Cameco Corp(CCJ)

55.38 0.61 1.1137%

最高:56.24 最低:54.62

Cameco Corp的热门讨论

早稻田的猫05-25 18:57



FelixW_粟05-28 13:35

CNNC said that, with the establishment of part of the digital control system (DCS) network - the 'nerve centre' of nuclear power plant operation, the first on-site measurement signal was displayed on the main control screen.
The main control room of the ACP100 - r...查看全文

2024-05-06【天然铀】Forbes: U.S. Ban Could Spark Another 60% Hike In The Price Of Uranium

FelixW_粟05-14 15:39

The 75% increase in the price of uranium over the last 12 months took most investors by surprise just as the potential for another 60% increase is being overlooked despite clear pointers to the boom in uranium getting a second wind.
Last year’s uranium rush was a simple ...查看全文


FelixW_粟05-17 16:41

The US will ask suppliers next month to bid on contracts for as much as $3.4 billion of domestically produced nuclear reactor fuel, according to a government notice.
Around $2.7 billion of the funding comes from a broader plan to wean the nation off nuclear fuel imported ...查看全文


FelixW_粟05-31 13:04



FelixW_粟05-23 17:10

Russia’s state-owned uranium supplier Tenex has notified US customers they have 60 days to secure a waiver exempting them from a law recently signed by President Joe Biden that bars imports of the company’s nuclear fuel.
The force majeure notice seen by Bloomberg was se...查看全文


FelixW_粟05-09 20:10

The US ban on Russian low-enriched uranium imports would have a detrimental impact on the global nuclear fuel market as well as on the US, Russian state nuclear company Rosatom has told S&P Global Commodity Insights.
The US Senate April 30 approved legislation aimed a...查看全文

2024-05-14【天然铀】Biden Signs Ban on Imports of Russian Nuclear Reactor Fuel

FelixW_粟05-14 15:09

President Joe Biden on Monday signed legislation banning the import of Russian enriched uranium, starting a 90-day countdown until limits on shipments of the reactor fuel take effect.
Biden’s signature also unlocks some $2.7 billion in spending, previously approved by Co...查看全文


FelixW_粟05-28 13:08

In March, the government announced that an agreement had been reached to buy the Hitachi-owned sites for new nuclear at Wylfa and at Oldbury-on-Severn in southwest England for GBP160 million (USD203 million). At the time, it said the two sites were expected to be prioritised ...查看全文


FelixW_粟05-28 11:45

ASTANA – The volume of Kazakhstan’s uranium transportation via the Trans-Caspian International Transport Route (TITR) increased by 4.5% in 2023 compared to the previous year, according to the Energy Ministry’s report on the implementation of the concept for the development...查看全文

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Cameco Corp的最新讨论


FelixW_粟05-31 13:04



FelixW_粟05-28 13:35

CNNC said that, with the establishment of part of the digital control system (DCS) network - the 'nerve centre' of nuclear power plant operation, the first on-site measurement signal was displayed on the main control screen.
The main control room of the ACP100 - r...查看全文


FelixW_粟05-28 13:08

In March, the government announced that an agreement had been reached to buy the Hitachi-owned sites for new nuclear at Wylfa and at Oldbury-on-Severn in southwest England for GBP160 million (USD203 million). At the time, it said the two sites were expected to be prioritised ...查看全文


FelixW_粟05-28 13:04

GenCost is described by CSIRO as a leading economic report for business leaders and decision-makers planning reliable and affordable energy solutions to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050. Published in collaboration with the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO), the repor...查看全文


FelixW_粟05-28 11:45

ASTANA – The volume of Kazakhstan’s uranium transportation via the Trans-Caspian International Transport Route (TITR) increased by 4.5% in 2023 compared to the previous year, according to the Energy Ministry’s report on the implementation of the concept for the development...查看全文

风雨彩虹00705-28 09:06

目前大型科技公司都在拼命砸钱建设AI数据中心,核电站股涨得比英伟达还要厉害,联动的铀股今天涨势也很好,更高效率的核能,铀矿是值得炒作的资源。目前有两个公司,1,龙头$Cameco Corp(CCJ)$ 2,准备重新启动铀矿开采的$Uranium Energy(UEC)$ ,这可以是一项长期投资。#AI智能谁称王# $英伟达(NV...查看全文

早稻田的猫05-25 18:57



FelixW_粟05-23 17:10

Russia’s state-owned uranium supplier Tenex has notified US customers they have 60 days to secure a waiver exempting them from a law recently signed by President Joe Biden that bars imports of the company’s nuclear fuel.
The force majeure notice seen by Bloomberg was se...查看全文


FelixW_粟05-17 16:41

The US will ask suppliers next month to bid on contracts for as much as $3.4 billion of domestically produced nuclear reactor fuel, according to a government notice.
Around $2.7 billion of the funding comes from a broader plan to wean the nation off nuclear fuel imported ...查看全文

2024-05-06【天然铀】Forbes: U.S. Ban Could Spark Another 60% Hike In The Price Of Uranium

FelixW_粟05-14 15:39

The 75% increase in the price of uranium over the last 12 months took most investors by surprise just as the potential for another 60% increase is being overlooked despite clear pointers to the boom in uranium getting a second wind.
Last year’s uranium rush was a simple ...查看全文

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Cameco Corp的新闻

卡梅科盘中异动 早盘急速下挫5.04%报45.63美元

北京时间2024年02月08日23时00分,卡梅科(股票出现异动,股价急速跳水5.04%。截至发稿,该股报45.63美元/股,成交量244.675万股,换手率0.56%,振幅5.50%。 最近的财报数据显示,该股实现营业收入4.... 网页链接

Cameco(CCJ.US)Q4业绩亮眼 铀市场紧俏推动销售狂飙

智通财经APP获悉,加拿大铀生产商Cameco(CCJ.US)周四美股盘前公布第四季度业绩。财报显示,该公司Q4营收增长了61%,达到8.44亿加元。这使该年度的营收增长了39%,达到25.9亿加元,略高于该公司设定的24.3亿加... 网页链接

卡梅科盘中异动 早盘股价大涨5.14%

北京时间2024年02月01日22时30分,卡梅科(股票出现异动,股价急速上涨5.14%。截至发稿,该股报50.21美元/股,成交量26.813万股,换手率0.06%,振幅0.30%。 最近的财报数据显示,该股实现营业收入4.2... 网页链接


智通财经APP获悉,铀矿商Cameco(CCJ.US)和Brookfield Renewable Partners LP(BEP.US)联手收购核电巨头西屋电气,这笔交易对后者的估值约为80亿美元。根据周二的一份声明,Cameco将拥有西屋电气49%的股份,Brookfield Renewable将拥有51%... 网页链接

又一轮“铀矿牛”将崛起 巨头Cameco(CCJ.US)有望受益

随着全球能源危机持续恶化以及极端恶劣天气频发,世界各国正竭力寻找可靠、低碳排放的能源以替代化石燃料。被冷落了许久的核能正在重新获得青睐,而这可能将带动又一轮“铀矿牛”的崛起。 1、能源危机当前 核能优势尽显 俄乌冲突爆发以... 网页链接


智通财经APP获悉,美国共和党参议员周四提出一项议案,禁止美国从俄罗斯进口铀。 提出该法案的参议员John Barrasso表示:“禁止进口俄罗斯石油、天然气和煤炭是重要的一步,但绝不能是最后一步。”“禁止进口俄罗斯的铀将进一步减少俄罗... 网页链接

Cameco(CCJ.US)复产 重启全球单体最大McArthur River铀矿项目

智通财经APP获悉,Cameco(CCJ.US)在2021年四季度业绩电话会上宣布重启全球单体最大,设计产量9600吨的McArthur River铀矿项目,并计划于2024年达到1,500万磅(5,769吨铀)每年的生产目标,而2022年的生产指引是500万磅(1,923吨铀)。针对Mc... 网页链接

Cameco(CCJ.US)长协量大增 为铀市场复苏奠基

智通财经APP获悉,Cameco(CCJ.US)在2021年四季度业绩电话会上汇报,2021年公司新签订3,000万磅长贸合同(11,538吨铀),但是同时披露仅在2022年1月就又新签订4,000万磅长贸合同(15,385吨铀),公司从2021年起新增长贸合同量7,000万磅(26,92... 网页链接


原标题:美国散户又发力!低迷十年后“炒铀热”再起,铀价两个月狂飙46% “炒铀热” 在福岛核泄露危机导致日本和德国关闭核反应堆后,原铀的现货价格已经低迷了十年。2007年,原铀价格最高时,曾达到每磅137美元。 在美国上市的加拿大铀矿公司Ca... 网页链接

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Cameco Corp的公告

SC 13G/A [Amend] - Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individuals Filed: 2012-02-14 AccNo: 0000909012-12-000109 Size: 9 KB 网页链接

6-K - Report of foreign issuer [Rules 13a-16 and 15d-16] Filed: 2012-02-10 AccNo: 0001193125-12-052346 Size: 4 MB 网页链接

6-K - Report of foreign issuer [Rules 13a-16 and 15d-16] Filed: 2012-02-08 AccNo: 0001193125-12-046323 Size: 48 KB 网页链接

美东时间 2012-01-18 06:00 Cameco at CIBC Whistler Institutional Investor Conference

美东时间 2012-02-09 22:00 Q4 2011 Cameco Earnings Conference Call

6-K - Report of foreign issuer [Rules 13a-16 and 15d-16] Filed: 2012-01-10 AccNo: 0001193125-12-007870 Size: 47 KB 网页链接

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