发布于: 雪球转发:1回复:6喜欢:0

$航美传媒(AMCN)$ Just ask yourself a simple question: If Chairman Guo was willing to take the company private at $4.10, ignoring the earlier much higher $6 offer, why is he not doing it when it is now 90% cheaper? It is the same company that he is managing all this while, so what has changed to make it that unattractive? Insiders buying is usually a strong bullish indicator and with his announced $5 million share buy back offer, he could have single handedly bought back 20% of the company's shares and put the squeeze on any short sellers out there and restore some credibility in the market..


2018-08-09 22:18

郭没办法现在买的 blackout period了解一下?

2018-08-22 04:05

Chairman Gou is on fire, he is not able to buy back, stock purchase is just a big lie, we don’t see the disclosure on this

2018-08-09 21:42


2018-08-09 17:53

So we wait!