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2019-08-22 09:35

Oxyntomodulin (OXM) is a peptide hormone released from the gut in post-prandial state that activates both the glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor (GLP1R) and the glucagon receptor (GCGR) resulting in superior body weight lowering to selective GLP1R agonists. OXM reduces food intake and increases energy expenditure in humans. While activation of the GCGR increases glucose production posing a hyperglycemic risk, the simultaneous activation of the GLP1R counteracts this effect. Acute OXM infusion improves glucose tolerance in T2DM patients making dual agonists of the GCGR and GLP1R new promising treatments for diabetes and obesity with the potential for weight loss and glucose lowering superior to that of GLP1R agonists.