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比亚迪生产的车型加价 17.4%,吉利加价 20%,上汽加价最高,为 38.1%。这些生产商今年早些时候都接受了欧盟委员会的检查,尽管他们提供的信息并不像布鲁塞尔希望的那样多。
其他没有接受检查、没有提供任何信息的生产商也将面临最高 38.1% 的关税。那些合作的生产商将被征收 21% 的关税。没有接受检查的特斯拉仍将有机会提供数据,然后缴纳自己的较低关税。
Models made by BYD models face a 17.4 percent mark-up, with Geely seeing 20 percent and SAIC the highest of 38.1. These producers were all inspected by the Commission earlier this year, though they didn’t provide as much information as Brussels was hoping to get.
Other producers that did not get visits and didn’t provide any info will also face the highest duty of 38.1 percent. The ones that did cooperate will get charged 21 percent. Tesla, which did not get inspected, will still get a chance to provide data and then its own, lower duty.
欧盟已经对任何外国制造的车辆征收 10% 的关税,而中国的关税为 15%。今天宣布的关税将在 10% 关税的基础上增加。
The EU already charges a tariff of 10 percent on any foreign-made vehicle, versus China’s 15 percent level. The duties announced today will be added on top of the 10 percent tariff.$比亚迪(SZ002594)$ $特斯拉(TSLA)$ $吉利汽车(00175)$
2024-06-12 15:39
$比亚迪(SZ002594)$ 英国《金融时报》星期三(6月12日)引述知情人士的话称,欧盟委员会决定向中国电动车征收额外关税,尽管这项措施遭到德国的反对。


06-13 08:22



06-13 14:27
