博枫股东信摘抄 2001Q4

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$Brookfield资管(BAM)$ 从历年#博枫股东信#中,随手摘选一些时效性不强的文字。

【In Summary 总结】

Everything we do is directed at maximizing shareholder value, and we believe that the most tangible way of accomplishing this is by building our cash flows and thereby increasing our return on invested capital.


Our target is to generate a minimum sustainable cash return on common shareholders’ equity of 20% per annum. We plan to achieve this by continually improving the quality of our assets, the sustainability of our cash flows and, as a result, the returns we earn on invested capital.


We now have three strong operating businesses – real estate, financial and power generation. These three businesses currently generate over 90% of our operating cash flows. But there is still much to do, both in our operating businesses and with our investments in the resource sector.


During the coming years, we intend to intensify our efforts to widen our profit margins and enhance operational synergies, and thereby increase the total cash flows generated by each of our businesses.


With strong, strategically positioned business operations and a management team dedicated to the creation of value, we are confident that our shareholders will be well rewarded.


【Cash Flow from Operations 经营活动现金流】

Our highest operating priority has been and continues to be to increase and strengthen the long-term sustainability of our operating cash flows.


We are focused on increasing cash flow per share because we believe it is the most important measure of wealth creation. It is also the component of the investment return equation which good managers can influence the most.


We have confidence that the cash flows we are currently achieving are sustainable. This confidence is derived from the quality of our asset base and the nature of our businesses, such as premier office properties and hydroelectric generating plants, where we have long-term contracts in place producing stable and increasing cash flows.


【Return on Capital   资本回报率】

We are constantly assessing each of our operations in relation to the cash returns generated on capital invested.


Our goal is to improve our return on capital employed not only by increasing the cash flow generated by each business, but also by effectively utilizing and carefully allocating capital among our businesses.


The diversity of our asset base, together with our access to low cost, non-participating capital, provides us with important competitive advantages for reducing our overall cost of capital. This becomes evident when our cost of capital is compared to most companies conducting business in only one of the industries in which we operate.


【Repurchasing Capital   回购资本】

As value steadily builds within our businesses, we found that our shares represent an attractive place to invest capital.


During the last two fiscal years, we repurchased over 10 million of our own shares for cancellation. In addition, during the first quarter of 2002 we acquired a further 1.7 million shares. In total, during this period we invested $1.2 billion in repurchasing our shares and equity securities issued by our operating businesses.


In addition, management purchased over 6.5 million common shares in 2001. In total, management now owns over 15% of the company. We are committed to, and feel very comfortable, aligning our personal investment capital with our shareholders.


Utilizing the company’s resources to repurchase capital does not mean we lack exciting investment opportunities to strengthen and grow our businesses. In fact, the opposite is true. We continually strive to find a balance between capturing immediate value through share repurchases and creating long-term value in our operations through the addition of quality assets.


The stringent allocation of capital among competing investment opportunities will remain one of our most important priorities, since we believe that successful businesses are built on getting this balance right. Our goal is to be a leader in this regard.


【Operational Objectives 运营目标】

We are determined to improve our cost competitiveness in each of our businesses. This will include add-on acquisitions which augment our cash generation or diversify us into new geographical areas.


Acquisition opportunities will all be evaluated based on our value-adding approach to business. At the same time, if opportunities arise to dispose of assets at outstanding value, we will consider taking advantage of them.


As we continue to build our three operating businesses and re-engineer our natural resource investments, we will do so with a singular focus – to increase the return on the capital our shareholders have entrusted to our care.


Finding ways to become better at every-thing we do is fundamental to achieving our value creation objectives. While there is always work to do in this regard, we are well on our way to creating a performance culture where entrepreneurial leaders can thrive and be recognized for the value they add.


We believe successful companies must take measured risks and be quick to address and learn from setbacks, and our actions will be based on this approach. We may make mistakes, even with the best of intentions. However, we will do all we can to ensure that none of these threaten the viability of your company.


【2002 and Beyond 2002年及以后】

Each of our operating businesses has the capacity to grow internally. However, we will also actively pursue acquisition opportunities to enhance their growth. As we seek new opportunities, we will be attracted to businesses which have visible streams of cash flow. We do not mind waiting for cash flow growth to materialize, but we do want to be sure that the cash flow will be secure and require little sustaining capital investment – similar to our existing operating businesses.



The management succession plan initiated approximately three years ago is now complete. I feel privileged to be taking over from Jack Cockwell as President and Chief Executive Officer of Brascan at this time. Under Jack’s leadership over the past ten years, Brascan has achieved great success and is now in its strongest position ever, with a solid platform for further growth. Jack will continue to play an important role as Co-Chairman of Brascan and as a key member of our management partnership. 大


And finally, we want to emphasize our commitment to invest your capital prudently and wisely. Our goal is to continue to invest in high quality assets generating sustainable cash flows with the goal of increasing the returns on the capital you have entrusted to us to manage.


We cannot guarantee the future, but we do believe we have laid the foundations for achieving improved returns for you.




把布鲁斯担任$Brookfield资管(BAM)$ CEO这二十年(2001-2022)写给股东的信,其中时效性不强、可以举一反三的内容,都摘抄完毕了。点 #博枫股东信# 可以看到合集。



类似的人和公司,巴菲特算一位 $伯克希尔-哈撒韦B(BRK.B)$ ,贝佐斯也算一位$亚马逊(AMZN)$ 。希望未来至少七八年还能每季度继续看到布鲁斯的信。


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