situation and remain optimistic regarding the business outlook for the regions we operate in”.
数亿的管理费和分红,BIP股东有何先见之明?好吧,2 月 10 日,Pollock 先生在一次投资者电话会议上表示,“从 BIP 的角度来看,我们预计冠状病毒情况不会对财务产生任何重大影响,并对我们经营所在地区的业务前景保持乐观”。

2023-03-15 13:09

特别期待@坚信价值 老师的解答

2023-03-15 12:55
