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昨天公司请了伦敦商学院的 Alex Edmans 教授过来交流,他分享了新作 May contain lies: how stories, statistics, and studies exploit our biases and what we can do about it 中的核心观点。
证实偏见(Confirmation Bias)本身就是投资当中最难克服的偏见之一,他的分享对于我们理解和克服这种心理偏见很有帮助,我用最简单凝练的语言试着总结一下他的要点。
1. A statement is not fact: it may not be accurate. 一个说法不等同于事实,因为可能并不准确。我们看到一个说法时,要在采信之前确认信源,最初是谁说的,他/她是在哪以及怎么说的。
2. Facts are not data: they may not be representative. 事实并不等于数据,因为事实或许不具备代表性。我们看到一些事实时,要去探究事实的全景,而非局部。比如当你看到双盲实验当中用药导致好转的人数时,也要了解用药但是没有好转的人数,以及没有用药但也好转的人数。这里尤其需要注意避免幸存者偏差。
3. Data is not evidence: it may not be conclusive. 数据并不等于证据,因为它或许并不能导出结论。当我们基于某些数据得出某个结论时,最好听听反方意见,想象一下反方或者竞争性理论如何解释这些数据。
4. Evidence is not proof: it may not be universal. 证据并不能够证明,因为证据本身也许不具有普适性。当我们看到一些证据时,要先理解它的背景,比如相关条件和适用范围。尤其需要注意的是别把必要条件当作充分条件。


都说投资要依靠常识,但确实common sense is uncommon.

05-10 16:54

前一段時間在FB看到有些人貼出以下這幅圖片,然後大罵狗主人虐待動物, 令狗狗瘦至見骨。後來媒體訪問主人,原來是兩年多前因癌症失去胰臟的13歲老狗「旺財」,因為重病及防止胃反轉而不能吃太多食物,所以出現營養不良,剃毛後更看到瘦至見骨,狗主陳先生看著狗狗體重由27公斤跌至15公斤,坦言很心痛,但形容旺財十分「叻仔」,手術至今仍努力生存,現在相處每一日都是賺回來,「他是我們的家人,我們一定會陪他走到最後一步。」

05-10 14:39


05-10 16:47

That's a fascinating topic! The idea that the information we encounter may contain lies or distortions is an important one to be aware of, as it can have significant implications for our understanding of the world around us. Here are a few things to keep in mind:
Stories, statistics, and studies can all be influenced by the biases and agendas of the people who create them, so it's important to approach them with a critical eye.
One way that information can be manipulated is through the use of emotional appeals or anecdotes that may not reflect the larger reality.
Another way is through the use of cherry-picked data or selective reporting, which can create a distorted picture of the facts.
It's also important to be aware of confirmation bias, which refers to our tendency to seek out information that confirms our pre-existing beliefs and ignore information that contradicts them.
To combat these biases, it's important to seek out multiple sources of information, to verify facts and figures whenever possible, and to be open-minded and willing to change our beliefs in light of new evidence.

05-10 14:56


05-10 14:44

