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新浪科技讯 北京时间10月28日下午消息,畅游(Nasdaq:CYOU)今天发布了截至2013年9月30日的第三财季财报。财报显示,畅游第三季度营收为1.83亿美元,同比增长10%;按非美国会计准则计算,归属畅游的净利润为7320万美元,同比下滑4%。以下为第... 网页链接


2013-10-28 16:14

畅游付费用户数还是继续下降。 Total average monthly active accounts of the Company’s games[3] were 31 million, a decrease of 14% quarter-over-quarter and 21% year-over-year. The quarter-over-quarter decrease was mainly driven by a decline in active accounts of TLBB as a result of the Company’s decision to not release new game features in TLBB’s third quarter expansion pack that are typically popular with players, such as maps, virtual items or new gameplay, in light of the imminent release of the major expansion pack “New TLBB” in October and because the Company closed down certain game accounts in TLBB so as to further enhance the balance of the in-game economic system. The year-over-year decrease was mainly driven by a decrease in active accounts of TLBB due to the reasons just mentioned and a decrease in active accounts of DDTank as the game has entered into a relatively mature phase. @罗马斯基 @梁剑 @TAKUN


2013-10-28 14:47
