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这期capital allocators请来克拉曼,
blah blah讲了很多
1. 克拉曼的Baupost几十年了都没有持有过任何中国股票,因为他觉得这个地方太热闹太招人偏爱,不会有什么好的价值投资机会。
2. 不过最近开始他们看一些机会,也持有了一个跌了90%市值的中国公司股票(估计是新东方)。
3. 中国持仓占很小的一部分。
4. 他个人还是对新兴市场比较谨慎,认为他们没什么超额能力,Baupost偏爱美国与欧洲市场。
“we talk to our clients not that long ago about a few Chinese stocks we were finding. we had never owned anything in China for decades it was in favor everybody was lining up to go there l knew that they have a pretty authoritarian system of governance and didn't want to be on the wrong side ofthat we stay away from most markets like that as a pretty regular rule. yet the stocks were starting to Discount such a significant degree of China risk that we felt like for the first time ever that you're actually getting well paid. and we found a company whose stock was beaten down 90 percent and thought that was attractive and so far so good but it's not a large percentage of our Capital but it was very Intrepid idea by one of our analysts I don't have a view about emergent markets about the frontier markets we're humble enough and cautious enough to know that if you don't live in a country if you don't have people that are active in that country you're at a real disadvantage and so I have no idea what the premium should be for buying equities in Africa or equities in Asia but when I find a stock trading at 25 cents on the dollar I know that those…..”


艾伦-格里芬2023-07-22 13:07


DrChuck2023-07-22 13:53


MisterMyth2023-07-22 15:41


陈达美股投资2023-07-22 14:10

简单来说下他的看法:1. 克拉曼的Baupost几十年了都没有持有过任何中国股票,因为他觉得这个地方太热闹太招人偏爱,不会有什么好的价值投资机会。2. 不过最近开始他们看一些机会,也持有了一个跌了90%市值的中国公司股票(估计是新东方)。3. 中国持仓占很小的一部分。4. 他个人还是对新兴市场比较谨慎,认为他们没什么超额能力,Baupost偏爱美国与欧洲市场。以下是原文:
“we talk to our clients not that long ago about a few Chinese stocks we were finding. we had never owned anything in China for decades it was in favor everybody was lining up to go there l knew that they have a pretty authoritarian system of governance and didn't want to be on the wrong side ofthat we stay away from most markets like that as a pretty regular rule. yet the stocks were starting to Discount such a significant degree of China risk that we felt like for the first time ever that you're actually getting well paid. and we found a company whose stock was beaten down 90 percent and thought that was attractive and so far so good but it's not a large percentage of our Capital but it was very Intrepid idea by one of our analysts I don't have a view about emergent markets about the frontier markets we're humble enough and cautious enough to know that if you don't live in a country if you don't have people that are active in that country you're at a real disadvantage and so I have no idea what the premium should be for buying equities in Africa or equities in Asia but when I find a stock trading at 25 cents on the dollar I know that those…..”

我叫厉飞雨2023-07-22 14:04

Of course,and you know .....


2023-07-22 14:01


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