
58.42 0.27 0.4643%

最高:58.75 最低:58.33



不当放牛娃04-26 04:34

💡 微软公司 $MSFT 2024年第三季度收益 2024/04/25
💰 当前季度(2024年第三季度)业绩
- 每股收益(EPS): $2.94(预测 $2.63)
- 收入:$619亿(预测 $568亿)
📊 关键指标
- 智能云收入:$267亿(同比增长 +21%)
- 生产力收入:$196亿(同比增长...查看全文

iPhone Shipments in China Rise 12% in March f...

钛媒体APP05-09 10:10

TMTPost -- Data from an institute under the Chinese government agency showcased Apple Inc. reversed trend of slump in shipments earlier this year.
Apple shipped 3.75 million smartphones in China in March, representing a 12% year-over-year (YoY) increase,...查看全文


iPhone Shipments in China Rise 12% in March f...

钛媒体APP05-09 10:10

TMTPost -- Data from an institute under the Chinese government agency showcased Apple Inc. reversed trend of slump in shipments earlier this year.
Apple shipped 3.75 million smartphones in China in March, representing a 12% year-over-year (YoY) increase,...查看全文


不当放牛娃04-26 04:34

💡 微软公司 $MSFT 2024年第三季度收益 2024/04/25
💰 当前季度(2024年第三季度)业绩
- 每股收益(EPS): $2.94(预测 $2.63)
- 收入:$619亿(预测 $568亿)
📊 关键指标
- 智能云收入:$267亿(同比增长 +21%)
- 生产力收入:$196亿(同比增长...查看全文

EV Price War Comes back: Tesla and More Than ...

钛媒体APP2023-08-15 09:40

BEIJING, August 14 (TiPost)— More signs showed price war resurgence in China’s electric vehicle (EV) sector.
Credit:Visual China
Tesla said on Monday that it has reduced , the starting prices prices for certain Model Y long-range and performance versions by RMB14,0...查看全文

Apple Revenue in China Surprisingly Surge 8% ...

钛媒体APP2023-08-04 10:10

BEIJING, August 3 (TiPost)— Apple achieved better-than-expected quarterly performance in its third largest market China, though sales of its flagship offering iPhone turned out to be weaker than the Wall Street’s expectation.
Credit:Visual China
Apple said on Thurs...查看全文

Tesla Q2 Sales in China Surge Over 50% while ...

钛媒体APP2023-07-26 09:50

BEIJING, July 25 (TiPost)— Tesla Inc.’s sales in its home market became cooler while overseas markets including China remained momentum.
Credit:Visual China
Tesla generated $11.33 billion in the Unites States for the quarter ended June 30, increasing 17.9% from a y...查看全文

TSMC Cuts 2023 Sales Forecast and Expects a 1...

钛媒体APP2023-07-22 10:00

BEIJING, July 21 (TiPost)— Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. (TSMC), the world’s top contract chipmaker, is confronted by increasing headwinds despite rising demand from booming artificial intelligence (AI).
Credit:Visual China
TSMC recorded its first quarterl...查看全文

BYD Q1 Posts Five Fold Increase in Profit as ...

钛媒体APP2023-04-28 09:20

BEIJING, April 27 (TMTPOST)— BYD Co., Ltd. maintained steady growth in the beginning of the year, a typical off-season of the auto market.
Source: Visual China
BYD posted net income of RMB4.13 billion (US$596.56 million) in the quarter ended March 31, increasing 410...查看全文

Tesla Suggests Shanghai Factory Has Little Ro...

钛媒体APP2023-04-20 09:30

BEIJING, April 19 (TMTPOST)— Tesla Inc. suggested Shanghai Gigafactory, its largest manufacturing facility, may not increase output anymore following the significant profit decline due to price cuts.
Source: Visual China
Tesla doesn’t expect Shanghai factory has me...查看全文

Bilibili Stock Sinks More than 10% over Q1 Ea...

钛媒体APP2022-06-10 09:20

BEIJING, June 9 (TMTPOST)— The American depositary receipts (ADRs) of Bilibili sank as much as nearly 17% before closing 14.8% lower Thursday, when the most popular video sharing platform among younger generations in China posted worse-than-expected earnings in the first qua...查看全文

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机构: 申万宏源 评级:增持 目标价:49港币 瑞声科技公布其一季度营收约38亿人民币(同比下滑19.1%),净利润为4.32亿人民币(同比下滑61.6%)。 整体业绩超市场预期。 公司业绩下滑主要源自出货量下滑,我们将19年EPS从2.19Rmb下调至2.03Rmb(同比下滑35.1%)... 网页链接

克明面业:高性价比产品放量打开收入增长空间 目标价17.5元

中金发布克明面业(002661)的研报指出,考虑高性价比产品放量打开收入增长空间,分别上调2019/20年收入预测3.6%/4.8%,综合考虑今年高性价比产品占比明显提升、面粉自给率持续提升以及费用率持续下行,维持2019年EPS预测0.69元,上调2020年... 网页链接

宝钢股份:脱颖而出 买入评级

事件描述公司公布2018年年度业绩预告,全年预计实现归属于上市公司股东净利润206.70亿元~214.70亿元,同比增长7.82%~12.00%。 按此计算,公司4季度实现归属于上市公司股东净利润49.23亿元~57.23亿元,同比下降23.71%~34.38%,环比下降0.27%~... 网页链接


2019年5月8日,中信证券股份有限公司发布研报,上调新潮能源(600777)评级,评级由“增持”调整为“买入”。 该研报摘要表示: 投资建议:维持公司2019-2020年EPS预测为0.23/0.26元,新增2021年EPS预测为0.28元,当前股价对应PE分别... 网页链接

歌尔股份:业绩拐点已现 新型智能硬件推动新一轮成长

东方证券指出,业绩拐点已至,持续成长可期。TWS风口已至。声学器件与MEMS领先地位稳固。VR/AR业务有望长期受益。预测公司19-21年EPS分别为0.36、0.50和0.61元(原预测19、20年EPS为0.55和0.70元,基于18年报分类及耳机布局调整未来预测),根... 网页链接


2019年5月7日,中信证券股份有限公司发布研报,上调水井坊(600779)评级,评级由“增持”调整为“买入”。 该研报摘要表示: 投资建议:考虑次高端市场竞争加剧,公司增速放缓,调整2019-2020年EPS预测为1.54/1.96元(原1.93/2.53元... 网页链接

爱尔眼科18年报及19年一季报点评:业绩高速增长 成长空间广阔

爱尔眼科(300015) 1。事件: 公司发布 18 年年报。公司 18 年全年实现营业收入 80.09 亿元,同比增长 34.31%。实现归属母公司的净利润 10.09 亿元,同比增长35.88%;实现扣非归属净利润 10.79 亿元(本期非经常性损益主要来自其他营业外收... 网页链接


机构: 申万宏源 评级:中性 目标价:21港元 长飞光纤公布其一季度业绩,收入同比下滑35.2%,为16亿人民币,净利润同比下滑约31.2%,为2.53亿人民币,如果除去非经常性损益,净利润同比下滑58.7%。我们维持2019年EPS预测为0.82Rmb(同比下滑60.8%),20年EPS为... 网页链接

高通三季度指引盈利指引不及预期 股价盘后跌超4.5%

【高通三季度指引盈利指引不及预期 股价盘后跌超4.5%】美东时间周三盘后,高通发布财报预计第三财季经调整EPS 70-80美分,不及市场预期。高通第二财季经调整EPS 77美分,市场预期71美分(69-75美分)。因三季度指引盈利指引不及预期,高通盘... 网页链接

申万宏源(香港):维持长飞光纤(06869)“中性”评级 目标价21港元

智通财经APP获悉,申万宏源香港发布研究报告指出,维持长飞光纤(06869) 2019 -2020年 EPS 预测为人民币 0.82元、0.84元,分别同比下滑 60.8%及同比上升 2.4%, 21 年 EPS 为 0.84元(同比持平),维持目标价 21 港币不变,对应 1.5倍 ... 网页链接

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$WisdomTree U.S. Earnings 500 Fund(EPS)$ 美东时间 2017-11-10 拆合股: 1拆3 网页链接