博枫股东信摘抄 2011Q4

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$Brookfield资管(BAM)$ 从历年#博枫股东信#中,随手摘选一些时效性不强的文字。

Global Interest Rates and Real Asset Returns


We have been living through the lowest interest rates experienced in living memory. This has allowed governments, corporations and individuals to slowly work through debt issues that would otherwise have resulted in a broader and more extensive financial correction.


The resultant low level of interest rates should continue for a number of years, but eventually this presents one of the greatest investment risks for global investors. In short, the risk reflects the fact that when interest rates increase in the future, all assets which are long-tailed in nature will have their perceived values adjusted downward.

由此导致的低利率水平应该会持续数年,但这最终会给全球投资者带来最大的投资风险之一。简而言之,这种风险反映了这样一个事实: 当未来利率上升时,所有长尾资产的感知价值都将向下调整。

However, our portfolio is different. Because of the real return nature of the assets we own, within a relatively short period of time, our portfolio will earn back the adjustments as the rate of growth in the underlying cash flows increases due to economic expansion and the inflationary pressures that will give rise to the increase in interest rates.


As a result, we believe real assets will protect against long-term interest rate increases, and will outperform asset classes such as government bonds.


Real assets generate cash on an annual basis, and the cash flow from premium assets generally increases over time so that the capitalized value of this cash flow stream becomes even greater. This real return protection is particularly valuable in periods of sustained inflation.


Furthermore, we believe that the capitalized values of real assets today are not reflective of the low interest rates due to the expanded risk premiums which currently exist, among other factors, and therefore the first 2% to 3% of increases in long-term interest rates will have virtually no affect on values for real assets.


Nonetheless, we continue to utilize this environment to fix the long-term financing of our real assets at historically low interest rates, thus further protecting current values and enhancing real returns if interest rates rise.


【The Next 10 Years 未来10年】

Most management teams have a high estimate of the value of the assets they are responsible for managing. This is usually because they are emotionally attached to the business, but also because they exercise control over achieving the plans. Furthermore, as they work in the business daily, they usually have access to more information and therefore understand the long- term potential of the business.


With the above proviso, we estimate that the underlying value of our business is conservatively valued today at approximately $41.00 per share, although we suspect that if assets were sold judiciously over a period of time, values in excess of this could be achieved, and after taxation would result in distributions of at least that amount.


This takes into account our IFRS valuations, adjustments to businesses that are not valued under IFRS, premiums for control, and a value for our asset management business and other operations we own.


To be clear, we have no intention of liquidating the company in this fashion as we believe this would be a poor long-term decision for shareholders and would undervalue the overall franchise built up in the company. Instead, we intend to continue building the business and expect that over five to seven years, the value of the company will compound at values in the range of at least 12% per share starting with today’s intrinsic value.


Compared to alternatives, we believe this offers shareholders an excellent risk-adjusted investment. The value we are creating results from increases in cash flow on our core assets, the hard work by our 23,000 operating people, and our asset management operations ultimately being valued on a multiple of cash flow traditionally accorded to these types of well-established franchises.


Lastly, and maybe most importantly, in five to 10 years we believe that our asset management operations will mature to a point that if its intrinsic value is not reflected in the share price, we will be able to separate this business from our real assets to ensure the values are surfaced.


Of course, this value may be recognized in the stock market as more investors better understand our strategies, but we will always have the option to take steps to sell assets and repurchase shares, or spin-off assets to shareholders in order to surface value.


Structure of our Organization


One significant step towards maximizing our business flexibility was the launch of our publicly traded flagship infrastructure and renewable power companies, over the past five years.


The first step was the listing of Brookfield Infrastructure in 2008. The second step was the merger of our power operations into our recently launched Brookfield Renewable Energy Partners, completed in 2011.

第一步是2008年$Brookfield基础设施(BIP)$ 的上市。第二步是将我们的电力业务合并到我们最近成立的$Brookfield再生能源(BEP)$ ,该公司于2011年完成。

The next step, expected in 2012, if we can achieve it, would be the launch of a similar flagship public entity for our property group, which is currently one of the largest diversified real estate businesses in the world. If launched, this entity would likely be created through the partial spin-off of shares of our currently 100% owned property group to our shareholders, as we did with Brookfield Infrastructure in 2008.


Like our other two flagship entities, this entity would have a mandate to expand globally, be managed by us and have a strong dividend payout policy. As with the others, we would retain a very meaningful investment in this business.


And, while it is possible that our flagship property entity, like Brookfield Infrastructure, will take time to find a base of global income and growth oriented investors who wish to be our partners, we expect that its global profile and asset values will enable the company to take advantage of both scale and global diversity to enhance capital allocation decisions and therefore returns for its shareholders.


Once the full re-alignment is completed, and with our flagship private funds working in conjunction with these sector specific listed entities, we believe that we will have created a global asset manager with access to long-term capital that few will rival.


This competitive advantage of structure and scale, our operating knowledge from our business platforms, and our mindset of longer term capital returns should provide us with the ability to deliver top tier returns to you, as well as our investment partners on a consistent basis.


Earnings Capacity and Dividends


We have approximately $26 billion of shareholder equity capital, which over time should earn an all-in compound return close to 15%. After costs and allowances for margin of error, we believe that we can compound our equity at 12% over the longer term. This enables us to earn for shareholders approximately $3 billion annually or about $4.60 per share, which will continue to grow over time as a result of compounding.


Of the $3 billion, about $1.25 billion is cash flow generated from the assets. The balance of $1.75 billion represents the intrinsic value that builds within the assets over time and is recognized as cash when we monetize assets either through sale, refinancing or other forms of monetization such as taking a company public and reducing our interests.

在这30亿美元中,约12.5亿美元是由这些资产产生的现金流。剩余的17.5亿美元是随着时间推移在资产中积累的内在价值,当我们通过出售、再融资或其他货币化形式(如将公司上市和减持我们的权益) 将资产变现时,这些价值被确认为现金。

In addition, some of this wealth creation is recognized each year through our income statement or equity statement, as value is recognized under IFRS accounting, or otherwise marked to market. For example, in 2011 we generated a 14% return or $5.33 per share, approximately 28% from cash flows received and 72% from asset appreciation.


We use a portion of the value created annually to distribute dividends to you. This year we are increasing our annual dividend by four cents per share, bringing the dividend to 14 cents per quarter or 56 cents on an annualized basis. This increase reflects the resumption of our policy from years ago of increasing the distributions over time by an amount that corresponds to the growth in cash flow generated from the business, while ensuring we retain sufficient capital to build our equity base, and maintain strong investment grade ratings.


We have the capacity to pay larger dividends over time, although generally we believe that re-investment back into our four major businesses is more accretive to long-term shareholder returns than payment of substantially higher dividends.


We currently distribute about $350 million annually to you as shareholder dividends and believe this proportion is appropriate for a long-term business such as ours, where growth relies on having capital available to capitalize on opportunities as they arise, and especially when others do not have the same access to funding.


Our acquisitions in 2009-2010 of General Growth Properties and Babcock & Brown Infrastructure and recent purchases of defaulted loan portfolios and other assets from European corporations, illustrate why having strength to act when others cannot, generally leads to exceptional returns.

我们在2009-2010年收购了General Growth Properties和Babcock & Brown Infrastructure,最近又从欧洲公司购买了违约贷款组合和其他资产,这些都说明了为什么在别人无能为力时有能力采取行动,通常会带来非同寻常的回报。


2022-11-26 19:13


2022-09-16 20:01

“目前,我们每年向你们派发约3.5亿美元的股东红利。我们相信,这一比例适用于像我们这样的长期业务,因为我们的增长依赖于在机会出现时拥有可用的资金,特别是当其他公司无法获得同样的资金时。我们在2009-2010年收购了General Growth Properties和Babcock & Brown Infrastructure,最近又从欧洲公司购买了违约贷款组合和其他资产,这些都说明了为什么在别人无能为力时,我们有能力采取行动,通常会带来非同寻常的回报。”

2022-09-19 11:04

Global Interest Rates and Real Asset Returns 【全球利率与实际资产回报】We have been living through the lowest interest rates experienced in living memory. This has allowed governments, corporations and individuals to slowly work through debt issues that would otherwise have resulted in a broader and more extensive financial correction. The resultant low level of interest rates should continue for a number of years, but eventually this presents one of the greatest investment risks for global investors.


2022-09-15 17:44
