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淘沙见金2018-01-30 23:16

$Achaogen, Inc.(AKAO)$ Achaogen Announces Upgraded Status for Plazomicin Fill Manufacturer. Production plant issue solved and as a highly shorted stock, would expect to see some reversal trend now.查看全文

Takeabreak2018-01-03 23:35

$Achaogen, Inc.(AKAO)$ 有什么消息吗?往下有点多啊查看全文

needgod2017-12-30 02:12

$Achaogen, Inc.(AKAO)$ 怎么又开始跌了查看全文

美股医药Z博士2017-12-22 23:07

$Achaogen, Inc.(AKAO)$ 简而言之吧,公司的抗生素在今年上半年的III期临床试验中表现出良好的效果,但是因为NDA提交的迟缓和一些生产设施不完善,导致股价一直从20-30块的价位跌倒现在的10-11块。公司在10月底递交了NDA申请,按照FDA60天的原则,应该最晚在下周初接受NDA。股票在前两天已有上涨势...查看全文

淘沙见金2017-11-29 23:29

$麦迪逊医药(MDCO)$ 公司把抗生素产品线Vabomere/Orbactiv/Minocin 打包卖给了Melinta ,头期付款只有 $165 million。这无疑把这个做抗生素的厂商的估值拉下来,$Achaogen, Inc.(AKAO)$$Paratek Pharmaceuticals, Inc.(PRTK)$ 都是受害者。但是需要注意的是MDCO的产品本来就没有什么竞争力,另...查看全文

美股马甲2017-11-29 22:50

$Achaogen, Inc.(AKAO)$ 跌的有点狠查看全文

望望大饼2017-11-14 23:35

$Achaogen, Inc.(AKAO)$ 是要崩盘了吗???查看全文

美股马甲2017-11-09 05:33

$Achaogen, Inc.(AKAO)$ 盘后跌了10%,这也太惨了……查看全文

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$Achaogen(AKAO)$ EFFECT - Notice of Effectiveness Filed: 2019-08-20 AccNo: 9999999995-19-001929 Size: 1 KB 网页链接

$Achaogen(AKAO)$ EFFECT - Notice of Effectiveness Filed: 2019-08-20 AccNo: 9999999995-19-001930 Size: 1 KB 网页链接

$Achaogen(AKAO)$ POS AM - Post-Effective amendments for registration statement Filed: 2019-08-16 AccNo: 0001193125-19-223513 Size: 21 KB 网页链接

$Achaogen(AKAO)$ POS AM - Post-Effective amendments for registration statement Filed: 2019-08-16 AccNo: 0001193125-19-223516 Size: 21 KB 网页链接

$Achaogen(AKAO)$ S-8 POS - Securities to be offered to employees in employee benefit plans, post-effective amendments Filed: 2019-08-16 AccNo: 0001193125-19-223522 Size: 24 KB 网页链接

$Achaogen(AKAO)$ S-8 POS - Securities to be offered to employees in employee benefit plans, post-effective amendments Filed: 2019-08-16 AccNo: 0001193125-19-223523 Size: 24 KB 网页链接

$Achaogen(AKAO)$ S-8 POS - Securities to be offered to employees in employee benefit plans, post-effective amendments Filed: 2019-08-16 AccNo: 0001193125-19-223527 Size: 24 KB 网页链接

$Achaogen(AKAO)$ S-8 POS - Securities to be offered to employees in employee benefit plans, post-effective amendments Filed: 2019-08-16 AccNo: 0001193125-19-223530 Size: 24 KB 网页链接

$Achaogen(AKAO)$ S-8 POS - Securities to be offered to employees in employee benefit plans, post-effective amendments Filed: 2019-08-16 AccNo: 0001193125-19-223534 Size: 24 KB 网页链接

$Achaogen(AKAO)$ S-8 POS - Securities to be offered to employees in employee benefit plans, post-effective amendments Filed: 2019-08-16 AccNo: 0001193125-19-223540 Size: 24 KB 网页链接

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