发布于: 雪球转发:1回复:6喜欢:0
1)I answered this a few minutes ago. Users can choose any website to upload, and our VCU number is still increasing. 2) Our affliated party is not Renren, but Shengyue. It's our sole agent right now.
2012-03-12 10:22
@TonyShen 说:首先祝贺酷六在明确了自己的方向之后,毛利终于转正! 我有如下几个问题~ 1)ku6似乎签约了不少UGC作者,请问一下这方面的具体情况,比如操作方式,分成等等?和土豆、优酷相比,ku6对于自己的UGC作者有信心吗?会不会考虑挖角之类的 2)来自关联方的广告收入在Q4已经占绝对多数了...


so what about the smart TV? do you expect it to change the way TV programs are produced? i mean, if we look at youtube, there are currently many mature UGC channels on it. So can we expect a boom of micro-production programs on smart TV in the near future which would benefit video websites?