
发布于: 雪球转发:21回复:19喜欢:34




I care a lot about the -- the sort of the small shareholders, especially ones that have stuck with us through -- through thick and thin. I love you, guys. And so, we can't control these macro shocks, you know, or the manic-depressive nature of the stock market.


So, that's why I recommend against margin loans in times that are turbulent. You know, if times are not that turbulent, actually, a margin loan can be a smart move within reason. But -- but we're in, I'll call it, turbulent times. Like, I have very high confidence -- confidence in the long-term value of Tesla.


Like, I see a really -- you know, see a path to a 10x, I mean. But I call it a 5x increase in the value of the company, maybe a 10x. And -- but the -- where things go along the way, the trials and tribulations and the mood of the -- mood of the markets, one cannot predict. And so, you know -- and so, you know, I mean, the old adage of buy and hold is.

就像,我看到了一条真正的 -- 你知道,我是说,看到了一条通往 10 倍的道路。但我称之为公司价值的 5 倍增长,也许是 10 倍。但是,一路走来,经历的磨难和市场的情绪是无法预测的。所以,你知道 -- 所以,你知道,我的意思是,买入并持有是一句老话。

right, you know? For investment advice, say, like, identify a company whose products you love, see if they -- you know, does it seem like they'll continue to make good products or great products, buy that stock, and hold it. That's it. You will win. The reason companies exist is to make goods and services.

对吗?对于投资建议,比方说,找出一家你喜欢其产品的公司,看看他们 -- 你知道,他们是否看起来会继续生产好产品或伟大的产品,买入该股票,并持有它。就是这样。你就赢了。公司存在的理由就是生产商品和提供服务。

Ideally, great goods and services. They don't exist for any other reason. They shouldn't. So, that's why you should buy off a company that makes great products and has a great future pipeline.


It's common sense, actually. And -- and then, generally, if you see -- if you have, provided you're confident about what that company's products or services are, when the market panics, buy; and when the market is, you know, overly exuberant, you can sell. I'm not recommending yourself to Tesla, but -- but yeah. Byblos is so high.

实际上,这是常识。然后,一般来说,如果你看到--如果你有,只要你对该公司的产品或服务有信心,当市场恐慌时,就买入;而当市场过度繁荣时,你就可以卖出。我不是在推荐你去特斯拉,但是--但是是的。Byblos is so high(不知道怎么翻译?这句话啥意思?等大神解答)。

You know, Warren Buffett actually, I think, has a saying -- I'm paraphrasing him -- but, you know, a publicly traded company is like -- it's like, imagine you're living in your house and some crazy, manic-depressive guy comes and stands outside your house and yells property prices at you, you know. So, it's a different price every day, but the house is still the same house. So, this is a stock market, you know. Credit that to Warren Buffett.

你知道,沃伦-巴菲特(Warren Buffett)其实有一句话--我是在转述他的话--但是,你知道,上市公司就像是--就像是,想象一下,你住在自己的房子里,有一个疯狂的、患有躁狂抑郁症的人来了,站在你的房子外面,对着你喊房价,你知道吗?所以,每天的价格都不一样,但房子还是那个房子。所以,这就是股票市场,你知道的。这要归功于巴菲特。


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