发布于: 雪球转发:8回复:13喜欢:6

$百时美施贵宝(BMY)$ Lag3会是一个大品种,比CTLA4好多了。

Now let's move to Opdualag. We cannot be more pleased with the launch of Opdualag. The launch is off to a great start, being the first LAG-3 inhibitor to launch in fixed-dose combination with our PD-1 inhibitor, Opdivo. Sales in the quarter were $84 million, growing 45% sequentially, and sales of Opdualag are already annualizing to approximately $350 million.

At this point in the launch, our share in first-line melanoma is in the mid- to high teens. And as expected, we are seeing use of Opdualag coming from PD-1 monotherapy and Opdivo + Yervoy combinations.


2022-10-27 09:49


CTLA4是真的毒。和PD1的连用经常是PD1 3周一次正常剂量,然后CTLA4 6周一次低剂量,就这样grade3副作用都经常从15%飙升到50%。 AZ的方案更搞笑,CTLA4开局用一次,然后就再也不用了。。。

2022-10-27 09:17


2022-10-27 09:15
