
58.42 %

简介:WisdomTree, Inc.是唯一公开上市的资产管理公司,专门从事交易所买卖基金(ETF)的业务。公司的ETF产品系列包括追踪自身指数的根本加权资金,追踪第三方指数的基金和主动式管理基金。公司通过所有在资产管理行业的主要渠道销售ETF产品,包括经纪公司、注册投资咨询公司、机构投资者、私人财富管理公司和折扣经纪人。公司主要为投资者创造ETF,这些ETF能够提供深思熟虑的创新性、智慧的设计和重新定义的投资理念。公司大多数指数型基金采用了根本的加权投资策略,即在股息或收入的基础上加上了有价证券的权重,而其他ETF行业指数采用了资本加权方法。另外,公司还提供主动管理的ETF,这些是不以特定的指数为基础的ETF,但是它们是基于每日的ETF证券组合,以完全的透明度进行主动管理的ETF。

公司地址:250 West 34th Street 3rd Floor New York NY 10119


iPhone Shipments in China Rise 12% in March f...

钛媒体APP05-09 10:10

TMTPost -- Data from an institute under the Chinese government agency showcased Apple Inc. reversed trend of slump in shipments earlier this year.
Apple shipped 3.75 million smartphones in China in March, representing a 12% year-over-year (YoY) increase,...


EV Price War Comes back: Tesla and More Than ...

钛媒体APP2023-08-15 09:40

BEIJING, August 14 (TiPost)— More signs showed price war resurgence in China’s electric vehicle (EV) sector.
Credit:Visual China
Tesla said on Monday that it has reduced , the starting prices prices for certain Model Y long-range and performance versions by RMB14,0...查看全文

Apple Revenue in China Surprisingly Surge 8% ...

钛媒体APP2023-08-04 10:10

BEIJING, August 3 (TiPost)— Apple achieved better-than-expected quarterly performance in its third largest market China, though sales of its flagship offering iPhone turned out to be weaker than the Wall Street’s expectation.
Credit:Visual China
Apple said on Thurs...查看全文

Tesla Q2 Sales in China Surge Over 50% while ...

钛媒体APP2023-07-26 09:50

BEIJING, July 25 (TiPost)— Tesla Inc.’s sales in its home market became cooler while overseas markets including China remained momentum.
Credit:Visual China
Tesla generated $11.33 billion in the Unites States for the quarter ended June 30, increasing 17.9% from a y...查看全文

TSMC Cuts 2023 Sales Forecast and Expects a 1...

钛媒体APP2023-07-22 10:00

BEIJING, July 21 (TiPost)— Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. (TSMC), the world’s top contract chipmaker, is confronted by increasing headwinds despite rising demand from booming artificial intelligence (AI).
Credit:Visual China
TSMC recorded its first quarterl...查看全文

Bilibili Stock Sinks More than 10% over Q1 Ea...

钛媒体APP2022-06-10 09:20

BEIJING, June 9 (TMTPOST)— The American depositary receipts (ADRs) of Bilibili sank as much as nearly 17% before closing 14.8% lower Thursday, when the most popular video sharing platform among younger generations in China posted worse-than-expected earnings in the first qua...查看全文


泰格医药:临床业务高景气 驱动公司业绩高增长

民生证券指出,基于半年度业绩预告增速超我们之前全年预期范围,以及在国内创新药研发高景气度持续下,公司的数统、方达、SMO、大临床业务增长均有较好的持续性,因此上调2019-2021年公司EPS分别至1.37、1.91、2.57元(之前我们预计2019-2021... 网页链接


6月14日消息,中国移动日前宣布,他们携手华为完成了基于5G独立组网(SA)的EPS Fallback语音视频通话(基于最新的3GPP标准协议版本),而本次呼叫中5G核心网和IMS网络属于异地部署,组网方式符合移动集团规模试验的组网规范,与商用网络架构... 网页链接

美股科技股业绩增速大幅下行 全年EPS同比或为零增长

作者:许英博、陈俊云 来源:中信证券 美股科技股一季度业绩增速大幅下行(营收同比+9.9%、EPS同比-1.6%),同时亦伴随利润率下移、财务杠杆抬升、资本支出意愿不足等系列问题。我们预计板块2019年盈利预期仍存在进一步下修可能,全年EPS同比可能零增长。 叠加... 网页链接


惠普二季度EPS 53美分,市场预期51美分。二季度净营收140.4亿美元,市场预期139.4亿美元。该公司预期三季度经调整EPS 53-56美分,市场预期55美分。该公司预期全年经调整EPS 2.14-2.21美元,此前预期2.12-2.22美元,市场预期2.15美元。(华... 网页链接


导语: 相较于ABS、PS市场,EPS在2019年紧紧追随苯乙烯,与其走势更为贴合,涨跌空间不大,区间整理为主。在如此纠结静谧的行情中,EPS又有哪些热点话题呢? “3.21”响水特大爆炸事故,再次为化工行业敲响警... 网页链接
