
61.59 0.17 0.2768%

最高:62.06 最低:61.21


怦怦然2018-02-06 09:50

$恐慌指数做空-ProShares(SVXY)$ Announcement concerning the determination of early redemption of foreign index-linked securities "2049 NEXT NOTES S & P 500 VIX Inverse ETN" which is the listed ETN listed trust beneficiary certificate (hereinafter referred to as ...查看全文

经纬8882018-02-06 09:35

$恐慌指数做空-ProShares(SVXY)$ 从雅虎财经上看到的,
SVXY from previous day 104 and vix at 17.
SVXY was 6 times more in price.
Then 115% increase in vix should be divided by 6 then X2,
The fair price for SVXY should be 104 X 38.3= 39.80

ConsciousNBrave2018-02-06 09:24

$恐慌指数做空-ProShares(SVXY)$ truly wipe out in one day.查看全文

方小正永远202018-02-06 09:22

$恐慌指数做空-ProShares(SVXY)$ 我计算下来,按照现在 SPVIXSTR 110.37元来算,明天 SVXY的开盘价应该在50元左右,网页链接,4点时 SPVIXSTR 收报 84.82美金查看全文

方小正永远202018-02-06 09:12

Calculation of the VIX Futures Term-Structure Total Return (TR)
A total return version of the index is calculated, which includes interest accrual on the notional value of the index based on the three-month U.S. Treasury rate, as follow...查看全文

方小正永远202018-02-06 09:05

$恐慌指数做空-ProShares(SVXY)$ 网页链接 这是SVXY追踪的指数最官方的网站,供大家参考计算,安心查看全文

__ZZ__2018-02-06 09:00

$恐慌指数做空-ProShares(SVXY)$ 盘后11买入,看明天了查看全文

泪熊猫2018-02-06 08:58

$恐慌指数做空-ProShares(SVXY)$我现在唯一担忧的是,proshare手中的头寸在盘后被margin call强平了.查看全文

方小正永远202018-02-06 08:50

$恐慌指数做空-ProShares(SVXY)$ 网页链接 NYSE 纽约证券交易所 SVXY期权的价格现在还是合理的查看全文

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$恐慌指数0.5x做空-ProShares(SVXY)$ 美东时间 2018-09-18 拆合股: 4合1 网页链接

$恐慌指数做空-ProShares(SVXY)$ 美东时间 2017-07-17 拆合股: 1拆2 网页链接