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$阿斯麦(ASML)$ 发布了23Q4财报,CEO宣称2024年将是过度年,预计全年收入和23年差不多,但预计25年将强劲增长,对于半导体行业的预期,则认为总体来看处于复苏阶段(也认为半导体整体在25年强劲)。



无论如何,目前盘前ASML上涨5%,而且带动其他三大设备股AMAT,$拉姆研究(LRCX)$ ,以及KLAC均盘前上涨2%。这两天LRCX和KLAC也会发布财报,我估计情况和ASML差不多。不过有一点就是之前台积电的出色财报,已经拉动这四只半导体设备股上涨5%,今天ASML估计又能拉兄弟一把,基本上半导体设备股都处于阶段新高的位置,这些利好已经或多或少被计入了。

半导体板块中另一只重要股票,模拟半导体的龙头$德州仪器(TXN)$ 财报数字则不是太好,主要是工业/汽车半导体不灵,目前盘前下跌4%左右,看了看工业/汽车半导体占比比较高的安森美,意法半导体等则被带动盘前下跌1.5%左右。


$阿斯麦(ASML)$ duv都是中国之前booking的,中国net sales占比39%。但今年booking应该是euv超预期吧?
ASML (Buy) - Very Good Orders - we cant see any meaningful areas of concern / weakness.
Blockbuster Q4-23 orders of €9.2bn, 253% up QoQ and 155% ahead of consensus.
The orders came 50-50 from memory (DRAM) - Logic with €5.6bn of EUV orders.
The company maintains its guidance for flattish revenues in 2024, while reiterating that this is conservative.
This includes €700m of fast shipments which is less than what was previously assumed at €2.3bn, which points to the underlying growth in the business being better.
Margins will slightly decline this year due to multiple headwinds previously flagged including a decline in high margin immersion revenues in China.
EUV shipments in 2023 was 53, slightly above the previous guidance of 52 and the shipment number is guided to be flat in 2024 with revenues rising due to higher ASP.
The company also remains committed to a strong growth in 2025, which is well supported by the surge in Q4 orders.
$台积电(TSM)$ $中芯国际(SH688981)$


01-24 19:02

