博枫股东信摘抄 2015Q2

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$Brookfield资管(BAM)$ 从历年#博枫股东信#中,随手摘选一些时效性不强的文字。


【Investment Strategy 投资策略】

Investment success requires a combination of skill, patience and luck. Over time, with hard work most investors can acquire the skills; patience comes with experience; and often you have to be positioned to be lucky.

投资成功需要技巧、耐心和运气的结合。随着时间的推移,通过努力工作,大多数投资者都能获得技能; 耐心来自经验;通常情况下,你必须要有幸运的定位。

Two important items that can enable positioning for luck are finding a business where the pie for everyone is expanding, and investing in countries or companies that are well run. In short, it is easier to ride the wave than fight the tide.


Over the longer term, it is very difficult to generate strong returns in an industry, or in a currency, that is declining. With a publicly traded company, one can sometimes work to shrink the float of shares at big enough discounts to tangible value that one can earn good returns, but it is hard work. Examples of these types of businesses over the last 20 years include paper mills, textiles, and newspaper businesses – and more recently, businesses disrupted by new technologies. The only other way investors have done well in these declining businesses is to have acquired the business cheaply enough, milked the cash flow, and reinvested it into new businesses. These are anomalies, as the returns were unrelated to the old business and were, in fact, dependent on an individual who was a good capital allocator redirecting cash flow to new investments.


This brings us to our business of alternative asset management. Thirty years ago, bonds dominated pension portfolios; 20 years ago equities became very large components of institutional portfolios. Since then, equities have proven to be volatile and fixed income returns are now almost non-existent. As a result, we have seen continuously expanding allocations to alternatives – including real estate, infrastructure, private equity and hedge funds. All indications are that the growth of alternatives will continue to be positive for a long time.


Furthermore, since the financial crisis in 2008 we have seen consolidation starting to occur amongst alternative managers. This is creating a number of super-brands which are separating from the rest, as they have global reach, resources to achieve best-in-class governance standards, size to attract attention, and investment track records to assemble large sums of capital in multiple funds for institutional clients. The ability to provide a wide range of solutions to clients is an attractive alternative to having to otherwise vet possibly hundreds of managers, and enables managers to put large sums of money to work efficiently. As a result, institutional clients are increasingly allocating their capital to a smaller number of larger funds. We are among the fortunate few who possess this type of franchise.


Overall, we continue to believe that by simply compounding existing capital, we are heading to a +$50 trillion industry. As important, allocations to real assets have grown from virtually nil years ago to 10% on average today, and we estimate they will increase to 20% or more. As a result, in excess of $10 trillion of incremental capital will be available for the sector, a five- fold increase from today. Of course, institutions will range in allocations based on many factors, but as an example we expect that select institutions will have over 50% allocations to alternatives in the short term.


We believe that we continue to be in a very robust industry, and therefore our focus is not on major strategy change, but instead on relentless execution of our plans. Our goal is to generate strong returns by investing wisely, and to ensure we take care of our clients. As long as we do this, we believe we can grow at a strong pace for decades to come.


【Interest Rates 利率】

We have been running our business with the expectation that interest rates will increase, particularly in the United States; in fact, we welcome this. Interest rates will rise because the economy is improving and that is positive for business.


Rates have been virtually at zero in the United States for seven years, the economy is doing well and a 1% or 2% increase in interest rates on the short or long end of the treasury yield curve means almost nothing to a long- term investment. We have assumed for six years that a 10-year treasury would have a 4% to 5% yield – not 2%, and we have based all our decisions on this. There are very few sophisticated acquirers of real estate or infrastructure that have had a different view. Returns may be slightly less going forward, but cap rates (the inverse of the return) have been stubbornly high relative to interest rates for one specific reason…that everyone knew interest rates were going up and people have not been willing to reduce the cap rates to levels that were unduly low, acknowledging that rates were going to go up.

7年来,美国的利率几乎为零,经济表现良好,短期或长期国债收益率曲线一端的利率上升1%或2%对长期投资几乎没有任何意义。六年来,我们一直假设10年期美国国债的收益率为4% - 5%,而不是2%,我们的所有决策都是基于这一点。很少有经验丰富的房地产或基础设施收购者持有不同的观点。未来的回报率可能会略低,但资本化率(与回报率相反)相对于利率一直居高不下,原因有一个:每个人都知道利率会上升,而人们不愿意将资本化率降至过低的水平,承认利率会上升。

Our business is positioned to thrive in a higher interest rate environment; there are four simple reasons for this. First, and most important, we own “real return” assets that increase their cash flow generating capacity over time either through contractual rights, our ability to operate them better, or an expansion of the operation. These enhancements should far outpace any extra interest costs, in particular in a more inflationary environment. Second, we generally earn total returns on equity of 10% to 20%. This is much greater than treasury yields and therefore a 1% increase does not really matter. Third, we finance approximately 50% of our investments with debt. Moving interest rates up by 1% impacts our returns by 1% to 2%, which is not meaningful. And fourth, most prudent property and infrastructure investors have fixed rate debt, therefore cash flows until maturity of that debt will not change at all, period. Nothing at all.






The broader point is that interest rate increases really do not have a major adverse impact on us, with the exception of one circumstance. That exception would be an increase to 7% to 8% in the shorter term, in which case there would be significant disruption to many businesses, including real estate and infrastructure. We have planned to be able to sustain this type of shock, although there is no doubt it would not be fun for any of us. And it might even lead to some tremendous opportunities for us. But, for the record, we believe the chance of this occurring in the next five years is very low, although you should make your own assessment and act accordingly if you believe this is a likely scenario.






2022-09-16 20:41


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2022-09-16 09:30

投资成功需要技巧、耐心和运气的结合。随着时间的推移,通过努力工作,大多数投资者都能获得技能; 耐心来自经验;通常情况下,你必须要有幸运的定位。有两件重要的事情可以让运气定位,一是找到一个每个人的蛋糕都在扩大的业务,二是投资于运营良好的国家或公司。简而言之,乘风破浪容易,逆水行舟难

2022-09-16 20:35


2022-09-16 19:06

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