18.00 0.00 0.0%

最高:0.0 最低:0.0


陈庚2014-08-20 12:56

$$ 虽然第2季度财报不好 但是还是很挣钱的公司 肯定会反弹的查看全文

陈庚2014-08-20 12:55

$$ 13元 可以买入了查看全文

用心去发现2014-08-16 07:35

$$ 市盈率貌似很低,利润率挺高的。不明白暴跌有什么理由。等几天看看。还有分红。哪位高人能指点一下。查看全文

Tory_hhl2014-08-14 00:50

$$ 有人赌明天么。。。查看全文

曹阿瞒YY2014-08-14 00:39

$$ 真JB惨。。。[吐血]查看全文


用户90411417302014-08-13 15:17

  最新财报数据显示,《糖果粉碎传奇》开发商$$ 第二季度财报净利润为1.654亿美元,比去年同期的1.259亿美元增长31%。$$ 第二季度销售额为5.94亿美元,比去年同期增长30%,但未能达到分析师6.04亿元预期。日活跃用户数接近翻番...查看全文

公羊传2014-08-13 08:43

$$ 游戏股风险好大啊,糖果不行了,立马跌20% 想当年愤怒的小鸟那么火,过两年一样没人玩。预计过多1年也没人玩糖果了。。[看空][看空][看空][看空]查看全文

Takun2014-08-01 14:22

有所为,有所不为的$动视暴雪(ATVI)$ 游戏平台。
$盛大游戏(GAME)$$畅游(CYOU)$ ,更不必说$Zynga(ZNGA)$$$ ,做着平台梦,期待市场来给自己用平台估值的游戏企业现在有,将来还会有。

用户58546813082014-07-31 22:39


SZDeger2014-07-31 17:36


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$$ 美东时间 2016-03-17 16:30 After Market Close:KING DIGITL ENT Earning Release . Wall St EPS Est ($):0.32. 网页链接

$$ 15-12B - Securities registration termination [Section 12(b)] Filed: 2016-03-04 AccNo: 0001193125-16-492854 Size: 10 KB 网页链接

$$ 15-12B - Securities registration termination [Section 12(b)] Filed: 2016-03-04 AccNo: 0001193125-16-492854 Size: 10 KB 网页链接

$$ 25-NSE - Notification filed by national security exchange to report the removal from listing and registration of matured, redee Filed: 2016-02-23 AccNo: 0000876661-16-000828 Size: 3 KB 网页链接

$$ S-8 POS - Securities to be offered to employees in employee benefit plans, post-effective amendments Filed: 2016-02-23 AccNo: 0001564590-16-013044 Size: 31 KB 网页链接

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$$ S-8 POS - Securities to be offered to employees in employee benefit plans, post-effective amendments Filed: 2016-02-23 AccNo: 0001564590-16-013044 Size: 31 KB 网页链接

$$ S-8 POS - Securities to be offered to employees in employee benefit plans, post-effective amendments Filed: 2016-02-23 AccNo: 0001564590-16-013039 Size: 32 KB 网页链接

$$ 6-K - Report of foreign issuer [Rules 13a-16 and 15d-16] Filed: 2016-02-23 AccNo: 0001564590-16-013040 Size: 994 KB 网页链接

$$ SC 13G - Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals Filed: 2016-02-12 AccNo: 0001193125-16-461855 Size: 41 KB 网页链接

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