魔都圆 的讨论

发布于: 雪球回复:1喜欢:0
so what about the smart TV? do you expect it to change the way TV programs are produced? i mean, if we look at youtube, there are currently many mature UGC channels on it. So can we expect a boom of micro-production programs on smart TV in the near future which would benefit video websites?


2012-03-12 11:10

回复 @魔都圆: We no longer purchase long-form professional content so amortization is no longer used. UGC cost is recognized whenever it occurs.

2012-03-12 11:07

one final question, how do ku6 amortize licensed and UGC contents? what was the approximate amortization expenses in 2011?

2012-03-12 11:00

回复 @魔都圆: We are very selective in spending in SM, and will continue to be so.

2012-03-12 10:57

回复 @TonyShen: that's great. Another question is that your selling and marketing expenses remained at a quite conservative level compared with your competitors. Well, if your UGC contents achieved a larger number of both total clips and famous UGC uploaders in the future, would Ku6 plan some campaigns like Tudou (Tudou Festival), which might increase the S&M expenses?

2012-03-12 10:41

回复 @魔都圆: Ku6 has maintained many channels too, and we welcome all artistic types of uploads. Recently micro-production is very active indeed, and we have shown selected titles too.