
1.65 0.00 0.0%

最高:0.0 最低:0.0


DumbMoney2018-08-09 14:14

$航美传媒(AMCN)$ Just ask yourself a simple question: If Chairman Guo was willing to take the company private at $4.10, ignoring the earlier much higher $6 offer, why is he not doing it when it is now 90% cheaper? It is the same company that he is managing all this while, so ...查看全文

WilAkoto中概垃圾车2018-08-09 09:27

$第九城市(NCTY)$ 九城似乎又沉寂一段时间了,记得每次聚美优品,航美传媒跌的时候,ncty都会会来上一波[捂脸][捂脸][捂脸]查看全文

霖一882018-08-09 04:25

$航美传媒(AMCN)$ 航空互联网的未来智慧之路 2018-06-05 13:42 by 航空家 网页链接查看全文

曾经的sw2018-08-08 16:13

$航美传媒(AMCN)$ How AirMedia Group Is Destroying Shareholder Value - The Epilogue
Aug. 6, 2018 3:23 PM ET
Kok Lo
Share price has fallen further from around $1.50 in June 2017 to below $0.50, another two-thirds on top of the earlier 90% drop from the ...查看全文

专业唱空大师2018-08-08 00:02

$航美传媒(AMCN)$ 这货亏了好几万刀,亏了2块割肉走了。查看全文

WilAkoto中概垃圾车2018-08-07 23:34

$航美传媒(AMCN)$ 雪球的每股收益$2.32是怎么得来的??数据不对吧!

929355三2018-08-07 05:54

回复@929355三: $一嗨租车(EHIC)$ 是否可以考慮做空?私有化成功的話最慘會虧損一塊多,失敗就很大可能會走聚美优品和航美传媒的套路,至少會因此被衝擊而創造一個新低,那麼會有幾塊錢的利潤空間。//@929355三:回复@929355三:$聚美优品(JMEI)$ 破二了,陳七塊竟然可以變成陳一塊。當初攻擊陳七塊...查看全文

不明真爱的群众2018-08-06 22:14

$航美传媒(AMCN)$ 请问,买这个股的理由是什么查看全文

雪球平民2018-08-06 21:53

$航美传媒(AMCN)$ 这股adr要4美分一个,玩不起查看全文

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金融界网4月6日消息 今日,中国银保监会发布《中国银保监会关于汇友财产相互保险社张雁任职资格的批复》,核准张雁汇友财产相互保险社监事的任职资格。 据悉,张雁曾就职于牛津-剑桥国际高科有限公司、《环球企业家》杂志社、航美传媒集... 网页链接



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$航美传媒(AMCN)$ 6-K - Report of foreign issuer [Rules 13a-16 and 15d-16] Filed: 2019-06-13 AccNo: 0001144204-19-030763 Size: 16 KB 网页链接

$航美传媒(AMCN)$ 424B3 - Prospectus [Rule 424(b)(3)] Filed: 2019-05-31 AccNo: 0001193805-19-000549 Size: 106 KB 网页链接

$航美传媒(AMCN)$ 6-K - Report of foreign issuer [Rules 13a-16 and 15d-16] Filed: 2019-05-28 AccNo: 0001144204-19-028431 Size: 225 KB 网页链接

$航美传媒(AMCN)$ 6-K - Report of foreign issuer [Rules 13a-16 and 15d-16] Filed: 2019-05-17 AccNo: 0001144204-19-027048 Size: 18 KB 网页链接

$航美传媒(AMCN)$ 6-K - Report of foreign issuer [Rules 13a-16 and 15d-16] Filed: 2019-05-07 AccNo: 0001144204-19-024213 Size: 18 KB 网页链接

$航美传媒(AMCN)$ 20-F - Annual and transition report of foreign private issuers [Sections 13 or 15(d)] Filed: 2019-04-30 AccNo: 0001144204-19-022497 Size: 19 MB 网页链接

$航美传媒(AMCN)$ 6-K - Report of foreign issuer [Rules 13a-16 and 15d-16] Filed: 2019-04-18 AccNo: 0001144204-19-020140 Size: 37 KB 网页链接

$航美传媒(AMCN)$ 美东时间 2019-04-11 拆合股: 5合1 网页链接

$航美传媒(AMCN)$ F-6 POS - Post-effective amendments for immediately effective filing Filed: 2019-03-29 AccNo: 0001193805-19-000328 Size: 349 KB 网页链接

$航美传媒(AMCN)$ 6-K - Report of foreign issuer [Rules 13a-16 and 15d-16] Filed: 2019-03-19 AccNo: 0001144204-19-014851 Size: 20 KB 网页链接

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