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$珩湾科技(01523)$ Gartner:生成式人工智能将重塑SD-WAN 市场 网页链接


2023-12-14 13:43

PeplinkPeplink is a Niche Player in this Magic Quadrant. It has two product families in this market: Balance for enterprise branch SD-WAN, and MAX for industry and mobility SD-WAN requirements. Both offerings include SpeedFusion software technology and InControl 2 orchestration for management. Gartner estimates Peplink has approximately 6,000 SD-WAN enterprise customers and operates globally, focusing on midmarket organizations, with specific verticals targeting wireless WAN use cases. Over the next 18 months, we expect Peplink will invest in Peplink Connectivity Controller to improve application performance, SpeedFusion cloud service and long-range antenna integration into its 5G routers.
StrengthsViability: Peplink has strong viability, with a likelihood to invest going forward, which increases its chance for future growth.
Vertical strategy: Peplink is focused on its targeted verticals to reach organizations that fit its target profile of wireless-WAN-first use cases.
Marketing strategy: Peplink has a focused marketing strategy that targets wireless WAN use cases for enterprise customers.
CautionsProduct and product strategy: Peplink’s product and product strategy are not aligned with current and future enterprise buyer requirements that don’t require a wireless WAN offering.
Market visibility: Peplink has limited market visibility, based on end-user Gartner interactions, searches on gartner.com and social media conversations.
Sales execution: The vendor has limited SD-WAN market share and limited direct sales resources, which may impact its ability to grow in the market.

2023-12-14 15:58

小公司有小公司的活法,SD-WAN这么大的市场,小公司没有办法和大公司全方位地竞争。专注于自己的特长和niche market,是小公司的出路。等到一定时候,羽翼丰满了,还可以扩展自己的领域。