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爱德华·索普(Edward O.Thorp) 解释在股市赚钱和在赌场靠记牌(card counting)赚钱的相似和区别。




怪不得都说索普是量化投资之父。量化投资的精髓就是找优势(have an edge)+多次下小注(bet often),靠大概率来稳定收益。

Q: How are casinos similar to the stock market?

A: Imagine you are investing in an index fund. The casino is Mr. Market, who offers you a collection of bets. If you choose an index fund, say VTSAX [the Vanguard Total Stock Market Index fund], on a typical day it randomly fluctuates by 1%. But there is a long-term drift in your favor of about one twentieth of a [percentage point]. So if you had $1 million in your portfolio in such an index, Mr. Market will come to you each day and say, “Let’s flip a coin. If it’s 50/50, then you’ll win $10,000 or lose $10,000. But I’ll pay you $500 if you play that day.” If you play for one day, you’ll be at $9,500 or at $10,500. If you play for a year, the chances are moderately good that you’ll be ahead because those $500 payments add up and overcome the fluctuation. Maybe a third of the years, you’ll be down and unhappy. But if you play for 10 years or 20 years, then those $500 payments just keep adding up.

Warren Buffett has also devoted his life to compounding. So a similar process happens at blackjack tables. If you’re counting cards, you have a little drift in your favor. But in blackjack you play 100 hands an hour, and in a week you may play 4,000 hands. In a casino, you get to the long run fairly quickly.


有三个骰子,骰面的数字分别为 A={2, 2, 2, 2, 5, 6} , B={ 1, 1, 4, 4, 4, 4}, C={3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3}。对手挑一个骰子之后你也挑一个,游戏的规则是数字高的赢。

2018-03-25 04:52

有个小意见,bet often并不是下小注,只能翻译成频繁下注,特别是对于股市而非期货期权而言,分散持股的情况下短期波动正负5%的情况都很少,这时候没必要考虑一次清零的情况,所以应该在有超额收益的时候全仓甚至部分融资,在风险可控的情况下尽可能争取超额收益和风险溢价

2020-01-30 08:42

怪不得都说索普是量化投资之父。量化投资的精髓就是找优势(have an edge)+多次下小注(bet often),靠大概率来稳定收益。

2018-04-19 20:42


2018-04-19 17:22

A股有时候像天天德州的低级场,桌子上其他人没事就all in,拿着一对A也是经常输给运气


问:为什么现在持有$伯克希尔-哈撒韦B(BRK.B)$ 而不自己去寻找更好的机会?


Q: Why not go out and find better investments, as you did in the past?

A: When I was 35, I had lots of time and less money, so doing 10% or so better than the index, with little risk, was attractive and fun. At 85, the marginal value of time is higher and the marginal value of money is lower. These are strong disincentives when I can make a long-run 10% or so by doing nothing.
Q: You’re 85 and look like you’re in your early 60s. What’s your secret?
A: I think rationally and clearly about how to slow aging. I’ve been exercising since my 20s. I started running marathons when I was 47. I’ve run 22; my personal lifetime best is 3.17 hours. I spend five hours a week in vigorous walking or easy jogging. I work out with a trainer twice a week. I feel I should do more. I have a body-mass index of 22 and am comfortable there. I try to eat semi-intelligently.
I have never smoked. It has got to be one of the stupidest things. I have never met Jim Simons of Renaissance, the greatest quant hedge fund guy ever, because he was a chain smoker and I didn’t want to go into his office. You should think about your overall health and fitness plan. You are your own best health manager. Get started by telling yourself: Some is better than none, and more is better than less.

2018-04-06 13:03


2018-03-28 18:29
