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回复@Bear_Prince: 请教一下大佬怎么看近期SMCI、NVDA、TMS等芯片股的sell off呢?感觉自从IWM开始rally以后,龙头股和芯片股就开始持续回调,明天TMS出财报也不知道能否继续超预期[捂脸]//@Bear_Prince:回复@Bear_Prince:As GLD approaches to ATH, I’m closing rest of my GLD calls. Got stopped out on CELH calls btw. Added more SMCI, AMZN, ONON, NVDA, DIS, MBLY calls.
2024-07-13 00:13
血脉贲张的一周渐渐进入尾声,随着今早公布的PPI和Umich数据后,6月重头宏观数据基本公布完毕(重头means Fed cares)。Umich flagged both lower 1yr and 5yr inflation expectation十分重要。PPI core和headline大幅度beat estimate, 但主要diven by trade service(+0.2%MoM, you take this part ...


我认为是buying opportunity, 包括今天ASML带着semi sell off其实有点似曾相识发生过,上次也证明仅仅代表ASML specific issue。catalysts除了TSM,还有potential SMCI pre announcement window 18-24天 before earning, 也很有可能announce split。IWM total market cap加起来不如meg7里面的个股,所以很难justify 完全从big cap tech/semi rotate进small cap这样的theme, 我还是维持semi/big tech会一起rally together with broad market