博枫PE股东信摘抄 2022Q4

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Tides of Change 变化的浪潮】

What a difference a year makes. While interest rates remain low by historical standards, the U.S. 10-year bond yield sits at 3.5%, or 200-basis points higher compared to the start of last year. Despite central bank policy shifts, inflation has been slow to subside with the U.S. consumer price index still nearly 7% above prior year levels.


Supply chains remain stretched, labor costs are structurally higher and energy costs in developed markets have increased 50% or more in the past 12 months. All this has contributed to decelerating global growth with many major economies expecting to experience a recession within the next 12 months.


Against this backdrop, we achieved strong business performance. The Adjusted EBITDA margin of our operations reached a record 19% in 2022 – compared to 11% just three years ago. Adjusted EBITDA increased 30% and on a same store basis, after adjusting for the impact of acquisitions and dispositions, increased 3% compared to 2021.


All this contributed to our business generating Adjusted Free Cash Flow of $740 million, or 19% higher per unit compared to 2021. This cash provides us with flexibility to fund future growth, reinvest in our operations or pay down debt.


Our business should continue to generate strong performance in all market environments. Many of our largest operations provide essential products and services that consumers and businesses need to buy in any environment. This resilience underpins a majority of our EBITDA and cash flow today.


While dislocation in the financial markets has made access to capital more challenging for many, we are fortunate to have ended the year with total available liquidity in excess of $9 billion, of which $1.6 billion is available at the corporate level.


We can also readily manage the impact of a higher interest rate environment on our cash flows. For context, a 50-basis point increase in overnight borrowing rates results in less than a $50 million increase to our annual interest expense, which is about a 5% impact to our annual Adjusted Free Cash Flow at current levels. As our operations deleverage over time, the impact will be more muted.


Despite our business fundamentals continuing to strengthen, our trading price, like many publicly traded securities, has become materially disconnected from the value of our business. Our units trade at approximately 8x annualized EBITDA compared to 13x for the S&P 500. Businesses which generate EBITDA margins on par with ours are trading at multiples in excess of 15x.


As a result, BBU represents a great value opportunity, and at this entry point investors should out-earn the underlying performance of our business as we close the gap between our trading price and intrinsic value.


【Value Creation at Work 在工作中创造价值】

A core skill of ours is repositioning the businesses we own, and in markets like these, our hands-on operational approach to building value is more important than ever.


To put this in context, EBITDA of the 15 businesses we acquired over the last five years has increased by approximately $275 million for just our share. A majority of this improvement has come from the execution of our value creation plans which are largely within our control regardless of the operating environment.


Last July we acquired CDK Global, the leading provider of software and technology services to automotive dealers. Our value creation plan for the business is simple: refocus the product and service offerings to those that drive the most value for its customers, improve the efficiency and effectiveness of its operations and enhance its go-to-market strategy. This is the same strategy we executed at Westinghouse.

去年7月,我们收购了CDK Global,这是一家领先的汽车经销商软件和技术服务提供商。我们为CDK创造价值的计划很简单:重新调整重点到为客户带来最大的价值的产品和服务上,提高运营的效率和有效性,并加强其进入市场的战略。我们在西屋电气也是这么做的。

Within six months of acquiring this business we replaced the senior leadership team and progressed plans to optimize the organizational structure. We are working closely with the new management team to enhance the customer value proposition and increase focus on core value-add service and product offerings.


The steps we have taken should improve the business’ EBITDA by approximately $200 million when fully implemented. Once adjusted for the impact of these improvements, we believe our acquisition multiple of less than 10x pro forma EBITDA is exceptional value. This plan should generate strong returns for our investment.



2023-03-30 01:34

$Brookfield Property(BPY)$ 在上市八年后私有化退市,$Brookfield商业合伙(BBU)$ 到明年中也快八年了。

2023-02-05 10:35

Despite our business fundamentals continuing to strengthen, our trading price, like many publicly traded securities, has become materially disconnected from the value of our business. Our units trade at approximately 8x annualized EBITDA compared to 13x for the S&P 500. Businesses which generate EBITDA margins on par with ours are trading at multiples in excess of 15x.


2023-02-05 08:44
