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conkers2018-12-21 22:42

$Portola制药(PTLA)$ 15真来了[滴汗]查看全文

非洲人咸猪手2018-12-21 20:49

$Portola制药(PTLA)$ gen2的这批存货直接选择了费用化,而没选择资本化。也就是说,之前生产的这批GEN2存货,我们在资产负债表的库存一栏里是看不到的,而直接反应在了前几个季度的每股亏损中。 这样做有一个好处,因为成本已经提前计提了,未来卖gen2的时候,这批药的成本就是0。到时候EPS会非常...查看全文

非洲人咸猪手2018-12-21 12:00

$Portola制药(PTLA)$ 其实前几个季度的conference call说的很清楚了,gen2的药已经生产了足够供应未来两年的存货。就等fda点头开卖了。如果gen2的通过存在巨大风险的话,他们会冒险提前生产那么多存货吗?我觉得不会那么蠢吧?查看全文

美股马甲2018-12-21 05:51

$Portola制药(PTLA)$ 清仓RAD,半仓PTLA查看全文

conkers2018-12-21 05:16

$Portola制药(PTLA)$ 狠。让我赔了不少查看全文

Dr牛市来了么2018-12-21 00:52

$恐慌2X做多-VelocityShares(TVIX)$ 又一枝独秀了…… $Portola制药(PTLA)$ 这种业绩还没开始实现的股,牛转熊的大盘之下,走势可以用惊涛骇浪形容了[捂脸]查看全文

conkers2018-12-20 23:45

$Portola制药(PTLA)$ 看来今天能收个长下影的十字查看全文

姑苏客船2018-12-20 23:05

$Portola制药(PTLA)$ Tide up little tide down huge...做空股数太多的表现...查看全文

Im4lish2018-12-20 22:48

$Portola制药(PTLA)$ 这么跌,,,真要怀疑消息是不是偷跑了,,,查看全文

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$Portola制药(PTLA)$ 4 Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of securities Accession Number: 0001209191-20-040371  Size: 12 KB 网页链接

$Portola制药(PTLA)$ 4 Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of securities Accession Number: 0001209191-20-040380  Size: 16 KB 网页链接

$Portola制药(PTLA)$ 4 Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of securities Accession Number: 0001209191-20-040346  Size: 20 KB 网页链接

$Portola制药(PTLA)$ 4 Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of securities Accession Number: 0001209191-20-040356  Size: 8 KB 网页链接

$Portola制药(PTLA)$ 4 Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of securities Accession Number: 0001209191-20-040364  Size: 13 KB 网页链接

$Portola制药(PTLA)$ 4 Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of securities Accession Number: 0001209191-20-040326  Size: 23 KB 网页链接

$Portola制药(PTLA)$ 4 Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of securities Accession Number: 0001209191-20-040332  Size: 10 KB 网页链接

$Portola制药(PTLA)$ 4 Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of securities Accession Number: 0001209191-20-040341  Size: 25 KB 网页链接

$Portola制药(PTLA)$ 4 Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of securities Accession Number: 0001209191-20-040307  Size: 23 KB 网页链接

$Portola制药(PTLA)$ 4 Statement of changes in beneficial ownership of securities Accession Number: 0001209191-20-040311  Size: 12 KB 网页链接

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