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简单研究了下,公司本身是类似伯克希尔哈撒韦的保险公司浮存金长期投资收益的模式,但是13F的选股实在是耸人听闻,投了一水的垃圾公司,诸如黑莓、Fitbit之类,都是产品垃圾公司价值持续毁灭的标的,导致这公司近年来股价暴跌。。prem watsa此人的选股能力堪忧,而且似乎还死不悔改,投错了死扛。所以这个老总对其他公司的背书可靠性也存疑。Atlas的前身塞斯潘基本是经营失败破产重组的,但管理层似乎没有彻底替换,那么新任CEO是否可以把这个摊子管理好还真是难说。//@坚信价值:回复@坚信价值:【巴菲特接班人的新征途Atlas Corp(ATCO)】
$枫信保险(FRFHF)$ 老板Prem Watsa吹他们的第一大仓位$Atlas(ATCO)$ (之前名字叫Seaspan),里面其实最中心的逻辑就是投资一个人,大卫索科尔(David Sokol)。


Under the leadership of David Sokol as Chairman and Bing Chen as CEO and with the acquisition of APR Energy, we expect that the recently re-named Atlas Corp. (formerly Seaspan) will continue to be a significant driver of shareholder value over the long term. 
With the addition of APR, Atlas Corp. has become a holding company that we fully expect David and Bing will continue to build into a compounding machine (think Mid-American 2.0). We are very appreciative of the efforts of Chuck Ferry, APR’s CEO, and John Campion, its founder, before him and we believe Chuck will do a tremendous job driving the business forward under David and Bing’s leadership.
At year end, Atlas Corp. shares were selling at $14.21 per share, approximately 8.5x earnings, with a dividend yield of approximately 3.5%. 
Please remember that Mid-American, under David Sokol, compounded earnings at more than 20% over a 20-year period. 
Including the APR transaction, we have invested $760 million in common shares of Atlas Corp. (cost per share $7.57), and we hold 25 million warrants exercisable at $8.05 and $500 million of 5.5% debt.
2019-05-31 12:09
$EUROBANK ERGASIAS(EGFEY)$ (希腊第三大银行) 11.5亿。最近把在希腊地产商Grivalia的股份换股并进了了Eurobank,相当于底部加仓200%来Triple Down,时机不错,...


2020-06-30 10:11

Seaspan原来的管理层Gerry Wang和Graham Porter在2017年就已经出局了。