
2.99 -0.03 -1.62%

最高:1.85 最低:1.82


DolceQ2021-05-28 18:54

$I.T(00999)$ 明日方舟发售了个I.T服装的皮肤。。。时尚以及奢侈品的数字化趋势查看全文

I.T (00999)「私有化」获通过,4月30日撤销上市地位

港澳IPO上市2021-04-19 12:29

香港明星邱淑贞老公沈嘉伟控股的香港时装股 I.T (00999.HK),于昨日(4月16日)举行表决I.T私有化的特别股东大会。公告指,I.T私有化获得逾99.99%股东同意通过,意味I.T将会结束16年上市地位。

马拉松资本-麦2021-04-16 15:14

$I.T(00999)$ 還有3%的毛利空間啊!誰會投反對票,這麼好的出價!查看全文

信报HKEJ2021-04-16 13:39

【I.T表决私有化方案 沈嘉伟:冀顺利通过】$I.T(00999)$ 今日举行股东会就私有化方案表决,若获通过便会结束其16年上市地位。
伙拍私募基金CVC提出私有化、I.T创办人兼大股东沈嘉伟被问及有没有信心通过私有化议案,他仅表示多谢大家支持,希望顺利,仍要等待结果。#私有化# #港股#查看全文

重庆成都6日游 2

3倍耐心2021-02-27 13:25


南懷仁2021-02-08 07:08



巴黎的價值投資2020-12-18 13:09

但若某年某日,公司突然蚀钱,分红大幅减低,于是平日什麼也不管的小股东就会事后孔明上升,给管理股东很多可以避免弄成今天处境的好方法。 而每次开会议...查看全文

財務分析員2020-12-11 17:22

$佐丹奴国际(00709)$ 港式服装向下沉,退市是出路?
$堡狮龙国际(00592)$ 被李宁家族控股的非凡中国收购,
$I.T(00999)$ 私有化进行中

秋空怒海2020-12-11 10:29

$I.T(00999)$ 搭楼梯呢,每天下一个台阶?查看全文

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Tablet Zero

which is to rebut Apple's accusations. it does the opposite: it merely glorifies Apple. Yet that's what Apple has done with the iPad. that's what they intended and got, This was Apple's stroke of evil genius. and A... 网页链接

RBS report to reveal fatal flaws at the heart of f...

People who have seen the 500- page document said it would blame inherent weaknesses in the regulatory architecture created by Gordon Brown for the fiasco that forced taxpayers into a £45bn bailout of RBS. The authors of the rep... 网页链接

Agent: Billups may retire if cut by Knicks

Chauncey Billups may retire from the NBA if, New York will reportedly use the amnesty clause to cut Billups in order to fit free agent Tyson Chandler under the salary cap. Chauncey Billu... 网页链接

Report: Nokia Readying To Ditch Luxury Phone Line Vertu

Nokia is reportedly selling off its luxury phone unit. Nokia launched Vertu in 1998. "My understanding is that Vertu is profitable. Vertu has always gone after a completely diffe... 网页链接

Most of Ustream's big $75m Softbank funding fell through

So now we know why Ustream has been busy raising new funding from Korea Telecom and existing investors DCM and Softbank, DCM and Softbank put another $6 million into Ustream andformer CEO Ham stepped down. Assuming tha... 网页链接

HP puts webOS on open source track - wireless, web...

HP plans to be an "active participant and investor" in the open source initiative, HP will "engage the open source community to help define the charter of the ... and presented in the ... 网页链接

Trip tips

IT SEEMS celebrities can't do anything without us mere mortals wanting to pay attention to their every move. And what a busy month it's been for these jet-setting stars, We understand how impossible it can be to le... 网页链接

Silicon Fen shows off its wares

The showcase is an important day in Cambridge's business calendar. Robin and Sarah both went to Cambridge University, The fruits of this union are an app that tries to help business people with a large client dat... 网页链接

Report: Amazon/Bango deal points to Kindle Fire in...

all apps available for download to Kindle Fire users must be optimized for non-Google Mobile Services Android 2.3.4--because Google's in-... 网页链接

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I.T 公告及通告 - [《收购守则》所指的要约公司刊发的公告 / 《收购守则》所指的受要约公司刊发的公告 / 集团重组或协议安排 / 私有化/撤销或取消证券上市] 联合公告 (1)根据公司法第99条由要约人以协议安排方式将 I.T LIMITED私有化之 网页链接

I.T 公告及通告 - [《收购守则》所指的要约公司刊发的公告 / 《收购守则》所指的受要约公司刊发的公告 / 集团重组或协议安排 / 私有化/撤销或取消证券上市] 联合公告 (1) 根据公司法第99条由要约人以协议安排方式将 I.T LIMITED私有化 网页链接

I.T 合併守则 - 交易披露 根据《收购守则》规则22作出的交易披露 网页链接

I.T 合併守则 - 交易披露 根据《收购守则》规则22作出的交易披露 网页链接

I.T 合併守则 - 交易披露 根据《收购守则》规则22作出的交易披露 网页链接

I.T 合併守则 - 交易披露 根据《收购守则》规则22作出的交易披露 网页链接

I.T 合併守则 - 交易披露 根据《收购守则》规则22作出的交易披露 网页链接

I.T 合併守则 - 交易披露 根据《收购守则》规则22作出的交易披露 网页链接

I.T 公告及通告 - [《收购守则》所指的要约公司刊发的公告 / 《收购守则》所指的受要约公司刊发的公告 / 集团重组或协议安排 / 私有化/撤销或取消证券上市 / 股东特别大会的结果 / 暂停办理过户登记手续或更改暂停办理过户日期] 联合公告(1)根据 网页链接

I.T 合併守则 - 交易披露 根据《收购守则》规则22作出的交易披露 网页链接

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