57.34 0.00 0.0%

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火羽流2020-12-22 00:11

$FLIR系统(FLIR)$ FLIR为Amazon旗下全自动驾驶初创公司Zoox Robotaxi提供红外热成像设备网页链接查看全文

AlphaNYC2020-12-07 22:24

$FLIR系统(FLIR)$ ——最近对军用无人机制造商Altavian的收购为近程侦察项目创造了主承包商的机会。对Altavian的收购进一步扩展和补充了FLIR现有的相机产品线。FLIR最近还发布了用于预测交通管理的新型人工智能交通摄像头。FLIR公司推出了新一代的TrafiSense AI和TrafiCam AI,它们的人工智能技术...查看全文

NoNameUSA2020-12-02 00:04

$FLIR系统(FLIR)$ 这个票没看懂好在哪。ARK为啥进。哪位看懂了求讲解查看全文

Because_ll2020-11-24 08:40

$FLIR系统(FLIR)$ ark也加了查看全文

AlphaNYC2020-11-11 22:42

$FLIR系统(FLIR)$ —推出新型人工智能交通摄像头用于交通管理。FLIR公司推出了新一代的TrafiSense AI和TrafiCam AI,它们的人工智能技术处于前沿。FLIR的新相机优化了交通流量,提高了道路效率和安全性。与FLIR公司的Acyclica云平台相结合,TrafiSense AI可以帮助预测交通,防止拥堵和事故。FLIR交...查看全文

火羽流2020-10-20 01:53

$FLIR系统(FLIR)$ 蓄势待发,等待月底的财报查看全文

意流2020-10-04 21:40

$FLIR系统(FLIR)$ $大立科技(SZ002214)$ 9月1日,美军第25步兵师第3步兵旅战斗队在夏威夷Schofield军营接受新的现代化装备,包括新的夜视仪系统,手枪激光瞄准器和黑色大黄蜂3袖珍无人机。黑色大黄蜂3又名Black Hornet 3,也称为个人侦察系统,是黑色大黄蜂侦察无人机系列中最新的型号,在2019年才...查看全文

火羽流2020-09-18 01:50

$FLIR系统(FLIR)$ 大头是军用。小头是民用。最近很多红外测温的订单,机场、工厂安装常态化红外设备。将来可能用于自动驾驶。查看全文

破落鸭头2020-08-26 13:30

$FLIR系统(FLIR)$ 红外热成像的广大市场在猪,不在人。

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$FLIR系统(FLIR)$ S-8 POS Securities to be offered to employees in employee benefit plans, post-effective amendments Accession Number: 0001193125-21-161576  Act: 33  Size: 34 KB 网页链接

$FLIR系统(FLIR)$ S-8 POS Securities to be offered to employees in employee benefit plans, post-effective amendments Accession Number: 0001193125-21-161578  Act: 33  Size: 34 KB 网页链接

$FLIR系统(FLIR)$ S-8 POS Securities to be offered to employees in employee benefit plans, post-effective amendments Accession Number: 0001193125-21-161579  Act: 33  Size: 34 KB 网页链接

$FLIR系统(FLIR)$ S-8 POS Securities to be offered to employees in employee benefit plans, post-effective amendments Accession Number: 0001193125-21-161580  Act: 33  Size: 34 KB 网页链接

$FLIR系统(FLIR)$ S-8 POS Securities to be offered to employees in employee benefit plans, post-effective amendments Accession Number: 0001193125-21-161583  Act: 33  Size: 34 KB 网页链接

$FLIR系统(FLIR)$ S-8 POS Securities to be offered to employees in employee benefit plans, post-effective amendments Accession Number: 0001193125-21-161568  Act: 33  Size: 34 KB 网页链接

$FLIR系统(FLIR)$ S-8 POS Securities to be offered to employees in employee benefit plans, post-effective amendments Accession Number: 0001193125-21-161569  Act: 33  Size: 34 KB 网页链接

$FLIR系统(FLIR)$ S-8 POS Securities to be offered to employees in employee benefit plans, post-effective amendments Accession Number: 0001193125-21-161572  Act: 33  Size: 34 KB 网页链接

$FLIR系统(FLIR)$ S-8 POS Securities to be offered to employees in employee benefit plans, post-effective amendments Accession Number: 0001193125-21-161574  Act: 33  Size: 34 KB 网页链接

$FLIR系统(FLIR)$ S-8 POS Securities to be offered to employees in employee benefit plans, post-effective amendments Accession Number: 0001193125-21-161558  Act: 33  Size: 34 KB 网页链接

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