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seekingalpha上这篇帖子讨论了IBM软件板块营收和利润变化趋势的重要性,目前软件部门营收占比只有28%、却贡献了IBM整个公司55%的毛利,因为软件业务毛利率太高了(88%):the 6% decline in YoY software revenues measured on a constant currency basis were more extreme than we had expected. The Software segment makes up only 28 percent of IBM's revenues but a full 57 percent of its profits



// Given the much higher transactional mix in the fourth quarter, this had a larger impact on our total software performance, resulting in a deceleration in software growth in the fourth. Looking ahead to first quarter, which has a lower transactional mix, we will see an improvement in our revenue trajectory. We’ve said in the past that our performance reflects that many of our large clients with multi-year contracts are utilizing the flexibility on deployment of their software, as they build out their environments with our broad portfolio, and this is continuing. Outside of our top 250 clients our software revenue was up low single digits in the fourth quarter, and for the full year.


@xiaodanemma @iamabian @狮面 @matias @坚信价值 @博凡投资 @onedot @飞雪_厚积薄发 @boolen1216 @Oaktrees @识途马 @qwer惠星 @MyLovery


2016-01-22 18:45


2016-01-22 18:40

---10年前,你卖我两台power,告诉我这是information on demand 
