
6.18 -0.53 -7.9%

最高:6.46 最低:6.0219


Kinghang2015-11-21 02:49

跪求大反指做空美股,在感恩节我会为空了一个月美股的熊熊们祈祷的. 没有你们当柴火,这火哪能烧的这么旺.
奉劝大家一句,我等草民无谓去猜测塔尖的那些人怎么想,顺势赚钱,风头不对跑路就好. 把自己整的跟神一样的乱预测,到最后会被打脸变 神 经病....查看全文

-我最帅2015-11-19 11:52

$Direxion Daily S&P Biotech Bear 3X Shares(LABD)$
我就不信治不了你。。 [抠鼻]查看全文

King-Slayer2015-11-19 03:04

$Direxion Daily S&P Biotech Bear 3X Shares(LABD)$ The Committee anticipates that it will be appropriate to raise the target range for the federal funds rate when it has seen some further improvement in the labor market and is reasonably confident that inflation will move ...查看全文

-我最帅2015-11-19 00:32

$Direxion Daily S&P Biotech Bear 3X Shares(LABD)$

魔法学徒2015-11-18 04:29

$Direxion Daily S&P Biotech Bear 3X Shares(LABD)$你也学学
Uvxy 同是神经病你也看看人家是怎么发的[俏皮]查看全文

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$生科3x做空-Direxion(LABD)$ 美东时间 2018-03-29 拆合股: 10合1 网页链接